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this is crazy...are you friggen kidding me?


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I live in Bowanville and the cops have never bothered me, but last weekend me and a couple pals were at a local bar after a few beers we were out front waiting for a friend to pick us up a cruiser drove by us in the plaza, slowed right down and just gave us a stare like he was the king of Bowmanville.

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It's the sign of a tough economy! Municipalities are making money any way they can!


We've only heard one side of the story, the poor innocent drunks side! Those officers must have had some kind of suspicion to approach those folks in the first place... I'll bet the karaoke couple were still singing songs out in the street, and the walking guy wasn't walking as straight as he thought!


I don't guess anyone reading this thread realizes that drunks out in public are easy prey for muggers, thieves... and worse!


There are ordinances against public intoxication for a reason eh!


QUOTE (Sandbag @ Dec 7 2009, 05:55 PM)

I'll admit that at first glance, it does seem kind of stupid, but think about it this way for a minute.


What if the officer(s) that had contact with these people had let them go along their merry way and they did step into the path of a car or even fell of their own and hurt (or worse) themselves. You can rest assured the first thing they or their family would be doing is suing the police because they had the opportunity to arrest them, drive them home and charge them etc. This would be followed closely by suing the bar that overserved them in the first place.


Unfortunately we now live in a society where people won't/don't take responsibility for their own actions and force other people to do it for them


Just another side to the coin and my .02






The nail on the head as well!


I honestly feel that this is not the case in Canada. If that situation you described actually occured they would be hard pressed to sue the police or anyone for that matter. You really never hear of cases like that quite frankly because this is NOT the U.S. and our judicial systems seems to have more sense than allowing frivolous lawsuits to get paid.


To me this is blatant harassment and as an upstanding, tax paying resident of durham county you can bet your ass i will be writing my local designate to express my disdain with this situation. To me the police are here ON MY DIME to serve and protect me. In that situation i would expect them to either ask me to wait in the establishment i came from or for them to wait there until my ride showed up so that nothing happens to me or others around me. This is not unreasonable and i challenge you to suggest otherwise. In the meantime i will be sending an email requesting a full dismissal of those charges and expecting an apology for the lack of common sense in the policing of said offenders.



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I honestly feel that this is not the case in Canada. If that situation you described actually occured they would be hard pressed to sue the police or anyone for that matter. You really never hear of cases like that quite frankly because this is NOT the U.S. and our judicial systems seems to have more sense than allowing frivolous lawsuits to get paid.


you'd be way wrong on this one. People bring frivolous lawsuits to police services all the time just to get paid.....


go figure, a couple of people drunk in public get a ticket for being intoxicated in a public place.....such an abuse of power....


there's always more to the story.

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you'd be way wrong on this one. People bring frivolous lawsuits to police services all the time just to get paid.....


go figure, a couple of people drunk in public get a ticket for being intoxicated in a public place.....such an abuse of power....


there's always more to the story.


that being the case the governing powers should state their case in a public forum, not just regurgitating the basic law but the JUSTIFICATION behind their actions. To me and i think most rational people this is a ludicrous situation and complete abuse of power, the news story dictates an appropriate explanation be given. If our governing powers that be aren't accountable to the public that elected them then who are they accountable to?????



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Yeah...a $65 ticket is such an abuse of power.....


next thing your going to say is that getting a ticket for speeding, having an expired validation sticker or running a red light is an abuse of power....


move on man, drunk in public is a ticket people talk themselves into getting......

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Like I said before, I hope their grab & snatch squad is hiding around your local Pig&Whistle when the boys roll out of the bar. But I don't think that would happen now, would it.



"Pig & Whistle".......Man yer really showin your age.



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Maybe i wouldn't get a ticket but it wouldnt be because of the badge. Drunk in public is a ticket that people who've been boozing, mouth off and get. Or they're passed out on a park bench. I wouldn't be mouthing off or causing a problem......and like EVERYONE on this board, i've staggered home from the bar many times without issue....one couple gets a ticket and it's the end of the world.

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Maybe i wouldn't get a ticket but it wouldnt be because of the badge. Drunk in public is a ticket that people who've been boozing, mouth off and get. Or they're passed out on a park bench. I wouldn't be mouthing off or causing a problem......and like EVERYONE on this board, i've staggered home from the bar many times without issue....one couple gets a ticket and it's the end of the world.



From what I've heard, the couple in question were not mouthing off, passed out on a park bench or causing any kind of problem. Good thing you don't live in Bowmanville, staggering home from the bar seems to be an issue, unless you got a badge of course...

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From what I've heard, the couple in question were not mouthing off, passed out on a park bench or causing any kind of problem. Good thing you don't live in Bowmanville, staggering home from the bar seems to be an issue, unless you got a badge of course...


Of course you didn't read it in the paper. It isn't interesting news.....besides, everything you read in the newspaper is 100% factual....that's what sells newspapers right? Facts?


I don't think so.....

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Conversely, it is possible however, that the story accurately depicts the event and the officers made a judgment call on the spot, which in hindsight may have not been the best course of action. Respect for the job police officers do, but working with and educating, goes alot further than ticketing in many cases. Perhaps out of this the detatchment in question would be well served to educate local residents on acceptable actions in similar situations.

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