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Adolphus Reach/boq Report


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Headed for Picton at 8am on Thursday the 16th of November. Stopped at BPS in Vaughan to pick up Dano @ 10am. He made arrangements with store security to watch his truck over the weekend and felt it was a much safer place to leave it compared to a car pool lot at Hwy #9. we did our rounds in the store and were able to get through the cash register by NOON! Hit the highway for Picton...arriving at Merland about 2:45 in a monsoon. I'd reserved way back a few months back and got cottage #12 on the water



Dano moving in with our junk. We had enough food between us to feed a small army.


The flood outside our door


It rained and it rained and from 1am 'till about 5am Friday. The wind was HOWLING and our cottage was moving...a window blew open and I was sending telepathic messages to my cell phone to ring hoping it was Lloyd and he wanted to cancel. Off went a phone and I though YES>.. only to realize it wasn't my ring tone..it was Dan's alarm clock. Up we got 5:30 to meet Lloyd at 6am. Lloyd called to tell us he was hiding in the local car wash setting up the boat. We met him there and then followed to the Picton launch.


Dano...wet and driving as Lloyd sets up the lines about 6:25 am


Dano much happier and warmer after I let him have first fish at only 6:35am. A scrappy little 27'"r and you can see it's already getting rougher. Winds were 40 gusting 69kmph on Friday


Happy Dan after his first BOQ hog..


Now really starting to get mean. One thing....we had the reach to ourselves. 5 trips in total trolling down, pulling in all the gear and running back as close to shore as we could to stay out of the big ones. My back wasn't appreciating it...but adreneline kept me going. Since we were on a charter I'm not going to share speeds/tactics/lures etc on an open forum. I think we owe that to Lloyd considering years of perfecting on his part.


Gear out and you can get an idea of the wave height. They were about 4 feet to 5 feet high.


Our guide Lloyd Daume and myself deep in thought it appears. You won't meet a nicer guy than Lloyd IMHO


The next one I can't describe in type...many heard the story around the fire/Picton Inn dock..but we faught this one for a good 15 minutes. Lloyd said fish on...I said weeds and handed the rod back. Then the rod tip would take 5 or 6 pulses and he'd hand the rod back. Needless to say the pic says it all....but we had a good laugh about it...


We toughed out the rain/wind right thru the day. Almost 7 hours between fish...but at 3:10 I reeled in this baby. 31 1/2" and over 12 pounds.


We were having a good laugh and thought we'd try the full arm length pose! :rolleyes:


lloyd being shy! LOL


We tried for another 1/2 hour and then packed it in. Of course we were now down past the lighthouse again and it was a VERY painful ride back thru 4 and 5 footers at full steam. THANKS Lloyd...we had a ball despite the weather that was thrown at us.


Back at the cottage Dano and I had supper and some visitors for some immense laughs. I think we had Emil a bit worried at this point....but he figured us out I hope! On the couch l to r...icefisherman (Emil) that was bunking in with us and douG...with Dano fillin his face.



Up the next morning and headed for the reach. "Captain Dan" driving while I got our line spread out.


Captain Dan's first mate "Forest"...I mean me irishfield.


The planer mast doing it's thing. Worked like a charm with that adapter I made up...never budged a bit


Looking back. Two lines on planer line and two on riggers. We were being carefull on the riggers with nothing below 35 feet. Spoon on one and a diver on the other with the canon ball at only 5 feet.


About noon Dano hooked into a nice 28"r. Not much fight...but it sure warmed him up bringing in 200 feet of line!


Just thought this made a nice shot of what was going on in the boat and on the lake.


Rear 1/4 shot showing rods/planer board and the fact it's a lot calmer today


A short time later I hooked into this 28" scrappy bugger. It took a good 20 minutes even throwing the boat in neutral on and off. I was sure I had the biggest darn Sheepshead on...I was using a 10'6 rod and 5601 reel and I couldn't convince it to come in. I was doing good at times to hold it in place and while I'm doing that Ron is calling and calling on the radio. Once the fish was in i called him back only to find the bugger was trolling right beside us and just trying to make me busier. I'll get ya back Ron...don't worry bud! LOL


Saturday night we were all sitting around shooting the sheeeeeet and Dano and I said we were going to sleep in...take a day off maybe even since we had Monday to fish as well. We no sooner said that than Kevin that owns Merland walked in the door and handed me a note. "Buster will be here at 7am". damn...forgot about him...so we told Terry to plant him in front of the TV 'till we got up! Buster showed at about 7:05 and we didn't let him sit long and were out on the water by 8am or so.




We let Buster have first fish...since we already had two days behind us. Scrappy "little" 27"r. I forget the exact weight...but it was 6. something.


Dan cold and looking miserable (he wasn't miserable just looked it!)


Not too much longer and Dano had on his next fish. This one was only a 1/2" longer than Busters yet weighed in at 10.2lbs!!


Another ship..this one not pushing 6 feet of water and a little more nervous of the boating fleet. He even called on 16 for security that he was leaving the picton docks. The guy on Saturday didn't bother with that smart call and roared down the reach with boats scrambling out of his way.


Beautiful waterfalls that come out of Lake of the Mountain.



Hope you enjoyed that and sorry for the dial up hell...but that also took me a couple hours to do since I'm on 22,800 dial up myself.


See everyone at the next G2G!



Edited by irishfield
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Thanks for the great report and pics Wayne! Sorry to hear of your sore back. Glad you guys got some nice fish and that your planer mast base exceeded expectations! Oh, and the rear view mirror on your guide's boat is something I was gonna do for a long time.... since it sure prevents twisted necks and missed hits! Great idea!

Edited by cisco
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Yea, it was a great weekend with a great bunch of guys, lots of laughs and some pretty good fish to boot. What Wayne didnt mention is that out of our group, he landed the biggest 'eye of the week, and we both got personal bests! The charter with Lloyd was excellent, he is a stand up guy, I'd definitely go out with him anytime, thanks Lloyd, and thanks again Wayne for letting me in your boat, now I cant wait for Lakair! :D

Edited by Dano
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Great report Wayne and congrats on a PB. Glad to see you have a great time considering the conditions.

Don't want to offend anyone else here but if the was one person that deserved a good outing with a personal best it was you Wayne.

Thanks for taking the time to put your report together it was a good one. It amazes me the fish that come out of there, and to think that a 27" is just a little fella :D





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Awesome report! Thanks for taking the 2+ hours to write and post it! I read in the help thread that the limit for pics had to be increased for you for posting!!!! I just live less than 2 hours west down the 401, so if there is a BOQ trip next year, I have no excuses!!! Is the BOQ trip usually a fall trip? Are there Spring trips planned too?


Sounded like everyone had a great time.

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Thanks for sharing, it takes a lot of time to put up a report like that on high-speed Internet let alone dial-up. It makes it even that much more impressive.


Looks like everyone enjoyed themselves out there at the Walleye Factory!


See you soon,


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