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Excited & Nervous all at once...

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Thats it!!!!! that right there is the reason i wanted a "daddys little girl"....i am soooooo jealous!!!!

Man did you just yank my heart strings right out of the cold concrete case i keep it in ...


Many years from now when its her time to marry....her hubby better have some pretty big waders ...to fill her daddys


Cheers Ryan ..your setting the "bar" very high

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Boy does that ever bring back memories. First days of school were scary.


Just remember Dad, you are the parent. If you and the daughter need a little extra together (fishing) time, then so be it. I was notorious for yanking the kids out for some prime father/ child time (So was my one uncle). The kids would be at school next day bragging at show and tell, and I'd be having another talk with the school principal to put him in his place. ;)

Besides, you can probably give your child a far better education about nature than some stuffed shirt in a classroom or another NFB reel.

Edited by bigugli
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That's a beauty post Ryan. You can rest assured that this bonding time you have spent with Averie will stick with her forever and that the two of you will always be best friends.


She may find herself away from fishing for some time (I fished with my dad growing up, but went away from it for 6-8 years) but she'll always look at it fondly and it will always be something you've shared.


Wish the little gal good luck on her first day from all the OFC'ers.




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Hey Guys and Gals!


Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement. I thought of this post yesterday, because to day is the first day back for most kids, though for Averie this week she'll just be meeting her teacher and checking out the class room and such... next week is the big week!


Thanks again all - have a good week in the office!



Ryan & Averie

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Hey Guys and Gals!


Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement. I thought of this post yesterday, because to day is the first day back for most kids, though for Averie this week she'll just be meeting her teacher and checking out the class room and such... next week is the big week!


Thanks again all - have a good week in the office!



Ryan & Averie


My daughter is 4 and starting school next week. I hear you loud and clear, just seems like yesterday she was an infant and would pass out in the car seat on the way to Port Hope and I could get a couple hours fishing in(could park right beside me as I fished). Time sure does fly!

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I forgot to say... Cherish every moment you have with them. Eventually comes the day when they begin to strike out on their own, the home feels emptier, and you feel older. I'm experiencing that event this year and would give anything to have a few more of those father child moments.

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Awesome pics TJ! Thanks for posting them....  I meant to tell everybody to post their own!  :thumbsup_anim:






I wish I could post some Ryan but unfortunately they are mostly in my memory bank...Nice that we have our digital cameras today...even the cheapies like mine ($93 Polaroid Digital from Home Hardware) take excellent pics...



Way back when, it was expensive for film and developing (if you owned a camera)...



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Well Ryan, at least at school you don't have to worry about your buddies using her head as a beer holder! LOL


She is a cute, responsible kid and I'm sure she'll #1 love school and #2 do very well at it. She might daydream about big fish once in a while though.. haha


Great post dude.

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Amazing Report...My Girl is 11, and it seems like we went fishing for the first time yesterday.....I would say "cherish the moments while you can" as they grow up soooooo fast, but you already have that covered!! My Uncle used to say "A family that fishes together, stays together" Good on you!!

Thanks, for a great read!!!

Edited by Sucker Fish
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