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NF - I'm not religious....

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With the excitement and hopes that the gang does well at the Tyler event this weekend I hate to start something up that's on a lower note, but I could use some positive reinforcement or energy sent my way right about now. I typically try to keep personal things in my life detached from OFC as although I do consider very many of you my friends, even some whom I've never met, at the end of the day this is still a public forum. The board has done huge things for me such as hook me up with Dave Mercer... that lead to the job I have now, which allows me to provide for my family. Also, for the past two years my Fish-a-Thon has been a huge success largely thanks for the folks of OFC. For this I thank you guys more than you can imagine, but I need one more favor.


We have a new baby girl who was due to arrive in our lives sometime next month, and up until Thursday everything was going smoothly. Ginny went in for an ultrasound and to the doctor's shock Baby Claira hadn't gained the weight they expected. The only reason they did the ultrasound was because she was breach a few months ago. Now although she isn't breach anymore, she's under weight and they're concerned that something is wrong, so they're going to induce early labor and get her out on Tuesday. The doc's are going to have a special care unit in the room on standby in case they need to rush her out and take care of her. There's a good chance that she'll be just fine, but the doc's have to tell us the worst case scenerio's as well. I don't really know where I'm going with this....It's just been tough to concentrate the past couple of days. My wife is doing better since finding out and we're optimistic that everything will be a-ok but if anybody has been though something like this and has positive feedback please feel free to throw it my way. I've already spoken privately to one member who's helped me think positive about all of this. I'm scared, but hopeful and excited to meet my baby girl on Tuesday.


To top it all off my grandmother "Nanny" has since gone in for a routine checkup and they "found something". So they scheduled emergency surgery for monday morning, where they plan to remove said "something" and do a biopsy on it. If all goes well she'll be in the hospital for 5 days then released, and hopefully said growth isn't something to worry about in the future. Unfortunately I won't be able to visit her as I'll be 6 hours away in the hospital with Ginny and Claira.


Anyways - I've had better days, and am looking forward to getting the next few days over with. High hopes and lot's of love to my family is all I'm concentrating on right now. And I guess a little venting on OFC.


As for my favor.. if you took the time to read my ramblings and maybe think about us for a few seconds...thanks


Many of you are enjoying the ice - but I'm only a month away from soft water fishing on Erie :thumbsup_anim: . Until then - fishing is taking a back seat.


Cheers and Thanks for reading.


Ryan, Ginny, Averie, Luke and Baby Claira

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Thats a rough spot to be in for sure bud.

But asking for a little support and prayer is never a tall request.

Keep your chin up and stay positive, sometimes life may throw you a curve but remember its not always gonna be a strike.

Let it pass and wait for the next pitch.


We'll keep you guys in our prayers here.

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Hang tough Ryan!

9 mnths. ago my father was diagnosed with colon cancer.

They removed the bad stuff, now he is cancer free had results from catscan yesterday.


I was born 2 mnths. early 40 yrs. ago. weighed 4lbs. 4oz. at birth.

Spent most of my life at 5'11" and 200 lbs.



Good news will happen, have faith in it.

Stay strong.

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Hey Ryan, very sorry to hear the news :o I've never been through this and trying to think of some words to say to make you feel better but unfortunately I'm out of words..... only thing I can do is to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.


Hope all goes well on Tuesday


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Hey Ryan, some couples try to have children and can't. You and Ginny have been blessed so far there's no reason why it wouldn't continue.


I've got 5 children, the last one, Helene was born at 24 weeks...that was 29 years ago on the 20th of January. She weighed 1.5 pounds. Considered almost a lost cause back then at that age. This was at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal. My wife and I were at the hospital til Helene was able to leave. I slept there for 2 months. There were a lot of other children in the same neo-natal care unit and lots didn't make it for a bunch of reasons. The biggest reason I think was that some parents would just visit the child once in a while for 30 minutes or and hour. You have to stay with them! Put the gown on, stick your hands in the incubator, touch them and talk to them. Sounds suckie I know but I believe that. I can speak volumes on this stuff but this is not the place to do it.


Good luck to you and Ginny.

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DUDE! I really feel for ya!

you still have my number? feel free to give me a call. when my daughter was born she wasn't breathing and was .5 seconds away from being a code blue birth. we can chat if you want Ryan.


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All the good thoughts I can muster up are coming your way Ryan. And just so you know, talking about your worries is a good thing, even if you've never met many of the folks you're talking to, just like your doing here.


Things will be OK

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Good luck Ryan. I'll have you in my thoughts the coming weeks.


It's been a rough go for lots of us these past few months. Something in the air a I guess.


Some people slam the OFC, saying it's nothing but a hug fest here. Well, sometimes even tough :asshat: fisherman need hugs!

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