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Was I out of line?

mike rousseau

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I've been down this road myself countless times in the past.


Invariably I always drive. I mean always.


For whatever reason that's just the way it seems to work out.


Depending on who I'm fishing with, some guys will force gas money on me and for that I'm thankful.


Others sometimes take advantage I think.


I never make an issue out of it. Personally I believe that what goes around comes around.


I wouldn't dream of keeping the kids rod and reel, but I do get where you're coming from.

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How much gas money does he owe you? How long of a trip is to the lake from the city?


If I'm going to the lake and I want some company, my buddies are more then willing to pitch in for gas money. If it's a 15 min romp from the house and they are already traveling over an hour to get here, I don't ask for a cent.

Edited by BillM
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Mike, i think i know who you are talking about. I would be tempted to do the same thing.My first reaction would be to say "Screw him !!! The rods mine". After sleeping on it, i would be the better man, and give him his combo back.

Seeing he is a local, he may have some nasty friends who could start a war, and make things tough on you.

Look what he is gonna miss out on in the future.The adventure of fishing with you.

Let him know that his fishing days with you are over. He has no boat, and by the looks of it, no one else to take him fishing. Once he sobers up, he may realize just what he has lost, and call you up to pay up.

Follow your heart budsmile.gif

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to me it depends on what the original understanding was. was it your idea to take it easy on him for costs or was it his. was the arrangement not to share costs a temporary measure ? if he left the rod with you in exchange for costs or he made a commitment to pay his share but didn't than i think you're in the right. If not than i don't think you should be keeping his stuff. most importantly do you want to fish with this guy again? doesn't sound like it.

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Personally I would rather spend the day on the water or ice and not worry about splitting money. My buddies and I never keep track. If they want to pay for gas or bait I let them (usually). If I am broke someone always steps up to get out fishing. If they are broke I step up.

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Personally I would rather spend the day on the water or ice and not worry about splitting money. My buddies and I never keep track. If they want to pay for gas or bait I let them (usually). If I am broke someone always steps up to get out fishing. If they are broke I step up.


But with me... I'm broke... I don't have a job... I need the gas money so I can afford my next day of fishing...




9/10 times on the water it's with my truck and my boat...the other days are in my brothers boat... And we don't count gas cause I take him and he takes me...




I put in about 100 days of fishing last year... At 20-40$ a day that's 2000-4000 in gas at the end of the year...


So people stiffing me really adds up


If I get stiffed 1/3 times out...It's a grand at the end of the year


That's a grand off my debt...


Or a grand in my kids education fund...

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A good friend will cover the cost one way or another. It could be many things, or just money, either or.


This has obviously happened to all of us at one point in time.


To me, it doesn't really matter. If I go out of my way, whether it be mileage or something, I expect to be repaid, whether it be money, bait, coffee, or maybe you just fillet after were done?


Doesn't really matter, it's just common courtesy.


The only person I've ever screwed on a trip was my dad. And I was down and out, and the trip was his idea. Within a few days I repaid the money with interest. If I couldn't, it was a no, or I made sure he understood the situation.


IMO, don't lose a good friend over petty things. Just don't take him on his word for a fishing trip.


But only you know if he's a good guy or a loser. Do whatever you feel necessary.


I'm guessing, by posting this question, you feel bad and need to justify your actions. If thats the case, return the rod, apologize, and thoroughly explain why you made that decision.


Then move on

Edited by manitoubass2
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Well if he really is a "friend", I wouldn't keep his rod, or be upset about the cash. Friends are for life man. One day down the road when your hurting, he may be able to help you out some way. If you keep his rod, he is going to be pissed, and your "friend" won't help ya at all.


I never take gas money from friends, but I always offer if they drive. They hardly take it, but I can't just not offer. If Im not driving, i ALWAYS buy coffees, food and bait. Always.


What comes around goes around. Friends are important. You helped him out, only to burn him. If I was him, I'd be pissed, and think YOU are a bad "friend".



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But with me... I'm broke... I don't have a job... I need the gas money so I can afford my next day of fishing...




9/10 times on the water it's with my truck and my boat...the other days are in my brothers boat... And we don't count gas cause I take him and he takes me...




I put in about 100 days of fishing last year... At 20-40$ a day that's 2000-4000 in gas at the end of the year...


So people stiffing me really adds up


If I get stiffed 1/3 times out...It's a grand at the end of the year


That's a grand off my debt...


Or a grand in my kids education fund...



Not to be rude, but fishing is a past time... You should be out pounding the pavement looking for a job if funds are that thin, not out on the lake wondering if you're buddy will give you $20 so you can get out on the lake the next day.


Priorities man...

Edited by BillM
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and Bill beat me to it.


If I had a kid and I was broke and jobless, fishing would probably be the last thing on my mind tbh. That money would be going into an RESP as your son's future is more important than you landing skis or eyes.


Not saying you hang up the rods obviously, but maybe cut back on it some or go out in a buddy's boat every now and then.


Like Bill said...priorities.



Good luck and I hope this resolves itself so no bridges are torched to coals.

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My honest opinion. I would have told him to come get the rod and not troubled myself with the awkward confrontation. I just wouldn't dial his number next time I was goin out on the water.


Bill, I hear that. I was on a seriously tight budget this past summer and parked the boat the entire season. It never saw the water. Tough go for sure but it had to be done to throw money at some other things that took precedence

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

fishing can be VERY expensive so it would be best just not to bring someone that can't pitch in if you need it. i wouldn't take his rod however. not really a classy move, especially if you're trying to make a name for yourself as a guide. take the high road. you can't force a person to make fishing a priority in their lives. i've learned this lesson many times over.

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It's not really a black and white situation, difficult to say. I've never demanded gas money (or accepted) but I'm also usually offering to take someone fishing when I'm going out anyway so they're not costing me anything. There's been times where myself and others take turns buying bait but I'm usually fishing with family (who I don't ask for money from) or friends who's boat I've also used. I don't keep track of those things because friends should be willing to return the favour when push comes to shove.


But what it boils down to is he really a good friend, or just taking advantage of you? Sounds like the latter to be honest. Everyone has a breaking point when they run out of patience and it sounds like you've had enough. Nobody likes being someone else's doormat. You're in a situation where you're starting a guide service, you want this to be a source of income. You're not just doing it as a hobby and he should understand that.


I wouldn't keep his rod though. Like someone else mentioned it won't help your reputation at all (and that's huge for a guide since most of it's word of mouth). Just tell the guy straight up if you want to come fishing again then pay me first. Some people if you give them an inch they will take a mile and see how far they can get before you say something. Set firm boundaries for everyone from now on and take this as a learning experience. Money comes and goes, don't do something you might regret later for a few bucks, even if you do feel you're right.





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Mike...i have had 'friends' like this guy too. I have been promised money before only not to see it materialise....i no longer fish with these people and have lost 2 friends.


I understand the point some people have made about not asking or even expecting money if you are already going...but when i hear about how good life on pogie is all winter i think...yeah...its friggin great as long as you have someone like me to ferry yur arse on and off lakes with my snowmachine, my gas, my truck, my bait, my portable shelter, my fishfinder....sometimes even my friggin sandwiches and smokes! MOOCHERS NOT WELCOME!


Give the moochin' dood back his rod and be done with him, but ignore his calls for a month before you give it back :devil:

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Mike...i have had 'friends' like this guy too. I have been promised money before only not to see it materialise....i no longer fish with these people and have lost 2 friends.


I understand the point some people have made about not asking or even expecting money if you are already going...but when i hear about how good life on pogie is all winter i think...yeah...its friggin great as long as you have someone like me to ferry yur arse on and off lakes with my snowmachine, my gas, my truck, my bait, my portable shelter, my fishfinder....sometimes even my friggin sandwiches and smokes! MOOCHERS NOT WELCOME!


Give the moochin' dood back his rod and be done with him, but ignore his calls for a month before you give it back :devil:


All of our plans are now cancelled. I was totally relying on your gas....


lol, good points though.


P.S. When you come to Rainy next year, will you please pay my rent??? BWAHAHAHA. Small price to pay for landing those hyyyyyuge rainy river small eyes

Edited by manitoubass2
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All of our plans are now cancelled. I was totally relying on your gas....


lol, good points though.


P.S. When you come to Rainy next year, will you please pay my rent??? BWAHAHAHA. Small price to pay for landing those hyyyyyuge rainy river small eyes



Darn it...what you never recieved the check i sent? lololol

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I never ask for or expect gas money when a friend and I go fishing or hunting (or much of anything else) unless it is a special trip and we have agreed to split costs up front. When a friend drops by the house for a visit I don't usually ask them to cover part of my heat or hydro or pay for their coffee or beer either. I will usually offer to pony up some cash if I am going with someone else but that usually depends on who it is, if it is someone that I take out with me then I usually figure it all works out in the end. (guess that's why I'm always broke)


As far as loosing $20.00 a day in gas money and how it is going to affect your child and family; Tim Horton's pays $10.25/hr to start, that is $82.00 a day X 100 days = $8200.00 toward your kids education or your debts. If the money is that important to you, get a job and fish when you can like the majority of us do.

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I feel for you Mike , your young and your in buisness and now learning what it takes . Give it a few more years and buisness will teach you all the right answers for every situation that will come your way and get prepaired for the changes that will happen to you , for now learn how to seperate friends from customers , you have to do this if you want to remain sucsesful in the future . The last thing you want to do is give him back his stuff cause then you feel like he got the best of you i know but heres what the bigger men will do . Thats just about every thing the others sudgessted to you on here no matter how bad it makes you feel , but unlike some here you are a buisness man and if you would like to know what i would do as i am a buisness man , i would aproch him face to face ,hand him his gear ,and warn him that if he ever wants to go fish with you again and where the cost needs to be split because you can't afford freebies to all your friends just yet , your gona take him out in the shipping lanes and thro him and he's gear over board if he thinks you need to foot the bill each time yous go out . This now should make you feel better and at the same time teach him where your coming from , now you can go your way and he can figure out if he still likes you or not , either way its no skin off your butt and proof is most here already told you how they feel about a person like that . Good luck Mike

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I'm sitting here at 5:00 AM reading this post and the question that keeps coming to mind is why are these people going fishing all the time when they have no jobs and no money :dunno:


Hang up the fishing poles boys and go find a job and start earning money to support your selves.


If I didn't have a job or the money to live properly, the last thing I'd be thinking about would be fishing.


As for taking money for gas, over the last 10 years I've had about 65 DIFFERENT guys & gals from this board in my boat for a day of fishing and I would NEVER accept money from any of them.


Different story if we go away for a few days and there's hotel & restaurant bills to pay, but just for a day, the gas is on me. But it's the same when I fish outta their boat, I don't offer them money for gas either.


As for the guys fishing pole, give it back to him, but that's just me.

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