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Rude fishermen infringe on cottage enjoyment


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I have a cottage on an off-the- grid lake. Every year I commit countless hours to cleaning up after negligent fisherman.


Heres some of the highlights:


- endless broken glass, much of it taken out of my feet

- A full trailor of garbage every season from campers who use my lake for fishing

- chemical waste

- Crudely made toilets. I don't enjoy cleaning up human feces but after getting the water tested it has been proven to make its way into the water

- tons of other stuff too.


Therefore, yes, i certainty do OWN my lake, 100 acres of waterfront and unofficially the water within it. If you have a problem with that, there are plenty of other lakes to fish.


I know most of the regular campers/fisherman, and I routinely share beers with them. The rest, I drive my boat right next to, and greet them, with the warning that if they leave garbage behind, there will be consequences.

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Ok speaking as a weekend warrior, who fishes through all the water skiers, seados, wake boarders, power boats, hooplas and yahoos, fishing when the lakes are busiest, the docks are a problem. Generally if i see people on a dock, around the dock, swimming or just hanging out, I always skip it - if the owners are sitting on the porch and the dock looks quiet - i fish it - if boats are tied at the dock, I will make sure not to hit or cast right at the boats (3 feet away at closest) - if i suspect a cast has even a slight chance of going a stray - I won't make the cast - i've never hooked a dock or boat - if the dock is completely empty no boats i may bump the dock or try to skip under it. Yes, i am missing some fish that may be deep under the dock, but that's life, there are other fish to catch. About tourney anglers, being allowed to whip thier lures at any dock they please - don't agree, what gives them the right over recreational anglers to fish docks so closely as to intrude on other people's space. This battle between fishermen and cottage owners has been going on for years and just gets worst as the lakes get busier. There is no resolution to this - just one - use common sense, be polite, and fish with respect for others. If everyone just learns to share the lake and respect each others spaces, we can all have a great day. I don't mind the water skiers, just don't fly by 10 ft from me, i'm not impressed by your skills, only a nickle bass busting the surface can impress me..


And for all those so called "aggressive" anglers who cast at ppls boats and hook docks and swimming platforms, not cool, we don't need the added negativity towards us anglers, we're just trying to enjoy the lake like everyone else.

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Until the cottage owners that feel they own the lake and the fishermen that feel they own the lake are both banned from the lake it will always be the same argument. I am on both sides of this story the slip that my 28ft boat lives in is owned with a deed same as your house and I have had lures bounced off the boat with paint damage and stranded lures left in the lines. I have had different reactions from the fisherman from dang I lost my lure to can I make this right with you. I have also been the fisherman who has fished a dock and left a lure behind or hit a boat with a lure. At that point it becomes a prospective thing in 5 minutes will it make a difference in my life? If I say anything will it change the outcome? If the answer is YES then go ahead and say something but make sure your motive is positive and not something you say because you decided to spearhead the campaign to be the self elected spokesman( I.E. an asshat) for either side. Most of the time the answer is NO so let it lay... your blood pressure will lower alot quicker if you don't escalate the situation past the point of common sense. You also have to keep in mind that people get killed for just flipping the bird in traffic to the wrong person. The same could happen between the cottager and the fisherman after all life is to short...to intentionally aggravate yourself.



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I'm pretty sure most of us who own cottages don't fish docks. We know how irritating it can be from the other perspective.


I also agree its the few who ruin it for everyone else.


Craig (i think) has it right....you're sitting on your dock having a cup of coffee and there are lures bouncing off your feet. Makes no sense to me. I've had people come trolling by while swimming (even did a cannonball off the dock and managed to splash the people in their boat).


To me its simple - treat the dock with the same respect as you would a boat in the middle of the lake. I know i wouldn't pull up beside a boat in the middle of the lake and start casting around it. To me its exactly the same thing.


May be different on my lake - 10 miles long, a mile across, and 2/3 uninhabited (probably 80% where my cottage is).......so to me it seems ridiculous that someone needs to fish my dock.


And charlesn.....that would work in concept....but can't we have both happy fishermen and happy cottagers? Why is your happiness more important than theirs?

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the amount of stupid i see very day really is amazing. BUT, some people are totally clueless when it comes to stuff like this. they may not even realize that cottagers frown upon this kinda stuff and a simple and polite conversation could educate them.


it seems like there are more and more idiots every day. but, the "victims" with their yelling, swearing, and often threats arent far behind in that race :whistling:



that said, i enjoy watching people fish so i wouldn't have a problem as long as they didnt get to close to the boat or swimmers....then its game on :devil:

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Here is a solution I've never seen offered but has ZERO downside to both parties other than some minor inconvenience and carries many benefits for the lake/waterbody as a natural resource:




1) No more obstructions on our public lakes to draw the fish away from other forms of cover and structure.

2) No more confrontations between anglers and cottagers- total kumbaya and peace for all.

3) A nice clean pristine shoreline for all to enjoy and an end to the disruption and destruction of prime spawning habitat.


I'd have no problem with that at all and I'd guess the cottagers would consider it a mild inconvenience to lose their dock privileges on OUR lakes to get rid of the bass fishermen. After all, a dock is really just a parking space for a watercraft, so they'd jsut have to trailer to the ramp like the rest of us - no big deal - heck some of us have to drive 3 hours each way and still do it with a smile. Anything else (suntanning/reading a book/relaxing in a chair/even fishing) could be easily replaced by a deck on the backyard that comes to the waterline and is fully contained within their property. Of course then the cottage owner wouldnt be artificially extending their property out on to OUR lake now would they. Ah, still, a small small price to pay to get your privacy back, right?


I wonder how that idea would fly with cottagers?


Like a stone and you know it. Sounds a little like a Marxist theory.

I wonder whose taxes pay for the ramp you use and the maintenance involved for that ramp when you drive three hours each way.

Don't get me wrong here, I understand why guys fish docks.

Lets just show a little bit of courtesy, if it is being enjoyed by someone else, and move on to the next piece of structure.



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If there are people or kids swimming around, no matter whether if its in front of their cottages or anywhere else fisherman should not be fishing around them no matter how great the fishing can be. I am not sure whats so hard to understand about that. I dont care how many fish may be under that dock but if there are people around or pets or whatever just stay away. If nobody is around then its a different story.

I dont know how many times i`ll be fishing from shore and see a kayak coming through and every time i pull mine line out. Last thing i`d want to do is hurt somebody, after all its only fishing.

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Daniel DeKuyper wrote about "Fishermen's Etiquette" and he's right...but the gate swings both ways....how about when I'm in a quiet bay jigging for fish on the first break and the "cottage" guy roars very close to me with water skier in tow....here I got up early and was as quiet as possible to fish this bay only to be harassed by the power boater or water bike showing off right in front of me when there is a LOT of open water to do their activity. Nothing will change and things only get worse IMHO.





Ill bump that one up a notch Billy Bob,2 canoes on the lake and the waterskiing instructor and a local cottager purposly roughing up the water around you(me)!coming too close for comfort with their power boats!

To Boot............, paying them to use their ramp and park as well!

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A friend of mine has a cottage in the Kawarthas. Each Saturday morning during the summer, anywhere from four to 10 boats will come along and fish his dock. Same deal on Sunday. You can be standing right there with a coffee in your hand and guys will still not even think twice about bouncing tube jigs and Senkos right off your feet. It's even worse when there's a tournament. With respect to Bill M's comment about not casting around swimming kids and all, it's unfortunate that not all anglers feel the same way.


Tell your buddy to "borrow" some shopping carts from a local grocery store and place them around his dock and harvest the lures come October. He could retire from the Ebay proceeds alone ;)

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I love fishing docks. I usually skip tubes most of the time. I have got snagged on ropes and docks but never boats. I feel its my duty to retreive my hook when snagged and have no problem getting out of my boat to do this, whatever it takes to get my tube back. If the dock is being used or people are swimming I just move on to the next one. I remember fishing a dock one time and the couple were in their cottage watching me out the window. I got a tap and set the hook and the fight was on. Well they came running down to the dock and all I could think was oh oh here we go. Well They watched me land the fish and were all excited and wanted to know what I was using and how did I know there was a big fish under the dock. The miss's went and got her camera and took a pic of me holding a nice 5 lb smallie. We had a nice chat and I gave the guy a few tubes to try out. As we parted the dude says to me thanks for the clinic and the tubes son. So it was a good encounter. I guess maybe us folks up her in the valley think a little different, maybe were not as stressed out as the city folks. I was raised to treat people like you want to be treated and rarely have any issues arise while out fishing or in daily life.

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I have a cottage on an off-the- grid lake. Every year I commit countless hours to cleaning up after negligent fisherman.


Heres some of the highlights:


- endless broken glass, much of it taken out of my feet

- A full trailor of garbage every season from campers who use my lake for fishing

- chemical waste

- Crudely made toilets. I don't enjoy cleaning up human feces but after getting the water tested it has been proven to make its way into the water

- tons of other stuff too.


Therefore, yes, i certainty do OWN my lake, 100 acres of waterfront and unofficially the water within it. If you have a problem with that, there are plenty of other lakes to fish.


I know most of the regular campers/fisherman, and I routinely share beers with them. The rest, I drive my boat right next to, and greet them, with the warning that if they leave garbage behind, there will be consequences.


Treating people with the assumption that they are guilty of something before you have any idea that they were thinking about doing something will usually reap the negative effect you are campaigning against.



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Treating people with the assumption that they are guilty of something before you have any idea that they were thinking about doing something will usually reap the negative effect you are campaigning against.





When 90% of people repeat the same offense, I reserve the right to investigate everyone.


I don't ride in on a white horse and say "clean up or else",


I usually visit campers in the evening with a 12 pack, get to know them for a while, and then remind them of how hard I work to keep the lake clean. Unless you are someone who leaves garbage, how would you argue otherwise?

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I love fishing docks. I usually skip tubes most of the time. I have got snagged on ropes and docks but never boats. I feel its my duty to retreive my hook when snagged and have no problem getting out of my boat to do this, whatever it takes to get my tube back. If the dock is being used or people are swimming I just move on to the next one. I remember fishing a dock one time and the couple were in their cottage watching me out the window. I got a tap and set the hook and the fight was on. Well they came running down to the dock and all I could think was oh oh here we go. Well They watched me land the fish and were all excited and wanted to know what I was using and how did I know there was a big fish under the dock. The miss's went and got her camera and took a pic of me holding a nice 5 lb smallie. We had a nice chat and I gave the guy a few tubes to try out. As we parted the dude says to me thanks for the clinic and the tubes son. So it was a good encounter. I guess maybe us folks up her in the valley think a little different, maybe were not as stressed out as the city folks. I was raised to treat people like you want to be treated and rarely have any issues arise while out fishing or in daily life.


been there many times. and maybe its just me but it can somtimes feel rewarding.. after a long day of fishing and dealing with speed boats, boat problems, and grumpy cottage owners that freak out on you before you even get to there dock! it can be nice to talk to a cottage owner about whats workin. or if you catch a bass under there dock etc. I remember last year i was fishing an empty dock while the dock a cast away there was a father and son on it fishing. i made one flip under the dock and pulled in a 3lb largie, the kid was so excited and the father was even impressed. the kid was asking to see it etc so i pulled over and showed them. the father told me that i just made the kids day as 5 minutes before the kid was saying how much he hated fishing. and well if I can make that little kids day by showing him a fish thats awesome and hopefully he still likes fishing. i then started talking to them and gave them a few plastics that had been working for me that day and showed them how to rig them. the father wanted to give me $5 for it but i refused and told him that hes gunna need it after he finds out how well they work. he thanked me and off I went.

(ps I let the bass go under there dock, hopefully for the kid to catch another day if not someone else)


not all cottage owners are Jack's and and not all dock anglers are pro's. but the best thing you can do is respect each other.

Edited by fish-meister
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Not likely...


Sounds to me like you go '' Looking '' for trouble :unsure:



when I read that I thought the same thing.


though I respect the fact that he cleans up after some non eco-friendly people.

but to go out and tell every one he sees not to litter befor they have. etc is almost pushing it.

though if I was to watch some one litter I would to myself tell them..

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Guest Johnny Bass

I fish docks from time to time, and have had a few encounters with some cottagers. If they ask politely? I always leave, but if they are rude? I stick around. They can huff and puff till the cows come home.


I never fish a dock if there are kids, adults, animals or anything swimming. Thats just stupid. If I'm covering a row of docks, I will approach every one unless I get a few dirty looks or someone tells me to leave.lol


I try to be very careful not to get snagged. And alot of times I do. 98% of the time I get it out, but sometimes I cant do it, so I kinda understand where SOME of these cottagers are coming from. There are kids swimming near these docks. I also have never damaged a boat but I have wrapped my lure around boat rails and such in the past in windy conditions. And I mean casting from shore at a marina. I dont cast anywhere near boats anymore unless I'm pitching from in close.I respect other people's property.


Now the docks? The dock's are a PRIVILEGE of the owners. They do not own the water or the water under the dock. No mater how much they want to believe they do. The dock is put their for their convenience.

Maybe all docks should be forbidden and the locals can use the local boat ramp like everyone else!


The thing is how do we continue to keep fishing docks without endangering children's safety? Do we forbid docks? Do we have designated areas for swimming in every lake(a non-fishing zone)?


I'm curious to see the numbers on how many kids get hooked by snagged hooks in their lake. I would imagine there are a number of hooks in and around most docks.Especially if they are rocky.

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When 90% of people repeat the same offense, I reserve the right to investigate everyone.


I don't ride in on a white horse and say "clean up or else",


I usually visit campers in the evening with a 12 pack, get to know them for a while, and then remind them of how hard I work to keep the lake clean. Unless you are someone who leaves garbage, how would you argue otherwise?


Wait, are you a camp owner or something?

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I fish docks from time to time, and have had a few encounters with some cottagers. If they ask politely? I always leave, but if they are rude? I stick around. They can huff and puff till the cows come home.


I never fish a dock if there are kids, adults, animals or anything swimming. Thats just stupid. If I'm covering a row of docks, I will approach every one unless I get a few dirty looks or someone tells me to leave.lol


I try to be very careful not to get snagged. And alot of times I do. 98% of the time I get it out, but sometimes I cant do it, so I kinda understand where SOME of these cottagers are coming from. There are kids swimming near these docks. I also have never damaged a boat but I have wrapped my lure around boat rails and such in the past in windy conditions. And I mean casting from shore at a marina. I dont cast anywhere near boats anymore unless I'm pitching from in close.I respect other people's property.


Now the docks? The dock's are a PRIVILEGE of the owners. They do not own the water or the water under the dock. No mater how much they want to believe they do. The dock is put their for their convenience.

Maybe all docks should be forbidden and the locals can use the local boat ramp like everyone else!


The thing is how do we continue to keep fishing docks without endangering children's safety? Do we forbid docks? Do we have designated areas for swimming in every lake(a non-fishing zone)?


I'm curious to see the numbers on how many kids get hooked by snagged hooks in their lake. I would imagine there are a number of hooks in and around most docks.Especially if they are rocky.



If you are wondering where fishermen get a bad rap from, see the post above.


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Guest Johnny Bass

If you are wondering where fishermen get a bad rap from, see the post above.



Ya right! I've fished enough docks with only a handful of complaints. So are the fishermen the bad guys or a handful of cottagers who think they own the lake?

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When 90% of people repeat the same offense, I reserve the right to investigate everyone.


I don't ride in on a white horse and say "clean up or else",


I usually visit campers in the evening with a 12 pack, get to know them for a while, and then remind them of how hard I work to keep the lake clean. Unless you are someone who leaves garbage, how would you argue otherwise?


At no point in my post did I say littering is acceptable.


The statement however does lead me to share with you a little insight that might be the key that escapes you.


I am pointing out a flaw in your basic logic that is undermining your attempts to have a positive outcome. If I walk into a new bar and say "no one look at the scar on my face" 100% of the people will look and remember I am the man with a scar on my face. If I walk into the same bar and tell the funniest joke in the world they will remember I am a man who has good jokes. Both of them are tags that people have given me one is positive and is pleasing to all, the other one is irritating to me and offensive to them.

I took the time to read your previous posts and they all have undertones that are less than desirable. They rub against the fabric of the forum and project a confrontational attitude that adds little but excites emotions, mostly negative either towards you or the subject matter. This is not an attempt to judge or to criticize you because I have not lived your life this is an outside view of what you are showing the world in this forum. Past people who have gone down this path are rarely here for long....


P.M.'s are welcome if you want to discuss the positive aspects of this forum



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one thing i didn't point out in my previous post. if i see a white buoy marker near shore i do not launch a hook anywhere near it. i have been to alot of places that have these set up for swim area's. they are usually located to the side a little ways away from the dock it self tho.

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