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Posted (edited)

Today was the day.


The day to see what all this hype was about pinning and what a day to start.Clear skies and the sun was shining. Well,the hype is pure, and when they say you,ll be hooked,well, Im hooked with this way of fishing.I knew it was going to be a new way of fishing for me as far as the reel went,the river rust came off pretty fast.The eyes arent like they use to be. Tying tiny swivels and putting on bird shot was alittle harder then in my younger years. :wallbash:


Never casting with a float reel,I started out by casting the rod and spinning the reel to get the line to go out.Most casts didnt work at the begining,but through trial and error,I was getting the float out there. Another fellow angler showed up and I watched him for a while and then asked how the heck are you casting that far? He showed me. Ah, I say.The line comes off the side of the reel.Took me about 10 or so trys,then got the hang of it.I was casting to the other side of the river.Very cool I must say.


I had my share of snags and reties,sure takes time away from the fishing.LOL

Anyhoo,once I had the basics down I was throwing and drifting like I had been doing this for awhile. :whistling:


I hit about 8 spots today before I had my first fish on as a newby pinner.All I got to say about that is, WOW/AWESOME.The rod does most of the work, all I did was just allow the fish to run a bit by lightly pressing on the reel with my index finger.Not a big fish,but sure full of piss and vinugar.


Im running 6lb main Maxum with vanish 4 lb tippit. I need to unspool the the reel and put some backing on so my casting will be easier.To mush reel interference.Also like I was told,I have line twist,,,,,,,already.LOL


I would like to thank Solopaddler and BillM for all their tips, to get me started. :thumbsup_anim:



Heres acouple of pics and this vid of my first pin chromer is for you Mike and Bill :worthy: .The notty in this area is catch and release for bows. Didnt bother me as I dont eat them anyways.


These signs need to be posted better.Like whos looking up trees for signs. :mellow:








Fish was caught on a chartruse quarter size roe bag.



<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvidmg.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fv731%2Fmisfish%2F20110402_05.mp4">


And yes JohnF.That was on the rod I bought from you. :clapping:

Edited by Misfish

Oh are you going to take a beating for lying that reel in the sand...LOL :tease:

Nice going with the new reel and first fish.

You were casting across the river on your first day?

Can you teach GBW how to do that? :rofl2:

  On 4/3/2011 at 5:36 PM, skeeter said:

Oh are you going to take a beating for lying that reel in the sand...LOL :tease:



YA first thing I thought when I did that.OH CRAP :wallbash::wallbash: .Got sand in it,flushed it out in the river right away.Alls good.Going to take it apart and clean it good.


Brian you're going to have to learn how to lay the rod across the back of your neck and rest it on your shoulders. There is a thread by Bigcatch called "fun in the spring" or something like that where there are some good shots of him hoolding the rod and fish.


Heck of report B, way to go. Must be a great feeling and to get a fish first time out, that's a big bonus :thumbsup_anim:




Those little chromers are awesome, especially out of that river. Wait until you tie into a 5-6lbr!! :) :)


I agree those signs should be everywhere and a lot more visible. I had a guy ask me last year if he could keep the fish he caught, I asked if he read the sign on the way down.


Way to go me son...thumbsup_anim.gif


That looks just like the way they fish for salmon on the rock on The Newfoundland Sportsman on the newfie TV channel...


Nice shootin Brian ....i watched your video without sound and found myself laughing the whole time through it ...no im going to have to watch it again and see if it is even funny or not...



Posted (edited)
  On 4/3/2011 at 9:38 PM, Beans said:

Way to go me son...thumbsup_anim.gif


That looks just like the way they fish for salmon on the rock on The Newfoundland Sportsman on the newfie TV channel...


Guess that gives the old meaning,"The apple dont fall far from the da tree" :Gonefishing:


Bill, the water was still higher then norm,but during the day,it was becoming pea.


I was totally shocked(like it was a natural thing), that I remembered to stick the reel when I had a hit.


Still talking the ear off of the mrs,s how great today was.


Thanks all for you replies.

Edited by Misfish

That looks like a lot of fun Brian.

You did well for a first time out.

I'd be tempted to try that if the rivers held fish like that around here.


Oh Brian me Brudder. You've gone to the dark side and converted to the dreaded clothesline pulley. :(


Tanks at least fer sharin' y'grief wit us all.


Edited to add: Oh and Brian, now that you've lost the battle and succumbed to the powers of the dark side you'll have to make your equipment the focus point of your pics. Your new friends enjoy seeing pics of your equipment (as it were), not your fish. Learn to hold the rod in your teeth. You get Vader

points if you can make little swirlies in your pic backgrounds too.....don't ask me why, something about not letting bass and muskie heathens into your sacred grocery cart and Pirelli infested waters.


to increase your chances Brian on your next outing ....leave the red articles of clothing on the clothline at home...once the water clears up and you can see them....they will see you too...stack the odds in your favour

  On 4/4/2011 at 2:25 AM, Roy said:

Oh Brian me Brudder. You've gone to the dark side and converted to the dreaded clothesline pulley. :(


Tanks at least fer sharin' y'grief wit us all.


Edited to add: Oh and Brian, now that you've lost the battle and succumbed to the powers of the dark side you'll have to make your equipment the focus point of your pics. Your new friends enjoy seeing pics of your equipment (as it were), not your fish. Learn to hold the rod in your teeth. You get Vader

points if you can make little swirlies in your pic backgrounds too.....don't ask me why, something about not letting bass and muskie heathens into your sacred grocery cart and Pirelli infested waters.



Roy it,s a way to pass the spring,then it will be turkey time then bass time then deer time then salmon time then icefishing time,then back to spring time.LOL



Oh and I always fish by the big white cross on the steeple.So no swirling required :whistling:



Ya red jacket.It.s what I had at the time.


Thanks guys.


Boy alot of rain over night.Not good.

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