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Hurt my back any doctors out there NF

Kawartha Kev

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Hurt my back last week at work lifting a heavy roll door any doctors here with any ideas to relieve the pain. Its my lower back that really hurts and is very stiff. I've been to the doctor who prescribed some muscle relaxants and some anti-inflamatories and suggested 1 to 2 weeks of no work and then modified duties after that so far its been almost a week with little change could use some suggestions if you have been through this pain of a bad back. Thanks


Kawartha Kev

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Hurt my back last week at work lifting a heavy roll door any doctors here with any ideas to relieve the pain. Its my lower back that really hurts and is very stiff. I've been to the doctor who prescribed some muscle relaxants and some anti-inflamatories and suggested 1 to 2 weeks of no work and then modified duties after that so far its been almost a week with little change could use some suggestions if you have been through this pain of a bad back. Thanks


Kawartha Kev


WOW ... if pain pills are not working you may have slipped a disc. if the pain is no better in a week it probably is a buldged disc you may need a m.i.r to show it . if it is muscle relaxers will not work well you will need a nerve blocker. i have 1perferated disc and 2 buldged disc and nerv damage to my back i was on oxycotin and all sorts of other pain meds. i seen a pain specilist and he got me on a nerv blocker there are lots out there just need to find the one that may work for you . good luck your in for a long haul mabey

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WOW ... if pain pills are not working you may have slipped a disc. if the pain is no better in a week it probably is a buldged disc you may need a m.i.r to show it . if it is muscle relaxers will not work well you will need a nerve blocker. i have 1perferated disc and 2 buldged disc and nerv damage to my back i was on oxycotin and all sorts of other pain meds. i seen a pain specilist and he got me on a nerv blocker there are lots out there just need to find the one that may work for you . good luck your in for a long haul mabey

I was thinking possibly a pinched nerve or something like that I already have tried several nerve pain killers for my troubles with my feet over the last year or so with no luck with them helping my feet. Have not tried the oxycontin or other big pain drugs don't want to get hooked on them this is a differant kind of pain from my foot pain which did have stiffness but they are extremely sensitive to touch and have tingling. This back pain is far worse not gonna be fun I expect.

Thanks Kawarta Kev

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Lay down on a bed get your wife or other to pull your legs straight. If 1 is longer than other head for the cruncher.

Lay on your side pillow between legs pillow to keep head inline with legs. Every back is different bag of peas or corn sorry 1/2 bag right on the spot. Then hit it with heat Zellars has these bags you nuke.

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Sorry for your pain... do you have pain in your hips or shooting down your legs? If not, likely you are dealing with a muscle issue, rather than a structural issue. If that's the case, you should be icing it on a regular basis.. stay away from heat!

Be very careful with any or all exercises as you may irritate it more.

Now, should you have pain in your legs, it's more than likely that you have some structural issues and those are best dealt with by professionals... and I don't mean Chiro or massage... neather will do you any good.

Rx's only hide the issue... if you provide more deets on your symptoms, I may be able to provide more info.


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I ask these guys about fishing problems..and do what they say


boat problems..and take their advise


but my health


I think I would go to that new thing they have in a few towns..now what is it called



oh yeah.



a doctors office.............

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I ask these guys about fishing problems..and do what they say


boat problems..and take their advise


but my health


I think I would go to that new thing they have in a few towns..now what is it called



oh yeah.



a doctors office.............




Thats what i like about you Terry, no messing around. Tell it like it is. This is probably the best advise to give KK.



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Thanks for all the replies everyone as some of you suggested go to a doctor I have done this and so far all he did was prescribe the drugs. I have tried the heat and cold without much success although the hot shower seems to help for a while. Right now the pain is so bad I wouldn't want to try much in the way of exercise or stretches as I can feel it as soon as I try to do too much will see what happens in another day or so then it will be back to the doctor to see what else can be done.

Thanks Kawartha Kev

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Hurt my back last week at work lifting a heavy roll door any doctors here with any ideas to relieve the pain. Its my lower back that really hurts and is very stiff. I've been to the doctor who prescribed some muscle relaxants and some anti-inflamatories and suggested 1 to 2 weeks of no work and then modified duties after that so far its been almost a week with little change could use some suggestions if you have been through this pain of a bad back. Thanks


Kawartha Kev


You did report this work related acccident to your employer, right? And filled out a WSIB form 7? And you told the doctor it is a work related injury?

BTW, if you're self employed, ignore the above.



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Thanks for all the replies everyone as some of you suggested go to a doctor I have done this and so far all he did was prescribe the drugs. I have tried the heat and cold without much success although the hot shower seems to help for a while. Right now the pain is so bad I wouldn't want to try much in the way of exercise or stretches as I can feel it as soon as I try to do too much will see what happens in another day or so then it will be back to the doctor to see what else can be done.

Thanks Kawartha Kev




If it is that bad go in to the hospital and get looked at.

You may have to wait around a bit but they will be able to get you the tests you need in short order.

If you go back to the doctor he will just give you a referral slip to go get the tests done.

By going straight to the emergency room you will save a day or more!!!

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You did report this work related acccident to your employer, right? And filled out a WSIB form 7? And you told the doctor it is a work related injury?

BTW, if you're self employed, ignore the above.



Yes Pikeslayer it has been reported to my employer and they have been told by my doctor about the 1to2 week time off and then modified duties not sure what they will be as my regular duties are of a labourer so it will probably be some kind of office work or something which won't help much as it hurts and stiffens up if I stay seated for too long.


Kawartha Kev

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Thanks for all the replies everyone as some of you suggested go to a doctor I have done this and so far all he did was prescribe the drugs. I have tried the heat and cold without much success although the hot shower seems to help for a while. Right now the pain is so bad I wouldn't want to try much in the way of exercise or stretches as I can feel it as soon as I try to do too much will see what happens in another day or so then it will be back to the doctor to see what else can be done.

Thanks Kawartha Kev


If you are still mobile, I wouldnt be to worried.


I threw my back out playing frisbee a few years ago... I had to take 3 days off work and I couldn't sit for longer then 20-25 minutes at a time.

If your watching tv, or resting.... lay flat on your back, put a couple pillows under your knees... that will take any pressure off the lower back.

When sleeping, as already suggested, lay with a pillow inbetween your thighs

There isnt much in the way of midication I found that worked.... other then the over the counter muscle relaxers. Then "helped" but that was about it.

Any time I was @ Home, I was flat on my back on the floor. It was the greatest feeling ever..... it really helps relief the pain.

It took a few months for things to get back to normal. But I didn't even bother with the doctors because I knew it would be a LONG drawn out process! and on top of that... I knew they would initially just prescribe some pain relievers and send me home. I figured I am still mobile ... can't be that bad!


My advice, rest, ice/heat pad, some muscle relaxers to help with the spasms, and ride out the storm...

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I have no idea how things work up there, here companies send you to the company doctor, and since they are working for them? Their main concern seems to be reducing employer costs.


When I injured my back at work in 94 I was told it was muscle strain, after I took the x-rays that had been taken at the company`s clinic to a doctor selected by me? A herniated disc was clearly visible.

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Back pain and pills do not = an instant cure! You have damaged something and it will take time to heal. If you are still in pain after a week then go back and see your Dr.. Don't play games with your back, it could affect you the rest of your life!

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Guess I should explain. By checking witch leg is longer than the other. You will no how much your pelvis is twisted. This is also the first thing your chiropractor will do. Get a good one and you walk in 3 days.


My experience 30 years of back pain. Chiropractors are the fastest way to get working and living but I never go more than necessary.


Family doctor took 20 weeks 1 time for me. Not acceptable for me.

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The only thing that will "heal" a back is a time...


and once you've thrown it out once, it can always come back...


i blew mine out a month ago bending over to turn the shower faucet off... and BANG i was incapacitated for a week... i could barely walk or stand


Good Luck!!

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Well my back was not getting any better so it was back to the doctor but that didn't help as both my regular doctor's have gone on vacation until July 12 so it was off to the local walk in clinic. Not much better there having to sit around for an hour or more to get to see a doctor and be told pretty much what I already knew and was told to go to a massage and physio therapist so off to another doctor and another hour plus wait to get into to see the therapist. Another 10 to 15 minutes telling her what happened and assessment to tell me the same thing the other doctors told she then used a machine on me for about 15min.s of massage and then about 10 to 15 mins. of ultrasound followed up with a hot compress for 15 mins. I still don't feel like it has done anything to help going back for more of the same tomorrow and I think she wants to start some exercises. Of course the billing is gonna be fun as I don't have my claim papers yet my employer submitted to WSIB so I don't know if everything is approved or not and how much coverage I have from my work insurance and to top it off my insurance does not pay up front so I have to pay and get reimbersed later so who knows when that may be with the postal strike just being over and finally my employer offers me modified duties which at the moment I really don't feel up to doing but if I don't do them then it may be that WSIB won't cover my claim.


Sorry for the rant but it sucks being injured and having to jump through hoops to try and get better you'd think the priority should be on getting better and not having to worry about all these other issues.


OK I'm done with my rant thanks for listening.


Kawartha Kev

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call wsib and talk to your case manager . tell them what happened and who your employer is.. your family doctor is the one who tells you to go back to light duty or not. tell him you want a MIR if you have a buldged disk. the chiropractor will mess u up even more ... i took my x rays to a chiropractor and he said nothing i can do for you .... if you have a buldged disc or a perferated disk your not going to like what they have to tell you .. your lucky your employer had light duty ...mine did not

Edited by aplumma
testing the cuss filter is a no no
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I tried to get a hold of my WSIB case manager but couldn't get directly in touch with her had to leave a message and never heard back from them only thing that I could find out about my claim was that the decision was still pending some medical info or something and like I said my doctors are away until July 12th and the one at the walk in clinic concluded it wasn't likely a nerve or disc problem from the exam she did on me most likely muscle strain so no Xrays were called for and then comes the holiday and weekend so more delays I am trying to get to see a good chiropractor my friend dealt with but don't know when that will be meanwhile the bills continue to pile up and I don't feel up to doing even the light duties being offered so I wait maybe not until my doctors come back but who knows how long it may be to get in with him as I am sure there will be lots of other patients backed up all I could do was call the office and leave a message as no receptionist or nurse are working it seems either while the doctors are away just a message saying go to a walk in clinic or emergency. So the frustration continues to build!!!


Kawartha Kev

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