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Facts of Fishing - New Season Tonight!!


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The New Facts of Fishing season premieres tonight at 7pm on WFN and Sat & Sun at 9am on The Score! Can it be season 3 already?? WOW!!


So were gonna have a bit of a contest! Dave's always looking for comments and reviews on his show, so this is what we are gonna do: The first person to post a review after tonights show, 7:30 board stamp time, gets an official OFC toque.


Then from now till Monday at 4 pm continue to post your reviews here and out of all of them we will randomly pick 3 entries to receive $200 each worth of lures from Dave's own secret stash!!! That's great odds of winning a great prize!! How cool is that!! All ya gotta do is watch the show and tell me what ya think!!



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Can I be entered for the toque I don't get the fine show that Dave puts out down here in the States???




I can't get either so I am gonna give my review before anyone else.....

Great show with a funny host. Very annoying laugh though...I especially like the part where he hooked that one fish and brought it into the boat with just a flip of his rod.

All in all well worth watching.

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Can I be entered for the toque I don't get the fine show that Dave puts out down here in the States???





I guess I should clarify.... Please put me in for the drawing but I decline the lure's if I win just the toque pick someone else who can play by the rules for

the lure package.


Thanks T.J.

Edited by aplumma
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Wow, what a show, ain't nothing better is right!!! Once again Dave shows he can haul in a monster after fishing Florida for Goliath Grouper. What monsters. Using 600 lbs test and a winch, Dave brings in fish after fish. He then gives them a hug on the beach (the fish are not allowed to leave the waters in that area) then helps them on their way back out to sea. He definately is the Walrus and his singing, although not quite always in tune, lends a nice comedy to the show that I love. With braun and comedy, Dave makes for another enjoyable 1/2 hour of TV that can't be missed. He loves his big girls and so do we. With salt water in is face (along with a big smile), Dave catches the fish of a lifetime and shares it with us. Good job Dave, I loved it.



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I'am soo happy to see dave's back for round threee!!!


tonight's show was no let down either, fishing florda's coast for huge fish

made 27 casts, 14 fish in 4:47 min

best was a 450lbs big girl and dave knows big girls!!!


you'll have to watch it!

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Great show Dave and Co. probably one of the most unique episodes I've seen on a fishing show....




1. The tuxedo T shirt should make an appearance in every show


2. A complaint, I wish you would show some excitement when you get those big fish on...



Keep up the good work

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workwear wins the touque!!!


Hey.. pm me your mailing address and ill get it out right away!!


Keep the reviews coming!!



Wed 7pm

Thursday 3am,11am

Sat 530 pm

Sun 930am


The Score

Sat 9am

Sun 9am,130pm

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Just Finished watching the show and it was great! Not a huge fan of the saltwater fishing, but Dave sure kept me entertained!!! I was hoping for some Ontario fishing but hey it was good. Sorta like flipping docks for largies eh? :lol: This show is the perfect blend of funniness (Thanks Dave) and awesome fishing knowledge. I hope you can keep it going for many years to come Dave!



Edited by Ben_Daniels
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Like a few others have said I'm not a real big fan of the more exotic fishing such as this - but I found this show easy to watch and engaging. It's not everyday you see 450 pound Grooper being caught. And while I wouldn't want to see every fishing show host I watch jump in the water with the fish they catch, I thought that was a nice touch in this case. Dave does a good job of just being himself on this program without making it look like a staged production. Another thing I enjoy about Dave's program is that there isn't an over-abundance of product pushing - "just the facts" if you will - and enough to get the message accross and keep it interesting. I found this (and most episodes) entertaining, interesting and informative. A good combination. Well done. Hopefully there'll be more episodes "closer to home" as the season unfolds.


Rob V

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The show was great ,watched it with the kid.

It really showed how very important boat control is , wether its presenting your baits or having to use the boat itself to move these monsters out of the cover itself.

600 pound test is crazy and the red mono they were using looked exactly like licorce.

Watching it made me sick for warm weather and made my arm sore!!!

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great show, man was it ever rough near those pilings!!! Who would have thought you would ever need a 150 yammie and 600lb test to move a fish away from structure. I thought my flipping sticks were heavy duty. The best line from Dave "I know the heavy girls" That's a classic, again great show, keep them coming.

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Hey Dave, Im a big fan and try to catch all your facts of fishing shows. The best part about your show is the excitment that you bring to every episode and I feel that you definately brought the excitment this time! You started off the 3rd season with a BANG, 600 lb test and 450 lb Goliath Grouper, are you kidding me! A couple of critiques are that you went a little light on the line and took too long fighting the little guy next time just power him in! JK. If this episode doesn't get you pumped you gotta check your pulse. One comment I want to make about the fact of fishing the show is that I love the variety of fish and places that you visit and fish, and I think it is a great balance between exotic and local is great (local meaning places us ofners can fish without flying in on a float plane). Congrats on the 3rd season and keep up the great work and can't wait for more episodes!

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ahh, the pvr...

even my wife LOL @ "I know the heavy girls". Going to show my kids tomorrow and I know what will be said too when they see it; "daddy, there's Dave, have you ever caught a fish that big?" where I'll have to say "yes....in my dreams"....

Congrats on season 3 Dave!

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