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A freind of mine recently informed me that he would be investing in a power auger in the next year or two, but the two of us have solely relied on our Swede-Bore augers and muscle power up to this point, that being said, neither of us have any idea what would be the best unit to purchase?

There seems to be four manufactures...Strike-Master, Jiffy, Eskimo and Nils master, any fellow anglers with any experience with power augers please feel free to put in your two sense!


I bought an Eskimo Mako 8" at Costco this year. Couldn't be happier, starts first pull, cuts ice like butter.


No matter which brand, the most important thing is to protect the blades.


I've had an Eskimo for around 8 years now. Some minor issues but nothing significant. One day in extreme cold (-30) it would not start, but people with jiffies around me had no problem. If I were to do it all over I'd probably get a jiffy.


Figure out how much use you will in fact get from the power auger and go from there.....if only a few times each year then I would say get the one that's has the best deal at the time of purchase.....if you would use it a LOT then the BEST one you can afford.


There was a thread on this not so long ago, look it up.


I got a Strikemaster strike lite (4-stroke) this is the auger you want, not a 2-stroke!!!

I'm going on my 3rd year with this baby, and love it to death!!! Starts up on the 1st pull every time, and no mixing gas to mess around with, straight 91 gas ($3 worth) will last you several outings, it's very fuel efficient.


I also like the fact there is no black smoke emmitted, and is light (23 lbs).

I've had 2 stroke augers before, and thank god I got rid of them, too many problems, and stuff to worry about. Buy this auger if you can find it anywhere.

  On 2/26/2011 at 4:11 PM, Chancho said:

There was a thread on this not so long ago, look it up.


I got a Strikemaster strike lite (4-stroke) this is the auger you want, not a 2-stroke!!!

I'm going on my 3rd year with this baby, and love it to death!!! Starts up on the 1st pull every time, and no mixing gas to mess around with, straight 91 gas ($3 worth) will last you several outings, it's very fuel efficient.


I also like the fact there is no black smoke emmitted, and is light (23 lbs).

I've had 2 stroke augers before, and thank god I got rid of them, too many problems, and stuff to worry about. Buy this auger if you can find it anywhere.



Looks like a great rig. Can you lay it on it's side? How much do they go for? I do not really like my Jiffy.


My Eskimo is the easiest starting auger engine I've seen. Strike masters are fast, tons of torque but I've seen 2 of them break b/c of that. One broken handel (plastic) and a broken pin. I've yet to ever see a Jiffy that was easy to start and keep running.

  On 2/26/2011 at 4:41 PM, Grimace said:

Looks like a great rig. Can you lay it on it's side? How much do they go for? I do not really like my Jiffy.


Yes, you can lay them on there side without gas spiling everywhere.

I paid about 5 hundo for mine, the going rate would be $549-$599 cdn funds....

If you want one, and can't find one up here, make the trip to Buffalo (call ahead first) any buy one from one of the retailers down there. Or, order it from and amercian dealer (reeds, cabels ect...) And have it shipped to a UPS store in Buffalo... Save a ton of cash in shipping.


BPS had them up here, and may still do, but didn't see one there on display a week ago.


You will not regret this auger.

  On 2/26/2011 at 1:39 PM, Jer said:

I bought an Eskimo Mako 8" at Costco this year. Couldn't be happier, starts first pull, cuts ice like butter.


No matter which brand, the most important thing is to protect the blades.

same and here here.

I filled the tank on mine and have cut maybe 90 holes and it's still 95% full. customer service is good to as HH had to call about his.


Well I finally got to use my strike master magnum and all I can say is,

GREAT INVESTMENT. :thumbsup_anim:

Pushing in the decompression button every pull is a bit of a pain,but she runs smooth and cuts like a hot knife in butter.


i like eskimos online parts ordering. my power head bounced out of my holder on the back of my sled and busted up the carb after i had a bungy strap break. i ordered the parts sunday and it was drilling the next weekend.


Had my 8" Eskimo Z51 Shark for 4 seasons now, and it still starts, runs and cuts great. That said, next time I'm going to consider going electric instead.


Definately go with a Strike-Master Auger.

Either the 4-stroke or the ElectraLazer.


Personally, I run the ElectraLazer (electric auger), and I LOVE it. Quiet as anything, and tons of power.

Averaging about 8" of ice this winter, I would get around the 35-40 hole mark per charge.

It also comes with "booster" type cables, to hook directly to ATV/Sled battery to charge (or a spare battery you can bring along), a lighter-plug in adapater to charge in the car, and a regular plug in charger as well.

They have you covered, no matter where you are.

Guest ThisPlaceSucks
  On 3/2/2011 at 2:12 AM, Stoty said:


Averaging about 8" of ice this winter, I would get around the 35-40 hole mark per charge.



eazy is dealing with about 24 inches of ice right now... i don't think he should be buying any toy electric augers.


A hand auger is better than anything electric. Cold and batteries don't mix well. 8" of ice, OK, but that is rare anywhere in Ontario this time of year. Maybe with a 4" bit on it.........


I've only used jiffy's, so can't speak for any others, but I know the 20 year old jiffy we use has been flawless.




2 stroke is lighter easer to start and trouble shoot all in all more reliable. the most important thing usualy overlooked is how long is the pull cord. i think it should be about 1 ft longer than you can pull. nothing worse than getting out their and the damm pull cord snaps. IT SUCKS there should also be a pin that connects auger to motor aurbour not a threaded bolt(major pian in the but when its cold on your fingers) i bought an 8inch eskimo this year .runs great threaded bolt sucks when its cold. 2stroke with a pin the way to go jiffy/eskimo are great simple machines low maitenance. and reliable

  On 3/2/2011 at 6:53 AM, saltydawg said:

2 stroke is lighter easer to start and trouble shoot all in all more reliable. the most important thing usualy overlooked is how long is the pull cord. i think it should be about 1 ft longer than you can pull. nothing worse than getting out their and the damm pull cord snaps. IT SUCKS there should also be a pin that connects auger to motor aurbour not a threaded bolt(major pian in the but when its cold on your fingers) i bought an 8inch eskimo this year .runs great threaded bolt sucks when its cold. 2stroke with a pin the way to go jiffy/eskimo are great simple machines low maitenance. and reliable


Are you sure 2 stroke is lighter?........StrikeMasters 4 stroke is 23lbs?


I think he meant a 2 stroke is lighter than a battery operated auger.... And just so you know, batteries and ice do mix just fine... Do any of you use a flasher/transducer/camera when ice fishing?? What do you think they run off?? Another factor would be the battery type, the Ice Gator and I believe the Strikemaster electric auger run off lithium batteries which are not as effected in freezing temps.


Electrics are great for early season/shallow water applications where you have to be stealthy, and also for use inside your permanent ice shanty.


I would have bought one, but I like the weight and efficiency of the SM 4-stroke, and if the ice is thick I would feel more confident in a gas powered auger over battery if you are run and gun fishing.


The season is almost over, and it might be a great time to get an auger at a discounted price.


More and more electrics are showing up out in our area, and trust me, we're always cold and usually have more than 24" ice. The ones I've seen work great.

i don't think he should be buying any toy electric augers.


Hardly a toy.... works great and is super quiet.


A hand auger is better than anything electric. Cold and batteries don't mix well. 8" of ice, OK, but that is rare anywhere in Ontario this time of year.


Pretty sure I'd rather have the auger doing the work for me..... hence the point of a power auger. :lol:

8" is a gift in most areas I fish... so I wouldn't say it's "rare".


Don't know about other brands.Only owned a jiffy 30 10"

It's on the 13th season.Haven't changed the plug,run it on low grade.Don't even store

it properly most years.their Is one thing,I only run one type on oil.Which is a low ashe formula.

With the oil being a performance product. I choose to run a 20:1.

When it doesn't start on the first pull.It's some thing I forgot to do.

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