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R.I.P Steve Jobs


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The dude fought off pancreatic cancer for many years.Thats in itself is a feat.Was one of the few true innovators in this world.I have no problem with real rich guys,they contribute disproportionally to the economy (read..jobs created)and taxes in this country where over 50% pay no taxes at all.Must be different up there but this about Steve and its a big loss.


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The dude fought off pancreatic cancer for many years.Thats in itself is a feat.Was one of the few true innovators in this world.I have no problem with real rich guys,they contribute disproportionally to the economy (read..jobs created)and taxes in this country where over 50% pay no taxes at all.Must be different up there but this about Steve and its a big loss.


That was my point Dap dude did his share to HELP out people fought against the micosoft world ,who is gonna take on them now hes gone , can you say monopoly , we have our tax evaders just as you do , he was a great innovtar sad that he is gone .

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A very Sad day indeed.


I have been in IT for almost exactly as long as he was ... and I can say first hand that he was an amazing guy and his vision was an inspiration to many.


His commitment to that vision despite all odds against him ... he single handedly gave some of the worlds biggest players many sleepless nights as he turned the technology paradigm on its head more than once.


He was definitely One of the "few".

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YES! Point was... there is no need for the "blah blah blah about his company or financial position. He's dead..


thanks Irish, for me he changed the way we create any typesetting material/advertising . . .

I'm happy to have been involved in the transition from metal typesetting to computer produced type.

And I've contributed with helping develop/produce type faces we use today. Google Les Usherwood and see what we did about type design and production.


I'm now sitting typing this on an iPad. Try that with any PC siting in a corner or basement.


BTW you build great planes since you are still flying them, I'm sue Leah will have a lot more to say.

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RIP Mr Jobs. Ya done good!


(PC vs. MAC aside)


He was a hardcore Software person and there will be one or a few from the Apple world who will try and step up and bring on newer, better, faster and all new ways of thinking and products.

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It's not just a sad day for those of us who use Macs. Anyone who's ever used an iPod (or one of its numerous knock-offs) .... an iPhone (or one of its numerous knock-offs) .... a computer mouse .... or any sort of computer that didn't require you to type in line after line of code has been touched by Steve Jobs' genius and vision, because they all started out as ideas in his fertile mind. To be dead at 56 is tragic - for him, his family and friends, and for all of us. Who knows what else he could have come up with had he lived another 20 years?


Very sad day indeed. The man was one of a very rare breed.

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I don't use any Apple or Microsoft products at all, but if I had to choose between Steve Jobs and Steve Ballmer for a fishing partner, I'd leave the ape on shore and see what the iLures Jobs brought along could catch. Sad news for his friends and family, and his followers. 56 is very young.

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“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life." “Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."


Steve Jobs RIP.

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We wouldn't be on this board if it wasn't for him and his company. Windows and our lowly computer mouse are direct descendants of the original Mac of 1983-4. My first computer was an Apple IIe. All I was able to do was play some games and do basic word processing but it taught me how to use a computer. He was a visionary and was more influential to the computing world than Bill Gates IMHO.


RIP Steve Jobs

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The man probably had the most vision of anyone that I have met. He saved something that was dying under John Sculley (who fired him in the '80's) and turned it around into the biggest technology company in the world.


RIP Steve Jobs, you did well.

Edited by John
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He has touched and changed millions of peoples lives directly or indirectly. His tools assisted me in my latest trip to AP when I was chasing them brookies, or when I go in a new lake in my boat I always leave a GPS marker in case I could not find my way back to the dock. Let alone all the hundreds of other ways his vision has simplified my daily life. Not saying we need more technology in our lives, matter of fact, I'd say we need more "twignology" but this guy was a genius.


Leonardo of today's gen has passed away - don't think you will see another for quite some time. RIP Mr. Jobs.

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