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I love Ontario. I've travelled the world in my lifetime and nothing has ever felt as much like home as Ontario. I also love what I do. I'm a meat cutter by trade.


I was called at work and asked to do what I do in Bermuda for 3 years.


Being a young single guy, everybody is telling me to GO FOR IT.. I have a weird feeling about it. Maybe just scared of change, I don't know. Basically I'd make the same money I make here, only in US dollars and wayyyyy less tax.


Also new fishing opportunities.. all saltwater stuff. Which would be cool, but I don't know how long I'd live without bass and musky. lol


Benefits, vacation, would all be the same.


I just don't know what to do! What would you do?

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Dude jump on it, I have a wife and 3 kids as well as several properties and I still jump at opportunities like that, i'm actually on my way to nunavut next week for a work gig, getting a chance to travel won't come your way too often and getting paid to do it will be even rarer, just store all your stuff, get your passport tie up your loose ends and GET ON THAT PLANE!!!!!

Edited by jasonl
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I love Ontario. I've travelled the world in my lifetime and nothing has ever felt as much like home as Ontario. I also love what I do. I'm a meat cutter by trade.


I was called at work and asked to do what I do in Bermuda for 3 years.


Being a young single guy, everybody is telling me to GO FOR IT.. I have a weird feeling about it. Maybe just scared of change, I don't know. Basically I'd make the same money I make here, only in US dollars and wayyyyy less tax.


Also new fishing opportunities.. all saltwater stuff. Which would be cool, but I don't know how long I'd live without bass and musky. lol


Benefits, vacation, would all be the same.


I just don't know what to do! What would you do?


Do some serious checking before you commit. Bermuda's a very expensive place to live. PM me if you want a name to check with. I know a banker down there (a Canuck ex-pat) and I know a girl who now lives here who was a Bermuda banker not so many years back. I actually looked into moving there to work a few years back and didn't get too far thru the process before I decided it wasn't what we really wanted. Three years is a long time to commit to without knowing what's in store. And remember any family is still gonna be back here, and it's an air evac to Boston for serious medical treatment, etc.


I'm all for great adventures, probably too much so in my younger years, but I'm betting that once you do some investigation you'll start to think that Bermuda may not be for you.


Sometimes a weird feeling isn't fear of the unknown, it's common sense or a sixth sense, giving you a nudge in the right direction.



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I would look at what JonhF says about prices down there...BUT, I was also a butcher of 15 years and loved it!!! I had several opertunities arise that were a good deal (not quite this good) but either way I was younger and screwed up everyone of them!!!!!LOL

That being said I was in the grocery business for that period of time and I now have a buddy working out of a Canadian Military base in Germany for the U.N. managing a store and he says it was the greatest call (meaning phone-call) that he ever got.

Have at er' my friend, especially if they provide lodging, expenses ect.


Let me know how this works out cause I have dreamed of it before :D:D

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I say go for it. When are you going to get this kind of opportunity again? Be smart about it and make sure they kick in some living expenses and stuff but 3 years can go by really quick!!!!

You may find that you don't ever want to come back!!!

Good Luck with whatever you choose!!


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Being a young single guy,


Im confused here Rich.


Dont you have a girl and child? Sry if I missed something.



If I was young(not attached) ,I be gone,like a banana split.


What ever you chose,hope it works out for you.

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If they offer a per diem for food and lodging... maybe.


I don't know about you, but being trapped on a tiny little island out in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.... it could be a dream come true... or your worst nightmare!!!


As far as the fishing goes, your heaviest rod and reel may be considered ultra lite tackle for saltwater fishing!

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Guest skeeter99
I love Ontario. I've travelled the world in my lifetime and nothing has ever felt as much like home as Ontario. I also love what I do. I'm a meat cutter by trade.


I was called at work and asked to do what I do in Bermuda for 3 years.


Being a young single guy, everybody is telling me to GO FOR IT.. I have a weird feeling about it. Maybe just scared of change, I don't know. Basically I'd make the same money I make here, only in US dollars and wayyyyy less tax.


Also new fishing opportunities.. all saltwater stuff. Which would be cool, but I don't know how long I'd live without bass and musky. lol


Benefits, vacation, would all be the same.


I just don't know what to do! What would you do?


I know a guy that went down for three years to do computer work for the bank of bermuda, made $85 k u.s. yes food and lodging is very expensive, but he says there are lots of small apartments (on or near the beach) for $800 to $1000 us a month you just have to do a little work in finding them he was about 10 mins outside of the town he worked


you are crazy for not going, here I will give you a piece of rope if you dont go.It will be a experience you will have for the rest of your life


oh !and when in bars they can tell by your accent that you are canadian and the ladies go pretty wild for you from what he told me same goes for the aussies for some reason too!

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My son is a musician on cruise ships. He has been doing this off and on for almost 10 years. Believe it or not one of his biggest complaints about cruising in the Carribean is it gets boring after about 3 months. Now don't get me wrong, he has been all around the world, several times, and he loves his work but he finds the smaller islands in the Carribean to be too confining and repititious and has to come home for a vacation.

By the way DITTO on the Canadian accent.



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I lived there in the late 70's and early 80's.I was stationed there in the Navy.The people are the greatest,the tourists not so much.It was expensive,but I moonlighted on a charter boat and had a blast.I will say after a couple of years I was ready for a transfer from the "rock".Learn to commute on a motorcycle,tourists cant get motorcycles so the tourist wimmins will be all over you cause you are "local" if you have a bike.The place will get real "small " after a while.20 miles long and a mile wide,think about it.How much vacation time to come back will you get?I would not trade my time there for anything,the place was awesome!


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I'm an electrician and wouldn't consider picking up and putting my life here in Canada on hold for the same as I could make near my friends and family. That's just me though. When I was younger, I might have considered it.


I'm aware meat cutting is a marketable skill, but are you telling me they can't find a qualified butcher between here and Bermuda? Seems a little fishy to me. You may want to ask youreself why this company needs to come all the way to Canada to attract someone willing to do the job.


I'm considering applying for a one year contract in Korea with Atomic Energy of Canada as a high voltage Technologist...but I would make about $80000 tax free dollars in less than nine months. Any less than that and I'd stay home.


Good luck with whatever you decide. Always remember that working is almost always better than not working.

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I lived there in the late 70's and early 80's.I was stationed there in the Navy.The people are the greatest,the tourists not so much.It was expensive,but I moonlighted on a charter boat and had a blast.I will say after a couple of years I was ready for a transfer from the "rock".Learn to commute on a motorcycle,tourists cant get motorcycles so the tourist wimmins will be all over you cause you are "local" if you have a bike.The place will get real "small " after a while.20 miles long and a mile wide,think about it.How much vacation time to come back will you get?I would not trade my time there for anything,the place was awesome!




Didn't you catch the crabs there or something???

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Carefully check into the gig they are offering, the pay, and the allowances.


Don't forget yer little fella. Do you really want to miss 3 really fun years of growing up?


I'm all for taking up life's adventures, but not at the expense of your family.

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To vacation in a spot and to move your life to that spot are not even in the same park.


Your Spidey Sense is trying to enlighten you--listen to it.


I too have moved around lots..


You currently live in a place that 3/4 of the world is trying to get to.


If you have stability and a level of satisfaction now--I say stay..


Man your catchin browns I'm really envious of.


Beaches and volleyball are in the brochures but what your changeing will be your culture


Sleep on it.



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3 year stint in Bermuda?


John F gives good advise--due your due dillegence Rich


you can embrace change--run from change or be an agent of change


the financial piece looks like it may be to your advantage--new fish--new waters-new techniques sounds like FUN


not the expansive land mass that is Ontario--get a contract and have a lawyer vette it--make sure if the fit is not right for you--you can come back home to your old gig


Sounds like an Adventure to me Dude!


Every Success whatever decision you make





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Go for it. See if you can't get a leave of absence from your work here though for a year. You will know if you like it or not by then. I have lived the expat life for 10 years and don't regret a thing. Remember everywhere in the world gets more time off than in North America so you can come home for vacation. That is what I used to do. What started off for me as a 6 month stay in Abu Dhabi/Dubai ended up lasting 8 years.

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Ive done alot of business in the Bermuda.Its a very expensive place to live. I was offered a position there and turned it down for this reason and the fact that Ontario rocks and dispite being taxed to death I still like it here more. There is a reason they have trouble attracting skilled workers. Still very much a colonial system with the wealth in the hands of very few.

Edited by Musky or Specks
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Taxes are high in Ontario...but you get what you pay for. Roads, schools, hospitals, law enforcement, parks and rec, etc...someone has to pay for that stuff and we all enjoy the benefits of living in the greatest place on earth.


Sure taxes could be lowered. We could also live in a country where the children of low-income families have no option other than starving to death, or dying of the flu.

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I've been, and Bermuda is the last island I'd want to be stuck on for three years. You can live pretty cheap if you "go local", but it does get old & repetitive fast. There's a reason the grumpiest, most bitter guys you find in a bar down there are long term ex-pats.


And the shore fishing isn't that great.

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In Canada you are taxed on your World-wide income, unless you become non-resident. It is very hard to become non-resident, it is not a simple fact of changing your address.


You basically have to cut most ties to the country, if not all. Bank accounts, drivers license, any property you may own yourself or jointly, spouses or common-law partners, dependants - the list goes on.


Here is a link:




As you can see, there are very many factors to consider. Honestly, it is very hard to prove you are non-resident. If you are resident, you are taxed on your world-wide income and must file a Canadian income tax return. They may not deduct income taxes at source, like they do in Canada, hence they advertise it as a "tax-free" salary, but that doesn't mean you will not have to pay taxes - you still have to file a Canadian income tax return if you are a resident.

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My Brother in law just got back .. his 2 year stint was closer to 12 by the time it was all said and done and it was time to get back to 'reality' ... but I am sure he would go back in a flash if he had it to do all over again ... Life my friend is ALLL about the journey .... and those who are the envy of the rest later on in life are the ones who took the chance and went on that journey ....


Happy to hook you up for information exchange ... remember, opportunities like this dont come up every day .. especially when your other responsibilities and obligations dont have to take priority

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whats the worst that could happen, apart from having to catch Marlin instead of muskie for a few years, cuz catching marlin, giant grouper, yelowtail, shark, trevali, permit, bonefish, tarpon, barracuda (barracuda on topwaters is better than bass in my humble opinion)in the beautiful carribean whilst doing the job you love sucks right??



Seriously Rich, i'm like a lot of peope you already mentioned.....GO FOR IT!!!!!! But seriously....ask yourself whats the worst that could happen?

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