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Dumping fish remains into the lake.


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I put my fish on ice, take them home, wrap in newspaper and fillet them the next day.The skin seperates easier. Then i freeze the balance and throw in the trash on garbage day.Personally, i dont like finding stinking remains on the shore when i launch.



most of the remains sink... the only part that floats is what i believe is fatty tissue in the stamoch cavity... seagulls take care of that in seconds...

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This got me thinking - it's a question I sure don't know the answer to. And it seems that people have a lot of "opinions". So I went to the source. Straight out of the Fisheries Act:


36. (1) No one shall


(B) leave or deposit or cause to be thrown, left or deposited, on the shore, beach or bank of any water or on the beach between high and low water mark, remains or offal of fish or of marine animals;


Disposal of remains, etc.


(2) Remains or offal described in subsection (1) may be buried ashore, above high water mark.


I didn't find anything about dumping remains directly in the water. Maybe someone else would care to take another look.

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I slept overnight on the boat in the cove at Beckwith island one night this summer. I got there just before dark and put down an anchor. I thought that the water (normally very clean) was kind of "ripe" but didn't notice until morning the 10 or so lake trout someone had filetted and dumped in the 5 ft of water. So much for my start of the day swim.


That is normally pristine water in that cove, but the rotting fish remains really made it awful. No turtles in that bay either. If you dump the guts, keep it away from swimming areas or drinking water (remember lots of cottages pull water from the lake).

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most of the remains sink... the only part that floats is what i believe is fatty tissue in the stamoch cavity... seagulls take care of that in seconds...


I know Mike, but if they make it "OK", there are those who just throw that stuff every where.I have found fish remains on shore near the launch, and in the water under the dock.I have almost stepped in rotten guts on nunerous occasions, at numerous launches over the years.

Where were the gulls and other critters that were sposed to swallow that stuff up?

Not all anglers are as courtious as us OFNersclapping.gif

There is really no reason to throw fish remains in the water. Look at rivers and lakes as the "roads" we use to access our fishing spots. I wouldn't throw garbage of any kind on my roads, i dont throw fish garbage in my waterways either.But thats just medunno.gif

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Slightly along the lines of fish remains, what are your thoughts with filleting fish on rivers and what to do with the head and bones? I know that it is illegal to waste an entire fish on the stream (and I am against this), but taking the fillets and leaving the head/bones/tail can be beneficial to the surround environment. The nutrients can be absorbed by the local wildlife and I'm sure other little critters will take advantage of it as well.







I see Port Credit still has thier fishing cleaning station.Been there for years.Was nice to see last weekend. TRADITION.


This past weekend,I was at the so called "SALMON PARK" :whistling: in Angus. They too,have a fishing cleaning station. :worthy:


Heres my "QUESTION"


Where do the remains go? LANDFILL :dunno: OMG,WERE TOLD TO COMPOST.HELLO




We are brought from this earth .We go back in. I DONT SEE THE PROBLEM.



Yes, when we did fish frys on the ice,the remains went back in/down the hole. Back from where it came from.


I dont see the PROBLEM. :jerry:

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We burn the remains.

It should be a ballance between common scence and the area your in.?

No doubt that stupid people are eveywhere.

I also put remaines in the lake but its done properly(cut into pieces and scatterd)

I have also put them in flower bedds and gardens.


Ashes to ashes dust to dust..

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On a recent fly in trip with my family to the Chapleau Game Preserve I was disgusted to find piles of rotting fish carcasses all around the camp.


In the water by the beach, on the shore and in the water in several other places near the cabin. Even a pile in the water near the water intake line for the shower/cabin.


A veritable dumping ground.


I spent a good 40 minutes filling 4 pails with rotting carcasses and hauling them over to a nearby island.


The stupidity of some people never ceases to amaze me.

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On a recent fly in trip with my family to the Chapleau Game Preserve I was disgusted to find piles of rotting fish carcasses all around the camp.


In the water by the beach, on the shore and in the water in several other places near the cabin. Even a pile in the water near the water intake line for the shower/cabin.


A veritable dumping ground.


I spent a good 40 minutes filling 4 pails with rotting carcasses and hauling them over to a nearby island.


The stupidity of some people never ceases to amaze me.



Its even worse in an Urban Environment, like where i fish.Don't know if its because there are less scavengers, or if they just stay away because of the presence of mandunno.gif

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Pretty sure discretion is involved pending on the situation. Nothin wrong with feeding the bears, coons eagles, etc. if remote water or bush not a prob. public place? just put them in the trash can. Lets not make it more complictated then it has to be.

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Pretty sure discretion is involved pending on the situation. Nothin wrong with feeding the bears, coons eagles, etc. if remote water or bush not a prob. public place? just put them in the trash can. Lets not make it more complictated then it has to be.




I see Port Credit still has thier fishing cleaning station.Been there for years.Was nice to see last weekend. TRADITION.


This past weekend,I was at the so called "SALMON PARK" in Angus. They too,have a fishing cleaning station.


Heres my "QUESTION"






We are brought from this earth .We go back in. I DONT SEE THE PROBLEM.



Yes, when we did fish frys on the ice,the remains went back in/down the hole. Back from where it came from.


I dont see the PROBLEM.



Thats what I meant,yea. Your choice of words were better. TY

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I've thrown them in and come back an hour later and they were gone.


On the other side, I threw them off my grandfather's dock once on the Burnt River and they stayed for almost 7 days before we didn't see them anymore. Whether sediment buried them, current took them away or an animal finally found them is beyond me. Thank goodness I wasn't swimming there that week.

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i dunno if its legal or not, but whenever i clean my fish right after ive caught them (not very often), i just put them in a bucket and throw them as far out as i can. I dont think many CO's would bother ticketing you for that considering how many people are doing worse. If anything, your just giving the snapping turtles a free meal!

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I'd rather see fish remains in the water then smell them in the garbage :unsure: Some people think it's wrong, and it may be illegal, but it's the best way to get rid of them imo. Just be smart about it.

Leaving salmon and trout to rot on the shore though should be frowned upon <_<

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My fishing partner has historically always cleaned the fish and the station is thoroughly washed down afterwards. The guts go into a pail and I go out about an eighth of a mile offshore from our campsite and dump them in deep water. They disappear quickly. Back at the landing where we leave our vehicles, people regularly throw them just into the water from the shore and don't clean up their cleaning station very well. Then they wonder why Yogi and his friends come calling. The skeletal remains stay visible in the water for quite a while. The only upside is that we get to see what species they're catching.

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it is not illeagle to throw in river under the MNR they have forwarded me off to the MOE and have talked at length with enforcement officer waiting to here back from him now ....sept 7 just got a call back from the mnr apparently it is illeagle to do  if the carcass ever washes ashore you can be charged.... 

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