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Police question?


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Thirty odd years ago my brother was driving along the 401 near Belleville in a red Ford van when 3 police cruisers came up behind him, boxed him in and forced him outta the truck at gun point. After they did some checks they realised they had the wrong guy but apologized and explained that there had just been an armed robbery and the punk with the gun had taken off in a red Ford van exactly like my brother was driving.


My brother accepted their apology and thanked the coppers for doing a tough job and went on about his business.



Back in 1963 there was a big fight between 2 biker gangs in front of Scarboro arena in Scarboro. There were a couple dozen bikers trying to kill each other and just a handful of cops trying to arrest them. I was driving by and foolishly stopped to watch, got too close to the fight and was grabbed by the cops, handcuffed along with a bunch of bikers, tossed in the paddy wagon and spent the weekend in the old Don Jail before everything got straightened out. I received apologies from the Toronto Police Dept and the Chief of Police.


I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and in all the confusion I got grabbed but the police were very fast to set things straight when the mistake was figured out.


As for the dispute in this post, I'd much rather see a cop pull his gun when it's not needed than see a cop murdered because he didn't have his gun out.


They've got a tough job to do and it's getting tougher everyday.


But that's just my opinion

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Thirty odd years ago my brother was driving along the 401 near Belleville in a red Ford van when 3 police cruisers came up behind him, boxed him in and forced him outta the truck at gun point. After they did some checks they realised they had the wrong guy but apologized and explained that there had just been an armed robbery and the punk with the gun had taken off in a red Ford van exactly like my brother was driving.


My brother accepted their apology and thanked the coppers for doing a tough job and went on about his business.



Back in 1963 there was a big fight between 2 biker gangs in front of Scarboro arena in Scarboro. There were a couple dozen bikers trying to kill each other and just a handful of cops trying to arrest them. I was driving by and foolishly stopped to watch, got too close to the fight and was grabbed by the cops, handcuffed along with a bunch of bikers, tossed in the paddy wagon and spent the weekend in the old Don Jail before everything got straightened out. I received apologies from the Toronto Police Dept and the Chief of Police.


I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and in all the confusion I got grabbed but the police were very fast to set things straight when the mistake was figured out.


As for the dispute in this post, I'd much rather see a cop pull his gun when it's not needed than see a cop murdered because he didn't have his gun out.


They've got a tough job to do and it's getting tougher everyday.


But that's just my opinion


Darn right. Trust me, Russel MB and Mayerthorpe AB are always on my son inlaw and daughters mind.

Edited by Old Man
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Cut the kid a break.Been reading some drib and drab from this thread.



Let me tell ya a story from 1980.


Wife and I are stopped at a red light in Brampton.Im driving and shes 7 months prego with our first. Now dont go all hay wire here ok.it,s a smoke.She lights up a smoke and passes it to me.All of a sudden the two door go flying open on the elderado, and we have two people(one male the other female) asking if were smoking dope? Lucky for me, at the time :whistling: ,I wasnt.She was just lightn up a cig to get a taste of tabackie, then passing it to me. Never did we see a badge shown,but they left as quick as they came when they noticed we werent doing the weed thing.


So this stuff happened back in the eighties and now it happened in 2000.


The gun was a bit of an over kill,but back then, they probly didnt have the scare factor they have today. Just sharing and saying.

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It is a slippery slope when you allow them to have too much power though.


They ask to be given the benefit of the doubt. Fish n autographs said that sitting in a car and eating to him is suspicious activity. All I am saying is that if I am in a car eating my lunch why not give me the civilian the benefit of the doubt.


If we give them the right to search us all and enter our houses than that's just what they will do. Search everyone who seems guilty. Kinda takes all the police work out of it. It called laziness. Do your police work, when you have your man make an arrest.


Like I said earlier I have a lot of respect for cops. The ones that do the job the way it is meant to be done. There are few higher on my respect meter. But I absolutely loathe the bad ones. There is very few things that are more repulsive than an abuse of power or the apologists that beg for more of it.

Edited by Grimace
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Investigating suspicious vehicles is police work.


There is a lot more work done by officers that most civilians realize.


Checking 2 people in a vehicle isn't an abuse of power nor is it being lazy. Just because I can't tell what their doing doesn't mean I'm going to drive away. If they are eating so what it takes 2 seconds to check them out then carry on.

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It is a slippery slope when you allow them to have too much power though.


They ask to be given the benefit of the doubt. Fish n autographs said that sitting in a car and eating to him is suspicious activity. All I am saying is that if I am in a car eating my lunch why not give me the civilian the benefit of the doubt.


If we give them the right to search us all and enter our houses than that's just what they will do. Search everyone who seems guilty. Kinda takes all the police work out of it. It called laziness. Do your police work, when you have your man make an arrest.


Like I said earlier I have a lot of respect for cops. The ones that do the job the way it is meant to be done. There are few higher on my respect meter. But I absolutely loathe the bad ones. There is very few things that are more repulsive than an abuse of power or the apologists that beg for more of it.

Those one's have whats called Narcissism.

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Doing it with a gun is down right stupid and a long ways from protocol. Like I said in an earlier post if you aproached me in a vehicle and treated me with respect I would resent it but would be more than cheerful. If you treated me like a criminal I would tell you to stuff it. What was described by the OP and what you would defend is nothing even close to either of those things.


You have stated in the past about how people talk their way into tickets and how you decide who to let go and who to ticket and how you think that a simple everyday action that you deem to be suspicious is just cause for questioning and even the drawing of firearms. I am uncomfortable with that.


I do not want to come off as a cop basher here because I am very very far from that but I must also state as a citizen that I enjoy my rights and will argue for as many of them as I can.


They are not rights if they can be taken away.

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YEAH call the kid a liar cuz cops are never wrong.. sheesh. Cops do this stuff all the time dont believe me try growing up in NORFOLK COUNTY where they're ALL corrupt. It's not IF they're corrupt, it's HOW corrupt is my arresting officer today?


Bassmaster4, glad you didnt get tazered or shot by that powertripping fool.

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YEAH call the kid a liar cuz cops are never wrong.. sheesh. Cops do this stuff all the time dont believe me try growing up in NORFOLK COUNTY where they're ALL corrupt. It's not IF they're corrupt, it's HOW corrupt is my arresting officer today?


Bassmaster4, glad you didnt get tazered or shot by that powertripping fool.




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Pretty scary at the time I'll bet... I hope you do follow up with the powers that be. I don't know if was a real cop or someone trolling for a quick score as posted before. In any event having a gun drawn is a HUGE no no unless their life is in danger. From what friends have told me from various police forces this guy will have writers cramp for a month if he was legit and reports it himself... Should be interesting to hear what happens if you do report it.

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I think both sides of this topic have been well explained and debated too death. I doubt that any further good can come from continuing with it. I would respectfully request that the modorators shut it down. No more good can come from letting it go any further.

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I think both sides of this topic have been well explained and debated too death. I doubt that any further good can come from continuing with it. I would respectfully request that the modorators shut it down. No more good can come from letting it go any further.


Yes it's time.

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I think both sides of this topic have been well explained and debated too death. I doubt that any further good can come from continuing with it. I would respectfully request that the modorators shut it down. No more good can come from letting it go any further.

I concur

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"How do you figure the doughnut stereotype started?"


Do any of you know where it started?


It actually started because many donugt shops were the only places open late at night and they were cash businesses.


They were often targeted by guys knowing they could grab some cash and get away quickly so many of the coffee/donut shop owners started offering the cops free coffee and donuts so they would come around more often durring their night shift. Once that started the number of roberies dropped dramatically.


The tradition lives on to this day!


Now, why don't we start a thread to bash lawyers or politicians? What about Snaggers or people that take OS fish or over their limit(oh wait they are fisher persons too aren't they so if a few bad cops mean most of them are bad it only stands to reason that most fisher persons must be bad because a few break the law). Sorry, I don't see the logic in that attitude!



Sorry Cliff, but you completely missed the point. You are (probably, it's not really relevant) right about how the officers started getting free coffee.


But the stereotype? That started as a result of the differentiation between police and the public. I implied this initially, perhaps I should have stated it.


When every member of the public pays for a coffee and then an officer goes in and gets one for free it creates segregation. This fosters jealousy and resentment for the police in the view of the public.


Don't treat them like God's and maybe they won't act like it!

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Dear Sir, I am glad to hear that your studio audience disapproves of the last skit as strongly as I. As a naval officer I abhor the implication that the Royal Navy is a haven for cannibalism. It is well known that we now have the problem relatively under control, and that it is the RAF who now suffer the largest casualties in this area. And what do you think the Argylls ate in Aden. Arabs? Yours etc. Captain B.J. Smethwick in a white wine sauce with shallots, mushrooms and garlic.

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