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you only THINK their friends


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It's interesting how over the years we each gather a circle of friends on message boards, or at least we THINK their friends anyways, and then sometimes things happen in our lives, and we realise that unfortunately, maybe we didn't have quite as many board friends as we originally thought we had.


It's strange actually, cause sometimes, old friends really aren't, yet strangers actually are.....


I spose it's good to re-evaluate stuff from time to time anyways though, and just put everything in it's proper perspective so it's easier to understand where things and people belong.


This should make sense to some, and will mean nothing to most, but I'm done now anyways and no further reponse to this thread is required.


Thanks, that's all I wanted to say.......

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Guest Trophymuskie

Some of us understand way to well. I've learned not to trust anyone and I mean anyone. As some people will stoop to any level to use you in the worse of ways. One can be a best friend for a long time and in a flash become the worst of enemies.

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I don't think it's healthy to have no trust in others, but a back up plan is a good idea because you really never truly know who to rely on, including family sometimes. A man of his word goes a long way, if I shake someones hand it's a contract in my book.


As far as forum friends, I think it's a good way to meet people, but I wouldn't rely on them in need. I do believe there are class act people on this site however that are willing to help complete strangers and it says a lot of your character and I like to think I fit in that category if I have the ability to help others.

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I think the word "Friend" is often missused and I believe there are different levels of friendship.


A casual friend; someone who you are happy to see and spend some time with, you may not have a lot in common but you are comfortable with them. I have a lot of people that I enjoy spending time with but they don't hunt or fish. They are just fun to be with.


Close friends; people that I know I could count on to go out of their way to help me if I was to ask for help and I would do the same for them. That doesn't mean we talk every day or anything, sometimes we might only see each other a few times a year but if we ever need each other..... As an example Lew, if I called you and asked you to come up here as soon as you could because I really needed you, would you come? I'd bet you would as quickly as you know I would for you.


A close friend is a person on whom you can confidently rely on to help pull you through the hard times, and hold you accountable for your actions. A friend is loyal. A friend will not judge you for who you are, but they will help you to grow in life.


Best friends; Well, there are a lot of people that I like and respect very much but to say that any one of them is "My Best Friend"! I think I would have to reserve that for my wife, my kids, and my dog Andy.


Then there are those other people that call you friend but will stab you in the back the second they get the chance. It's too bad that things like that have to happen but they do. In the end, they are the big loosers. I tend to trust everyone until they show me that they can't be trusted, I've taken a few in the back but compaired to the number of close friends I've made.... it was worth it.


Well, that's my perspective anyway.

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I think the word "Friend" is often missused and I believe there are different levels of friendship.


A casual friend; someone who you are happy to see and spend some time with, you may not have a lot in common but you are comfortable with them. I have a lot of people that I enjoy spending time with but they don't hunt or fish. They are just fun to be with.


Close friends; people that I know I could count on to go out of their way to help me if I was to ask for help and I would do the same for them. That doesn't mean we talk every day or anything, sometimes we might only see each other a few times a year but if we ever need each other..... As an example Lew, if I called you and asked you to come up here as soon as you could because I really needed you, would you come? I'd bet you would as quickly as you know I would for you.


A close friend is a person on whom you can confidently rely on to help pull you through the hard times, and hold you accountable for your actions. A friend is loyal. A friend will not judge you for who you are, but they will help you to grow in life.


Best friends; Well, there are a lot of people that I like and respect very much but to say that any one of them is "My Best Friend"! I think I would have to reserve that for my wife, my kids, and my dog Andy.


Then there are those other people that call you friend but will stab you in the back the second they get the chance. It's too bad that things like that have to happen but they do. In the end, they are the big loosers. I tend to trust everyone until they show me that they can't be trusted, I've taken a few in the back but compaired to the number of close friends I've made.... it was worth it.


Well, that's my perspective anyway.


Well said Cliff.

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To me I just call ya "hey bud hows things",everyone is "bud",or hey d.....k head, what you looking at, if yer not a "bud". Then theres the ones I call me ducky,thats just a bit better then a bud. :thumbsup_anim:


Friends are what you make them,best friend is someone like Cliff said,wife and kids,there til the end. I had a good friend,but seems to have taken a walk without a word. :whistling::whistling:



If Igo fishing with someone here dosent mean yer my friend or fo,just a fishing companion for the day that gets the name bud,unless you piss me off then you get called d...k head. LOL



Anyhoo smile Lew,if theres one thing I have learned the last 6 months,ya cant sweat the petty stuff. What ever you do,dont pet the sweaty stuff. SMILE LEW. :Gonefishing::Gonefishing::Gonefishing::Gonefishing:

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