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Blackberry vs samsung Galaxy Ace


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Depends, i came from a bold. I have the galaxy nexus. Sweet phone, but the reception and battery life are poor compared to the blackberry. I also miss bbm considering almost all my friends have blackberries. Not sure I'd be a fan of the ace, older os and mediocre specs, but than i haven't used it first hand. My brother used a prepaid lg Android, 2.2, didn't like it. But he ditched it to grab an iPhone nearing contract End

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My old Blackberry curve just kick the bucket...I was looking at the Samsung galaxy Ace and a Blackberry curve...I know the samsung is a touch screen which i never used before. which phone is a better phone?


Do you want a business phone with data capability or do you want something to play with in your spare time with access to hundreds (thousands) of apps...........where the phone is secondary. How many text messages a day do you send. Can you type on a touch screen or would you prefer a keyboard. Me, I can`t deal with a touch screen and could care less about the zillions of apps..........don`t use `em, but that`s just me, so I like the Blackberry Bold.

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Imo black berries are a thing of the past they may have invented the smart phone but fell way behind on keeping up with the competitors. If you want an easy phone to use get an iphone if you want a handheld computer that can do everything imaginable get the galaxie, I have an older S model and am still amazed at what it can do. Navionics , up to the minute weather reports, gps and don't forget OFC mobile.

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yep, what John asks.


Came from life of corporate Blackberry and then moved to corp iPhone (not much choice). For pure business, BB wins hands down. Keyboard: while it may seem a minor thing, is HUGE diff for those who actually need to bang out clean sentences. BB battery life is much better than iPhone battery life. small things like the tally light that lets you know when you have messages, being able to assign individual tones/alerts to contacts so you know when an important email or call is incoming.


If you're a consumer of media, yeah, the iPhone, and probably Galaxy will be better. More apps ( if that actually means anything to you). I do like the map on the iPhone (shows traffic conditions, red for pooched, green for smooth sailing). iPhone camera is way better than BB as well.


Sorry, I know I've compared the iPhone instead of the Galaxy as that's what I have experience with and presume the Ace will be similar to the Apple product. For me it would boil down to what your intended use will be for the device.

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Had the curve, which was great in the 2G north, but I've switched to a bold. I'm not a phone junkie so I'm not the best judge, but So far its good. I don't like that the thumbpad is so close to the touchscreen. I'm always clicking this and that without noticing. Also, on OFC mobile, there is a typing delay so its nearly impossible to type properly... Very annoying actually.

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I have an Iphone, very happy with it. It has many useful apps such a maps, navionics, GPS, touch screen for texting is user friendly. Oh yah I have "angry birds" which keeps me occupied while in the crane on a slow day. U can buy the navionics app for $15. compared to $300. when u buy the chip for your fish finder or chart plotter. Sorry I didn't answer your question.

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I had the older curve for work. Now have the new bold. For work purposes it's good. For my personal I had the Galaxy S now have the Galaxy S2. Love them. Never had an I phone but have lots of friends converting to Android. Mostly due to way more free apps. Bigger screen, a virtually indestructible screen.

Edited by nancur373
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For blackberry...

- email is easily better (real push, better software, keyboard)

- phone antenna is better.

- case construction is more durable (if you drop things like i do)

- battery


For Galaxy or iphone you get access to WAY more apps, which is a pretty big deal.

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Imo black berries are a thing of the past they may have invented the smart phone but fell way behind on keeping up with the competitors. If you want an easy phone to use get an iphone if you want a handheld computer that can do everything imaginable get the galaxie, I have an older S model and am still amazed at what it can do. Navionics , up to the minute weather reports, gps and don't forget OFC mobile.


As a pure business phone perhaps you can explain how Blackberry has fallen way behind....

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