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Attawapiskat River Adventure ~ Quest For Giant Pike


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With all of the views and replies for Solopaddler's fantastic report, I'm wondering...


how many members HAVE BOOKED or will DEFINITELY BE BOOKING a fishing trip with Eddie for next year?


I'm working with a buddy to put together a fishing trip and we are considering this as a potential destination. We're sensitive to the fact that this is a new business venture and would like to get a better sense of overall demand and any risks that might exist.



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You really are killing me, dude


:) (Craig, I'm sure there'll be other opportinities to go)



With all of the views and replies for Solopaddler's fantastic report, I'm wondering...


how many members HAVE BOOKED or will DEFINITELY BE BOOKING a fishing trip with Eddie for next year?


I'm working with a buddy to put together a fishing trip and we are considering this as a potential destination. We're sensitive to the fact that this is a new business venture and would like to get a better sense of overall demand and any risks that might exist.





Risks are minimal and no different from every other fly in outpost camp in the north.

If you're interested you may want to contact Ed directly. I'd say at this point interest is pretty high for the 2010 season.

On the plus side I personally don't believe you'd have to go at a traditionally "prime" time like early June. Because it's so far north and a river system it will fish well throughout the season.

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Hey mike, i wanna give a long reply to a post that obviously took a lot of care and effort to put together...lol...but its sooo awesome and sooooo detailed i dont know that i could cover it all.....what i will say is that is some awesome fishing you guys had, trully excellent pics and a memorable post that has me wanting to go there !


Thanks for putting that together.....love those aggressive walleyes....AWESOME!

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With all of the views and replies for Solopaddler's fantastic report, I'm wondering...


how many members HAVE BOOKED or will DEFINITELY BE BOOKING a fishing trip with Eddie for next year?


I'm working with a buddy to put together a fishing trip and we are considering this as a potential destination. We're sensitive to the fact that this is a new business venture and would like to get a better sense of overall demand and any risks that might exist.




Hi I just read some your posts,Im not sure if you have contacted me or not but to put you at ease Ive been in business and serving the public for over 25 years .I have spent almost as much time in the bush and on the water around northern Ontario as I have at home.There are 4 things you need too succesfully run an outfitting business.#1 A reliable air service #2 good accomodations #3 excellent equipment and #4 Fantastic Hunting and fishing.,,


We Have it all,,,please feel free to call anytime,,,,Eddie,,,,1-902-436-1361

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Each time this gets bumped back up i look at and read this in awe.



What a remarkable trip and incredible and lengthy work to have made this report! Thanks again.


This story at the start really gives an idea of the nature and distance from civilisation.


A Flight Down Memory Lane


Without even having to look at a map I recognized most of the waterbodies enroute to Beteau.

At one point we flew over Petawanga lake a large widening of the Albany. It was cool to see it from the air as it brought back a flood of memories.

I remember paddling down it's length when a thunderstorm suddenly started brewing. Looking for shelter I spied a series of cabins on an island near the lakes east end.

From a distance they looked in good shape so I made my way over.

It was an old native camp, probably used for hunting and up close they were in fact pretty derelict.

A squeaky door banged loosley on it's hinges, ragged bits of rotten cloth flapped in an open window. It had a forlorn abandoned air to it and there was a disconcerting feel to the place. I felt I was trespassing.

Nevertheless with a big storm coming and evening approaching I set up shop in the best of the old cabins.

Being alone in the wilderness for months on end nothing much would ever phase me, but for whatever reason I was unnerved in this old native camp.

With a strange feeling that I was being watched I fixed the old wood stove in the cabin making sure the stovepipe was solid and secure.

With night falling and a cold driving rain the cabin was chilly. I managed to scrounge up some dry wood, stoked up the old stove and settled in as best as I could.

Around 3am I was in a deep sleep when I suddenly woke with a start, instantly alert. Something had roused me, I just didn't know what.

Lying on the bunk I heard one of the doors slam on the other cabins. Every hair stood up on my neck as there was no way wind did that.

Just as I was about to get up and look, without warning the stovepipe which I'd secured collapsed into the cabin and the woodstove fell over on its side.

The cabin was instantly filled with blinding acrid smoke and burning embers.

In a panic I managed to get the door open and using my flashlight sweep everything outside with an old chunk of plywood.

3am or not with disaster narrowly averted I quickly packed my gear, loaded the canoe in the dark and left the old camp for friendlier environs.

I'm not one to get spooked by anything, but to this day the memory of that strange night still unsettles me.






Did you tell any of the other anglers this story prior to your arrival? It would have creeped me out!


Still amazed by this report.

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Each time this gets bumped back up i look at and read this in awe.



What a remarkable trip and incredible and lengthy work to have made this report! Thanks again.


This story at the start really gives an idea of the nature and distance from civilisation.



Did you tell any of the other anglers this story prior to your arrival? It would have creeped me out!


Still amazed by this report.


Thanks Eric.

Actually I hadn't thought of this in years. It literally wasn't 'till we were in the air and I saw the lake that I remembered.


(I think I'm going to have to talk with Eddie, his bumps are getting a bit spammy LOL! :lol: )

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