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Posted (edited)

I know I am gonna' catch a ton of flack for sayin' that, but I am just wondering if anyone else out there agrees? Not only is bass pro not the one stop shop it pretends to be, but it hurts the little guy. I for one like to buy off of a neighbour, in hopes they will send money my way in some shape or form by buying goods or services that i have to offer.


And before anyone says they can't afford to shop anywhere else, you really haven't shopped around.


let the ranting begin....

Edited by MuskyGreenHorn
  MuskyGreenHorn said:
Not only is bass pro not the one stop shop it pretends to be, but it hurts the little guy.


They sell fishing gear, fishing clothing, hunting gear, hunting clothing, boats, boat accessories, outboard motors, electric motors, electronics, archery equipment, camping gear, very good outdoor clothing, boots, hiking gear yada yada yada


Just curious as to why you say it's "not the one stop shop it pretends to be" and what is it your looking for that they don't carry ?? Actually, I don't ever recall BPS saying they carried absolutely everything an outdoorsman would need anyways, but perhaps I missed that part.


As for hurting the little guy, it seems to me that the "little guys" around the GTA that were doing well before BPS came along are still doing well. Fishing World in Hamilton, 2 LeBarons locations, JB's in Toronto, Tightlines in Pickering, Gagnons in Oshawa :dunno:


Sure there were some small Mom & Pops that went under after BPS arrived, but from my perspective, they were the ones that never improved themselves or grew with the times anyways. Same tired old baits sitting on the dusty shelves for 20 years, same old ratty fish mounts hanging on the walls and not many improvements done over the years to attract or keep customers anyways.


In my own personal opinion, and for what it's worth, I think the smaller shops that keep up with the times as far as new gear goes, have knowlegable friendly staff and offer good customer service have nothing to worry about with the likes of BPS


Personally, I buy most of my musky gear from JB's just because I like the people and what they offer, but I still enjoy wandering around BPS because I think it's a very nice store, almost like a mini-Sportsman Show.


As for prices, I bought a 400 TE from JB's awhile back that was $115 LESS than BPS


The one thing I DO find frustrating at BPS though is the fact that so many of the staff aren't familiar with the products their selling, but you'll find that in most big stors that hire alot of part-timers.


Course, this is only my opinion on the way I see things ;)


I pass by BPS when in Ohio and love stopping there the guys and girls are great and some prices are crazy cheap I also really like the store in Rossford Ohio but I do also shop at the local guys here in Chatham.

Bass Haven is the best bet Dennis has the right stuff not just alot of extra crap you would never use


There is a NEW store in Belle River I think it's called big catch outdoors I have not made it in yet but here they are very good I have met the guys before and they are very nice guys they hand make knives that will last forever as well as a fish gripper thing for cleaning fish its cool and the wife loves hers.


In Windsor Wallys is hard to beat he has alot of stuff that is used at his door step on the DR river,Erie and LSC.


I really enjoy trip when I can to a small store in Lambeth just west of London on HWY 2 Steve is a great guy to chat with and has a very nice small store not alot of stuff but again he has what people want and ask for.


Then the big small guy Angling Outfitters its hard to believe that he might have as much or more then BPS in his small store I have bought alot here and even bought my GPS/Sonar there for more then I would pay in the USA at the time just because his customer service is #1.


I guess what I am trying to say is along the lines of LEW if you keep up with the times the small stores will be around for a long time.


Yes we have alot of competition for the store in my neck of the woods with in 30 min of these Chatha/Windsor stores you can be a many different Gander mountain stores and als oBPS not to mention Dicks Sporting goods. With in a 1 1/2 hours you can be in Ohio at BPS then Gander then Janns net craft then up to MI for Caballas we have a lot of choice here in the SW and the good shops are still around.


Many thanks to the guys who help us on the local front.

  MrEh said:
There is a NEW store in Belle River I think it's called big catch outdoors I have not made it in yet but here they are very good I have met the guys before and they are very nice guys they hand make knives that will last forever as well as a fish gripper thing for cleaning fish its cool and the wife loves hers.


Mornin Mike, I think that's probably the store where Paul (Tybo) bought his knife when we were down there in October. That knife was a work of art fer sure !!!


I think that all one had to do is drive through Hamilton or Brantford down town cores, then drive to the mall and check out the parking lot there, to see the "big box" effect in action. Now, whether it is right or wrong, or inevitable, or evolution etc. is a debate that will rage on forever.

I still love going to Bass Pro. Like Lew said, for us it is like a trip to the sportsman show. Having said that, I feel almost the same stopping at Epps on the way up highway 11.

I love the small shops, I do. But am finding that the idea of driving to the local shop and hoping that they have the Rapala (for instance) in the colour and size that you want, is getting very antiquated. If you have time for advanced planning, and the items are not too heavy, buying on the Internet seems to be the way to go.



BPS is a great place .. just don't ask any questions regarding their products. <_< They seldom know what they're talkin about.


Nice place to look see and then leave . Cheaper at other stores. Check their price in flyer with Radioworld or Le Baron and guess who is cheaper on large ticket items.


I thank god for Walmarts Putting my two Daughters and Wife to Work when we first moved here. Im sure the two guys in the Wheel chairs also are thankful. Lets not forget both Bass Pro and Walmarts are a Business. Both have Lower Prices and variety of selections which is good for competition. Why am I like this, as a Military Soldier, I was posted in Wainwright AB, and Petawawa before Walmarts, even FM stations were brought in and they have made the Quality of life a whole much better. Maybe Im not spoiled. You should feel lucky to shop at a Bass Pro, thankfully since this year, I only have to travel 7 hours to Calgary to visit my closest shop.


Enjoy going there just to see everything in one place, however more of just an annual trip now. Buy 90 % of my stuff at Angling Outfitters ten minutes from home!!!!


I have to disagree with a few things... firstly, Bass Pro employs more Canadians in that store than all of the other tackle stores in Ontario combined...


They also donate more money to local conservation efforts (Yes, LOCAL) than any other store in Canada and have been doing so since their start.


Regarding other stores... this one is a real kicker... Bass Pro has also made the other stores, like Lew said, who are willing to advance with the times, better... why? Because BPS has brought more new people into fishing that have never picked up a rod or haven't gone in years with their "walartness" store that acts as an attraction. a day with the kids or better yet and pass through to the mall. All the eye candy you see get's people interested and creates new anglers. Most of the stores that are still standing are actually doing better.. the internet has hurt more store owners than BPS ever will in it's lifetime!


Yes, other stores are cheaper on some items and that's also great news for the smaller guy. BPS has not come to Canada and flexed their muscles and used their buying power to destroy the market... they have 100 times if not 1000 times the overhead than a 2000 sq ft store has, 100 times the employees, marketing and donations... so they charge accordingly.


Keeping it local is a pretty sad excuse to use for not visiting BPS... just about 98% of the lures in every tackle store are made elsewhere, not by the local store owners, so who are you really supporting? China? The USA? Who cares! We all need tackle, reels and rods and whoever has the best deal gets the business.. but the repeated kicking at bigger companies on here without qualifying your reasons really gets old quick.


BTW... seminars are free, parking is free, charity BBQ for Mercer's Casting for a Cure Cancer fundraiser and other BBQ's to support local conservation efforts, 40,000 reels donated through the reel trade in program to kids fishing organizations and the fact that the reel prices during the trade in are well below their cost, yup! They're really hurting Ontario! :huh:


Sorry for the rant




bass pro is a generality store. greaty to explore. as guys specialize in species its normally a regional thing. local sporting goods stores do specialize in knowledge. finding out the hot info of...where, what their biting on, weather reports is priceless.. big box stores do not carry specialty items.theres many quality products that fishermen seek that the walmarts, bass pro,s dont carry.


LOL, Toys-R-Us? A very good tackle shop in my area, and I know and have fished with the people that run it. They are all fishermen and good ones! I still used to go to BPS and Cabela`s, Janns Netcraft at times, they took the place of the Cleveland Sportsman show for me.


Quantity purchases made where the cost was the cheapest, but in time of need locally. Some stores carry different products, it is nice to have options. Not really into house brand lures and such, but is anything made in our countries any more any way? BPS seems to have caught on to that fairly quickly and push their house brands, for nearly the same prices that name brands carry, and the price of a few lures is more than the poor dude in China or Korea makes in a day for turning out hundreds of them.


LOL Bass-Mart?

Posted (edited)

bass pros boots, outdoor clothing are pretty good.


their fishing stuff is aweful and over priced. a joke.


it's nice to see everything under one roof but i rarely buy anything fishing related there.


i've been to close to a dozen BPS' all over the US and they're all the same. junk. i'd be real happy to see Cabelas - a much better big box retailer - take over the Vaughan location.


walmartness is a pretty fair statement IMO, without the cheap prices.

Edited by Raf

What is walartness?


I'm not a big fan of BP either. I just can't justify the gas I burn to get there, then leave with nothing. I can get everything I need locally, and if I can't, my go to guys will order it in for me.




I was thrilled when I first heard the news a BPS was coming to Toronto. Anytime a new fishing store opens it gives me another place to shop. BPS just adds to the economy by employing more Canadians. Long live BPS.


Irishfield, she reported you to the manager. :lol:


Sinker it means Wal-mart-ness (i think) sort of the wallymart of outdoors stuff . I dont buy much there but I never pass by without stopping in, if just to look at the fish tank . Im with Lew on this what he said.


For me, the best thing about BPS has been meeting up with Roger (BPS Bassman) and chatting with him. A nicer person you will not meet!

As far as buying there, they have some fine outdoor wear, but I don't really buy anything there unless I can't find it somewhere else. I do however support their efforts to build fishing exposure in this province and will not slam them for the buisness tactics... that being said, I have to agree with Raf, personally, I would have preferred a Cabela's in that location.



Beavers... LOL... Personally I love BPS, they have been more than helpful with everything Ive ever asked of them, prizes, donations etc. The first time I went into the store, I was astounded. Personally I think that (and don't take this the wrong way) alot of urban dwellers are spoiled when it comes to shopping. Ive said it before... I get one isle to shop at in my Local CT. I don't go to Bass Pro for prices, I go for selection. Its a treat for me to shop there. And its right on my way in and out of Toronto! Opinions are just that... and everyone can shop right where they want to shop.


being from the northwest I don't have much of an opportunity to hit BPS. BUT when I had to be in Toronto last year, thanks to directions on how to get there from the board members here, I discovered that BPS was just minutes away from my aunts apartment where I was staying.


Needless to say, I had to go and see the store and the stuff they carried. I would have been more impressed if I hadn't been to Cabelas in Owatanna just a few months earlier. The store is nicely laid out and it was easy to find some of the things I needed but since I was flying home I couldn't get too much.


On my way to the airport (flying out of Sault Ste Marie) I stopped at the service centre on the 400 north that has the bait shop and I asked the guy at the bait shop how BPS had affected his business. They told me, it really hadn't. In fact they told me they regularly supply BPS with minnows and since they were open early and BPS didn't open until 10am they did a good business with fishermen who wouldn't wait til the 10am time came.

Posted (edited)

I think the point Muskygreenhorn is making is that once the money goes to BPS it no longer circulates within the community (he's referring to area in the outlying GTA I believe).I agree with you JP BPS does do alot of good things and yes having a shop where I'm located I do lose business to them but I don't begrudge them or my customers that shop there (95% do at some point),people work for their money and if BPS has a deal that saves them dough then hell I tell em you better jump on it lol, we don't live in a vacume,there is always competition.Now with Walmart because they park there stores right in many smaller communities I do have issues with their business model.They suck money out and all that remains to circulate is the minimum wage they pay.My 18yr old out of the blue started telling me he didn't like Walmart because of the negative effects it has on small towns,blew me away that he had on his own grasped the whole idea of capital moving around ie. Joe pays me to fix his house and I pay Ed to fix my car etc.,if too many business's suffer in sales Joe can't pay me so poor Ed loses because I have to fix the car myself and it goes on like a wave.There are small towns in the US that ended up ghost towns because once too many people lost thier jobs due to the ripple effect and had no money Walmart pulled out due too poor sales,leaving no jobs never mind minimum wage.Muskygreenhorn is a great customer of mine and I am thankful that he supports my business.Go easy on him guys,he's just expressing his social conscience with concern for his community.

Edited by hirk

I like wandering through and would probably do it regularly if it was closer. However it is too far away for that. And I can buy locally cheaper then I can at BPS and save the drive so I just don't go.


I have been in the store maybe 5 times since it opened. Except for a good pair of hunting boots I probably have not spent $50 there in those 5 visits.

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