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our new baby is home


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Congrats on the new pup. He looks beautiful!! Boy does it bring back memories from not so long ago when my Toby was that small. He is now an almost full grown Lab but looked a lot like yours does just a year ago. I'll keep saying it, they grow up way to fast. Enjoy, they are great dogs.

Edited by motion
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oh my, beautiful addition!!!!


I love how she(he) hasn't realized that shes(he's) in heaven....yet thumbsup_anim.gif


Thanks Rick, well...when you come up next week you can tell him :thumbsup_anim:



Beautiful pup! Kitty looks doesn't look too impressed, though.....


Lol...she tore a strip off him within the first 15 minutes he was in the house...he does not go near her now and she is surprisingly at ease with him now...as long as he is mor than 12" away.




Im shure kitty will like you taking the intruder fishing :rofl2:


I'm sure you are right...lol.



Adorable :)


Thanks Maureen...he is pretty hard not to love. I see you have a new addition too.



Looks like he's going to fit right in. Great companion for your boy as well.


Thanks Chris...everyone tells me they love to swim...he's in the right place if its true. Jack named him and constantly tells us he loves him.



What a beauty!! woof


Thanks C4C! :thumbsup_anim:



a new bud for jack awesome looking pup


Thats really why we got him...Jack has been asking for a puppy ever since he was able to say so.



That close up of him sleeping is super cute. Just watch out he doesn't fall in an augered hole.


Yeah...that would suck! I will watch for that...thanks for the reminder Blair :thumbsup_anim:



Love me some puppy pics :). Thanks for posting, Hes a lucky pup!


Lol...i cant wait to see those floppy ears flying on the casting deck!

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Cute Pup Simon and Jacks gonna love him, all kids should grow up with a dog. I think the cat may have a different opinion though :lol:


Lol...yeah...the cats were not amused...our other cat Bert has not really ventured from behind the washer dryer for the last 2 days!



Congrats on the new pup. He looks beautiful!! Boy does it bring back memories from not so long ago when my Toby was that small. He is now an almost full grown Lab but looked a lot like yours does just a year ago. I'll keep saying it, they grow up way to fast. Enjoy, they are great dogs.


Thanks Motion....i've always loved labs since i was a kid, my wife had one all through her childhood...so it was inevitable really.



What a babe catcher !!!!clapping.gif

He will give you years of comical pleasure my friend. Congratsthumbsup_anim.gif


Thanks Paul...babe catcher...why didn't i think of that...oh yeah...i'm married...lol.



That is one cute dog.


Thanks Staffman...yup..melts your heart.



Cute pup, it is like having another infant in the home and as you can see above, poor Jack is already experiencing the effects of Second child syndrome! :lol:


LOL...actually Jack has really taken a shine to Roloff and does not seem phazed at all by the attention not all being on him....i am very proud of the way he has been toward the dog...he's a good boy is our Jack.



Awesome!!!! Puppy pics...the next best thing to an "ice man cometh" report :lol:


LOL...with all the kids and puppies this year it was more like an "iceman hath Arriveth" report, lol...i never got round to even worrying about not being in the boat and waiting for ice... :unsure:



Cute pup Simon!!! I better not show this to my daughter and wife :o


Do it Jacques...i am surprised you do not have a dog.

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