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Dogs and Fireworks


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My Lab takes off to the basement and hides behind a sofa. Even severe thunder storms scare the crap out of her.My Pom however just barks like mad, and wathches to see what i do. If i dont show signs of concern, she just lays back down and goes to sleep.

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Fireworks and thunder never bothered Murphy (black Lab). I was told if you don't make a big deal of it the dog might too. :dunno:

Thats not the case in my house..I think its more of an age thing..As the dogs get older they scare easier. My husky is only 3 but the jack is 7 and scared silly..She never used to be.

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I've been fortunate to have dogs that have never really minded it too much along with thunder. I have a few friends with dogs that get upset by both thunder and fireworks. Some give their dogs Rescue Remedy (homeopathic drops) and some use what is called a thunder shirt, and I think Global pets carries them. Sometimes sitting in your lap can be enough :)



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Marvin has always hated the the loud bangs of fireworks too Joey and would hide under the bed, but his hearing is pretty well gone now. We were out on the front porch Saturday night watching some fireworks down the road and he never even flinched.

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Hi Joey,

Give him a quiet place to hide and try not to react to his behavior with too much poor baby stuff....Sometimes they will feed off your concern and it will on reinforce to him that there IS a reason to be frightened. My old dog was terrified and over the years has become much better about it. Hopefully your Ralphie will get better!!!!

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My Lab takes off to the basement and hides behind a sofa. Even severe thunder storms scare the crap out of her.My Pom however just barks like mad, and wathches to see what i do. If i dont show signs of concern, she just lays back down and goes to sleep.



Fireworks, gunshots, or thunder and I could count on my old lab either hiding in his bed in the laundry room or under the computer desk at my feet. The two Bostons didn`t seem to be phased at all by it.


If we had the dogs outside? The lab would head for the garage, maybe he was the smart one? LOL

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When I was getting into retriever trials with my balck lab Remmy, one of the older gents taught me to bang pots and pans, yell, make other loud noises when the pup was eating. The dog would then associate loud noises with a "happy" time.


Either of my labs were ever gun shy or afraid of loud noises, I assume the above was the reason why.

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My 16 month lab must be fearless as one of our neighbours set off a really loud firework and she sprung up from her sleep and began to look out the window and bark at them letting them know that fireworks will not be tolerated at 10PM :lol:. She didn't even react to the not so loud ones.

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Thanks for the replies everyone. The first night he kept barking and whining, but didn't hide, just sat on my lap, so the second night I took him over to the park to watch when it started up again so he could see what it was all about. He damn near climbed up my body to my shoulder and clung to me shaking, so I took him home again. He continued last night barking and sitting on my lap but he did manage to finally fall alseep (probably exhausted from the two nights before).


Thanks again all!

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Last night fireworks were going off all around the neighbourhood and our 5 month old Wheaton didn't seem too bothered, she barked a few times, looked at us as if to say "should i be alarmed" and then continued chewing her toys .. LOL

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My german shepherd has never been bothered by loud noises like fireworks or thunderstorms. It doesn't faze her at all, yet my inlaws dog is very frightened by loud noises. Seems like every dog is different, there must be someway to train them to get used to it. I would imagine someone with a hunting dog would know on here.

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