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Taking my 4 yr old lil gal fishing puts me in the hospital


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I have a little gem spot off Lake O for some perch and crappies off shore. Its perfect for the lil one.

While we were there I must of got bit 6 or so times by these ants. Thought nothing of it as I've been bit by all kinds bugs, bees, flies etc.

Well when I got home I started feeling weak, took off my shirt and my misses freaked. I had hives the size of softballs all over me. Within a few minutes I went totally flush and bright red all over. I drove to the hospital and was waiting to be checked in and my chest tightened. I started pouring sweat and nearly passed out but a paramedic saw me and put me in chair. They rushed me right in, hooked me up and pumped me full of stuff. They said I just made it in time.

Has anyone one here had something like this before? Not sure if its an allergy or as they put it "the poison" that caused it. Thankfully my little one had rubber boots on. Anyone else have this before?


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No they didn't Roy. This was just last night. Never was allergic to anything before. I best get checked again. If I am not wrong, I believe allergies can start as you age. They made me think it was the ants themselves though.

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Hope the docs figure out what caused it so you can be ready for it the next time Phil.


Like you, I'm not alergic to anything that I know of either so something like that would really give you a scare for sure.

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Hope the docs figure out what caused it so you can be ready for it the next time Phil.


Like you, I'm not alergic to anything that I know of either so something like that would really give you a scare for sure.


Ya, I would like to get in and find out what the deal is. I got out of the hospital early this morning, so I am still freaking abit. Shame, becasue if it is an allergy I am nervous to head back there. I spend alot of time in the bush, thankful I found out 10 mins from home and not way back in the bush somewhere.

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WOW!! Glad to hear that you are OK Phil. Sounds like a very close call. Get tested to see what is going on so you can be prepared should it happen again. If you can't get back to your honey hole for medical reasons, just pm me the spot and I'll gladly check on it from time to time for ya. biggrin.gif In all seriousness, I'm very glad to hear you are OK. Your kids need you around for many more fishing trips. Take care of yourself Phil.

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Thanks guys, after calming down a little I've done alittle research. Definitely an allergy from what I gather. Very lucky it really hit me while walking into emerg. I had no idea, that's the freakiest part. Thank goodness I listened to the misses and went to the hospital, she was right (for once lol)


Wil, PM me.

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Reactions to bug bites can turn right nasty. Not too unusual these days. It would seem that our resistance to commonplace nuisances is diminishing. I've seen the fire ant reaction before. I've also seen big rashes and welts develop from mosquito, blackfly and deerfly bites. Get used to the idea of carrying an epipen.

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you are correct . you can be stung by bees and show no alergic reaction unless you are stung by a bee that has been collecting golden rod and you are allergic to golden rod and they put the stuff right in your system . so you may not be alergic to the aints just watever they were feeding or carrying at the time of bite .. good luck .

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Wow that is nasty Phil, I'm glad you're okay, truly!



I drove to the hospital and was waiting to be checked in and my chest tighten. I started pouring sweat and nearly passed out but a paramedic saw me and put me in chair. They rushed me right in, hooked me up and pumped me full of stuff. They said I just made it in time.





But what I've quoted scares me. Honestly in the best interest of your health and your families well being along with all the others on the road you should really have had someone drive you to the hospital. Not preaching just (concerned) considering how you nearly passed out at the hospital it's fortunate that you made it there, safely. In hindsight I'm sure you can see how it could have become tragic.


Again I'm glad you're okay. :)

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My GF has a really bad allergy to peanuts and peas. Its just plain scary stuff. Get yourself a few Epipens for home, work and even your boat. In the 8 years Ive known her shes only had a reaction once and it was similair to your story.

Im glad your alright Phil!




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Absolutely Spiel, I agree 100 percent about driving, but I really had no idea what was going on, or what was going to happen. I was very lucky that the full force hit when I was there because it happened in the blink of an eye. Now I know and count my blessings I didn't hurt anyone else.

Thank you for the well wishes everyone. Maybe we should all have an epipen with us just incase.

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Guest LivingLegend

Is the epipen what the Doctors told you to do for now on, incase you get bit by these ants again? I seem to attract the posion ivy but never take a reaction to bug bites, maybe in time. Good to know ur little one wasnt affected, take it esay......smile.gif

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With Fire Ants making inroads in Ontario, we are all susceptible, as no Ontario born folks have developed antibodies to their venom.

I worked for a couple of months in the Cayman Islands, and although I had a bad reaction to their bites, nothing like you encountered. The welts from their sting lasted for months!

Epipen or at least heavy duty Benedryl would be a good thing to carry.

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Thanks guys, after calming down a little I've done alittle research. Definitely an allergy from what I gather. Very lucky it really hit me while walking into emerg. I had no idea, that's the freakiest part. Thank goodness I listened to the misses and went to the hospital, she was right (for once lol)


Wil, PM me.

What a scare!!! Glad your OK. You know you should ALWAYS listen to the voice of reason (wife):) We aren't just a pretty face you know...LOL!!!!

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Thanks all for the kind words. Feeling better today. Left a message with my GP to get in and see a specialist. It's amazing how fast it happened. The timeline from bites to shock was approx. 40 mins.


- I've never had allergies

- Been bitten tons of times with no issues.

- I'm heathly and fit

- I've spent thousands of hours in the outdoors.


Then a few ant bites/stings and it became very serious - quickly. I know at work it is mandatory to have Epipens at some locations. I'll tell you now, with this happening to me I will have some always around for my family.


Thanks again for your kind words, and yes Jewelbee, she's not just a pretty face. :D


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