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Gas Prices Again


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Well, here we go again.


Yesterday's futures markets saw a clear drop of more than 12 cents a gallon or 3 cents a litre for gasoline. Normally this would be reflected at the pumps overnight, less the routine withhold by Canadian refiners of a penny, more or less, because they can. You pay for this clear lack of competition at the refinery level in Canada. No surprise there.


But it gets better


Despite initial wholesale trends among most of the major players, that late yesterday afternoon were settling on a 2.2 cent a litre drop, Esso decided to defy this undeniable market signal and actually raise prices, which all others then followed.


Do you need any more proof of who dominates the downstream price structure in the GTA ?

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Montreal gas prices dropped overnite by 3 cents a liter.I wonder how much it will be when i leave work tonitewallbash.gif



Did the French demand that Paul ? I say that because i know the best deals are always in Qc .

Edited by Skipper " D "
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Did the French demand that Paul ? I say that because i know the best deals are always in Qc .



What peeves me more is, 30Kms from here, just this side of the Amercan border, its 10 cents a liter cheaperwallbash.gif

In general, we are always at least 3-5 cents a liter higher than in Ontario. Cant figure that one out eitherwallbash.gif

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They didn't ask for your res card or are you status ? The odd time I've been in Ohsweken, I've always been carded when getting gas.


Thinking my next personal ride is going to be diesel.




It's a huge source of income for the rez community...


There is like 20 stations on a 10 mile stretch on 1 road...

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On CNN this morning they were warning every American who plans to drive anywhere for the holiday this week to bend over, because the speculators were going to drive the price up for Thanksgiving down there. You can't expect the Canadian companies and speculators not to join in now can you?


One day the public will wake up in North America and speculators of commodities will be treated like looters are after a natural disaster because they are just as evil...

Edited by Canuck2fan
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47 cents a gallon for gas , 56 cents for a large pack of smokes we paid in the early 70's . Back then i lived in London ont and drove a 1200 Datsun fastback , when holiday time came round it meant you had to go home and home for me was in Ontario back at the Quebec boarder . To make the trip we would gather up what little money we had , cash in the pop bottles and with 28 bucks it would pay for the gas there and back plus any treats we had along the way . I remember then it was cheaper to drive home then to pay for the 36$ ticket for the Greyhound . That same trip to day cost 350$ in my truck , plus 12 bucks for a pack of smokes .

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Hey Skip, back when I was in the Navy in the 60's and stationed in Halifax, a RETURN train ticket from Halifax to Toronto and back to Halifax was $38 and if I was in a hurry a RETURN plane ticket on Air Canada was $96


Today it would probably cost $96 in gas just to drive my truck to the airport :lol:

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