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how do i get my girlfriend more interested in fishing????


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If she doesn't mind you going by yourself then keep her.


If she gets annoyed at your "fishing all the time" then I have to agree with radnine, throw her back. She ain't a keeper.

If she is just your girlfriend and she gives you grief, she will really give you trouble when you get married.


Get out while you can. Find a girl who likes to fish.


PS. Being Romantic and fishing have nothing to do with each other. Leave the romance stuff to other activities, like theater, dinners, walks etc. For me fishing really isn't romantic. I would rather fish with the boys, but that is just my opinion.


Good luck

Edited by Cudz
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I think she's either interested or she ain't. The only thing that can put the odds in your favour is if you put her on phenominal fishing. My trick for going up north is: "honey, camping/fishing trips are much cheaper than resort type vacations, we need to save money you know" :D. I consider myself lucky because she fished when she was younger, and showed interest in it throughout her life, especially when she met me.

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Met my wife 20 yrs ago, we had a wedding to go in January and I told her I needed to be home early as I was fishingin the am, so was ok with it. Got married 16 yrs ago, we were leaving for our honeymoon 2 days after so the following day after the wedding I went and fished the outflow of the nuke in Pickering, she had no issues with it.


Had an issue once and I explained I dont drink ( too much ) I dont cheat or womenize, gamble so on and so on, never once has she said a single word....encourages me to fish at every opportunity and one of these days I ll get around to installing the closed circuit camera in the house just to see who in fact owns that mercedes parked in my driveway when I go fishin

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Make her comfortable, try going on nice days first, if you have a boat make sure there's cushions for her to just sit and read etc if she don't feel like fishing.


If you're on shore make a morning out of it, bring a picnic to stop and take a break. Like others said start in a spot where the action is a plenty.

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Tellin ya man it's all about the priorities


The very 1st time I met my wife some 25 years ago---about 10 minutes into our 1st conversation I asked if she liked to fish.


(Pretty bad eh?---most players would take another angle)


Anyway she said yes and I said great I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow morn and we'll go.


(I now give her heck for headin down some creek with a complete stranger---I tell her how'd you know I was'nt a nut)


Anyway 2 kids and 25 years later---kids now away in university and it's her and I gone fishin.


Much like the Dawg though---she likes the nice warm days now--so I do get gone on my own some times.


Good Luck

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My wife used to go fishing with me when we were dating. now that we got 2 kids, she dosent fish with me anymore, but dosent mind me going once or twice a week.


Just tell her, "would you rather me be out fishing and hunting, or at the bar getting drunk with the boys and picking up girls?"

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Take her Ice Fishing on a nice -40 morning with high winds and zero visibility (on 6" of cracking ice).


My wife isn't into fishing much at all.


But on nice days, she loves to come out and read a book in the boat while I fish. That works for me, cuz she enjoys running the trolling motor, while I stand up front on the casting deck.

Edited by F to the Is-H
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Make sure shes got decent gear. Both tackle and clothes. You have to adjust your goals on trips to begin with. No sledding 20km to a lake that you've never been to that might only be 5 ft deep and mud....



Im in the same process here. Found out quick that if shes cold/wet that the trip is a quick one.

Edited by troutologist
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DUDE!!!... that would sound so much more believeable if we here hearing it from the LLJ herself!!!... instead of your "Pike population depleting :asshat: "... ;)


:lol: :lol: :lol: Honest...she was sitting on the couch right beside me and said it! I wouldn't lie to you, Dawg... :D

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haha well i started off just asking if we could go for a walk down to the lake, hmm sounds good to her.. ok next step.. do you mind if i bring my rod and take a couple casts? .. if that works.. keep on goin ! lol once we get down there take a cast or two.. then i would ask her if she would like to try.. if she says yes thats great.. if she says no.. try again in a few more casts.. if nothings workin .. then continue on ur walk.. if she does take the bait, make sure she enjoys it but dont expect her to stay out for hours.. or even an hour.. but if ur able to get her hooked.. its smooth sailing from there out, thats how i got my girl friend to fish with me any ways.. started off with little fish.. and then the next day i caught a 3.5lb largie infront of her and that was kind of a make or break.. she started off saying she never wanted to catch a giant like that and she would stick to her little rockies and panfish, but a few mounths later that changed after we went out in the boat for walleye.. caught a few and asked her if we should keep one and take it home and fry it up.. she was all for it.. ever since she is hooked on walleye fishing .. and about a month ago..her and i went fishing for "walleye" aka she wanted to catch walleye i wanted to catch some smallies, both got what we wanted and well here is her first big walleye..

but the only real advise i can give you is that you dont wanna pressure her or make her fish for too long .. just try the.. "oh hey lets go for a walk.. maybe cast a line or two" phrase .. works for me.. but trust me they will catch on .. and as soon as they start getting bored.. u better start talking about sumthing amusing to her.. or start packin up.. or else they get grumpy on you lol

thats just my two cents.


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I always told every woman I ever dated, very early in our relationship, that fishing and being outdoors was very important to me, and that I would always devote a good portion of my time to those pursuits. If that was going to be a problem, that was the end of that relationship. My wife knew the score long before I put a ring on her finger, and she's OK with it.


I take her with me occasionally. The last few years she hasn't bothered to buy a licence, so she sits in the boat and reads. She has basically no interest in the sport. She was in the boat one day when I was on a really good top-water bite. That's something you would think would be somewhat fun to watch...seeing big bass break surface to smash a popper...pretty cool, right? She never even looked up from her book the whole time. The thing is, she's just as happy to stay on shore, and even though I love the girl, I don't really miss her a whole lot while the bite is on. My point is, maybe you shouldn't force anything on her. You might be better off just doing your own thing and letting her do her own thing. There's plenty of time to be together...when fishing conditions are unfavourable. ;)


If you are really set on the idea of making a fisher"person" out of her, I'd say the first thing you should do is get her her own rod that she can get used to, and spend some time teaching her how to throw a proper cast. Go to a dock or section of open shoreline and show her how it is done and get her to practice. Those of us that have fished all our lives sometimes forget that casting is something that needs to be learned and is one of fishing's most basic and valuable skills.

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Don't go on a Marathon Trip... 8+ hours to a guy is awesome... 1-2hours for a girl is ok...(and pushing the limit, especially if not catching)

Take her Panfish fishing ( Quantity over Quality) Keep her interested

buy her a rod/reel/tackle bag - Pink in Color for all 3...

load tackle bag up with bright lures (pinks, neon Yellows, any colors you wouldn't get, etc...)


the reel a spincast would be easiest for her... a spinning reels is nice, but it'll take her a while to learn to cast (when to release the line)don't even think about a baitcaster


Last but not least...


Careful what you wish for... if she really gets into it, you'll have no more "alone time"

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My wife is an occasional angler. When the weather is nice she loves to get out for pannies and perch. If it gets windy, cold, etc.. she may just sit in the van and read. She is not the "big game hunter", nor is she an outdoor enthusiast, but she don't mind.

Your girlfriend, future wife, etc..., does not have to like fishing. She just has to accept that this is your passion and give you the freedom to pursue it. You, in turn, must be just as accepting as your other half. Just make sure you set aside time to d othings together.

The idea of taking the girl out to catch pannies is the ticket. Keep it simple and fun. Do not push the serious side of fishing. That is only to be shared with fellow junkies. As you are probably going to be baiting the hooks and taking the fish off for both of you, accept that she will outfish you and never let you forget it. It's part of the fun. I've gone out with the wife and daughter pannie fishing in the boat, caught hardly a thing, and spent 2 hours fileting a boatload of large gills and crappie.

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Casually mention you bumped into Brad Pitt in the parking lot while unloading your boat and you heard rumors he's an avid muskie hunter and is usually out on the lake at midnight to avoid paparazzi.

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Bring along a nice little lunch with some wine and a banket, pull up to an island or park area and take a breather. Make it more about a day together then just fishing (for her sake ;) ). Include that there is no better place to suntan then on the water too.


MAKE SURE, there are bathrooms within an easy run to where you are on the water.

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I have not read all the replies but will suggest this take her out for some easy fishing pan fish would be best as they will hit anything or maybe perch if you have some good spots if she does not like it then dont force her into fishing as she will never like it.


Now if she does not like it but lets you get away when you want that is a good thing if she gets mad and makes a fuss over it you will have to leave her and find a new one that is not a joke if you want to have a long relationship with her and maybe one day tie the knot if she puts up a fuss now then you dont want to be there when you have a house and kids.


I am lucky my family loves to fish but my wife also does not mind when I go on trips like this weekend I am off again for a musky trip and the family will be here having there own weekend I love having them out with me but this time of year its hard with the cold nights and not knowing the daily weather

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You can tell she is really having fun here.


The easy way is to just spend money! If this is the one you love, then you have no problems forking over cake so that you can share your passion together. Two years ago I took my wife river fishing in Terrace BC, for Chinook. She still asks about going back to BC. She comes with me on one yearly week of fishing per year. We spend a good chunk of change to make sure that the place we go takes care of all the creature comforts. I don't regret spending a single penny of that money, and I'll treasure those memories forever.



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I agree with the lots of fish and short trip part. Another thing you could do is take her fishing where a lot of women fish. I spent a lot of time on the pier in Pt Bruce this summer and if it wasn't pouring rain there it was always a lot of female anglers there some days more women than men.


Also it tended to be more a social gathering this year as the fishing wasn't all that great. Everyone for the most part gets along well and they do a lot of joking around. Maybe seeing lots of other women fishing and having someone to talk to would work at getting her interested long term.

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lol all awsome advice guys.... she has been out with me a few times and i think ive been making the mistake of targetting real fish rather than just increasing the number i think the time limits have also been a little too long! i'm sure you all can relate that one last cast might just produce! and so i have many last casts!


she has a pretty descent cast herself on a spinning rod, but ur all right i actually havent been using her own rod, the one she chose its actually sitting in my parents basement.... i guess i better get that out and re spool the line on that baby! also stocking her tackle box seems like a really good idea... but pink won't do she hates it! i guess she's a bit of a tomboy... i;m going to keep all your advise in mind! if nothing works out well then at least i know i tried and she can't blame me for going without her... or atleast the you read i'll fish option is still there!

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