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Anti-Hunters are one thing, but come on Anti-Fishing - Give me a break


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I have a co-worker who is always riding me about hunting. You know, killing Bamby, and Daffy Duck. She is always trying to make me out as a horrible person for what I do. This isn’t anything new though, there is lots of people who are vocally against hunters, and I’ve learned to deal with that.


I thought she was only like this with regards to hunting. However, she is now starting to trash talk fisherman/woman for killing and eating fish. (she doesn't eat fish herself)


I have a large repertoire to defend myself against anti hunters. But I have never had to defend myself from someone who doesn't agree with fishing, and the act of cleaning, and eating a fish. (Which has been a part of my life since I could hold a fishing rod)


I need some good responses to tell her, and I can't think of any good ones.


There's lots of summer left, and I'm going to have to deal with this every time I talk about fishing in the office.


I don't want to offend anyone in the office, but I do need some good ammo to protect myself from the anti-fishing people that are trying to turn a good thing, into a debate on morals.


Any good ideas??

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Has she ever swatted a fly? She KILLS flies? How dare she! :angry:


Obama was raked over the coals earlier just this week, for swatting a fly in a one on one interview. He interupted the interview to watch the fly land and then he smacked it. They even zoomed in on the dead fly on the floor.

Well, P3TA apparently is all up in arms as it was still a living creature that just got wacked! :rolleyes:


Where is your co-workers cut off for what is allowable and what isn't? What gives her the right to impose HER sense of what is ok or moral to do when she probably has "taken a life" at some point herself! B)

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I thought she was only like this with regards to hunting. However, she is now starting to trash talk fisherman/woman for killing and eating fish. (she doesn't eat fish herself).....



Send her this vid, and hassle her every time you see her chowing down on a radish. Salads are only for murderers!


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I have a co-worker who is always riding me about hunting. You know, killing Bamby, and Daffy Duck. She is always trying to make me out as a horrible person for what I do. This isn’t anything new though, there is lots of people who are vocally against hunters, and I’ve learned to deal with that.


I thought she was only like this with regards to hunting. However, she is now starting to trash talk fisherman/woman for killing and eating fish. (she doesn't eat fish herself)


I have a large repertoire to defend myself against anti hunters. But I have never had to defend myself from someone who doesn't agree with fishing, and the act of cleaning, and eating a fish. (Which has been a part of my life since I could hold a fishing rod)


I need some good responses to tell her, and I can't think of any good ones.


There's lots of summer left, and I'm going to have to deal with this every time I talk about fishing in the office.


I don't want to offend anyone in the office, but I do need some good ammo to protect myself from the anti-fishing people that are trying to turn a good thing, into a debate on morals.


Any good ideas??


You don't have to defend yourself. Don't get sucked into her game. If she get too persistent just tell her to "Have another burger.".



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Careful man maybe she's looking for attention from you and she's lookin for a date.


You know get the blood all up in a heated argument and POW she's got you in her lair :o


Or maybe she's just a tofu snackin crusader.



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A couple good responses I like to use are....


1) "We're Hunters/Gatherers by Nature".... (Thanks to OFAH for this one!)


2) "What do you think humans did to survive thousands/millions of years ago before grocery stores were ever around? We hunted/gathered food to survive.... some instincts are stronger than others..."


3) "Society is too domesticated and relies too much on grocery stores for its food...If there were some sort of natural disaster that affected the entire world - who do you think would survive? The hunters/gatherers.... why? Because its in our instinct/blood and we don't rely too heavily on grocery stores etc... for our food"


If they're V3GAN or P3TA activists... I always like to use...


..."What? You don't think plants are hurt when you cut a limb to bear its fruit/vegetable? Just because it doesn't have a "voice" to hear it screaming in agony/pain? Give me a break - Human's are at the TOP of the FOOD CHAIN. If humans lived in a non-urban environment, like we did millions/thousands of years ago - you don't think BEARS, PANTHERS and other predators are hunting for food too - even humans for food?.... Just because we enjoy the hunt of an animal doesn't make us "barbaric"... How do you think your food gets on your table? SOMEONE had to have killed/harvested the animal... It doesn't appear on your table like magic!"...


Anyway.... That's my grief! I hate being pestered by people saying us hunters are "barbaric". Obviously be wise in choosing a response. And like DANNYBOY said... They're just looking for attention anyway!

Edited by A2F
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if this person eats meat at all then remind her that meat doesn't really come from a grocery store. If she doesn't eat meat, I would just talk more about it. I like to put pics of some great cathes on my work lap top. Other than that I agree not to argue, you're not going to convince her so why waste the energy. I might be kind of funny to wear in one of those P3TA t-shirts (People Eating Tasty Animals)

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I'm sure you've found that trying to reason with someone with such strong beliefs is like trying to convince a religious fundamentalist that anything they hold as "fact" is debatable, much less even wrong. It's clear that humans used to be like every other animal struggling for survival and killing was part of it. It's fact. Yet people like such act as though we were put on the earth mere decades ago to all the luxuries we enjoy today, including not having to kill to survive. D.C Reid, a fishing writer, summed up this perspective well:


"We live in a world, now, where most of us never had the life of another creature in our hands. We do not regularly kill. Remember though, before the 1950s most people had their own cows and chickens and when they wanted dinner, they butchered an animal. Every person knew that today's roast came from a stunned cow strung up by the sinews of its hind leg, its throat slashed so the blood could seep out in its copiousness. That is the way of the world. For many to things to live, they must kill other animals or plants. But over the decades, the activity of butchering has more and more become the basis of business rather than a killing each of us must do.


Our meat comes to us in sanitized, in clinical foam trays, with bright labels for payment. The meat is clean, neat, attractive. No guts. No hair disfiguring the cut. No sawdust. No crap. We have become separated from ourselves, separated from the reality that living necessitates killing. Thus today, those who wish others to stop killing fish or other animals can sway opinion because all of us have become distanced from the killing our lives necessarily involve."




There will always be those who can observe the wider perspective and those who believe they have the complete picture with only a view through narrow cracks. By understanding where this person is coming from, as many members here already do, your wider perspective already has you two steps ahead.

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If she is harrassing you at the office bring it to the attention of your supervisor or HR as any kind of harrassment in the workplace is taboo.




What is workplace harassment?What is workplace harassment?

What is not workplace harassment?


What is workplace harassment?Workplace harassment is where a person is subjected to behaviour, other than sexual harassment (PDF, 784 KB), that:


is repeated, unwelcome and unsolicited

the person considers to be offensive, intimidating, humiliating or threatening

a reasonable person would consider to be offensive, humiliating, intimidating or threatening

Workplace harassment can be committed by:


an employer,


co-worker ,

group of co-workers

client or customer, or

a member of the public.

Workplace harassment covers a wide range of behaviours ranging from subtle intimidation to more obvious aggressive tactics, including:


abusing a person loudly, usually when others are present

repeated threats of dismissal or other severe punishment for no reason

constant ridicule and being put down

leaving offensive messages on email or the telephone

sabotaging a person's work, for example, by deliberately withholding or supplying incorrect information, hiding documents or equipment, not passing on messages and getting a person into trouble in other ways

maliciously excluding and isolating a person from workplace activities

persistent and unjustified criticisms, often about petty, irrelevant or insignificant matters

humiliating a person through gestures, sarcasm, criticism and insults, often in front of customers, management or other workers

spreading gossip or false, malicious rumours about a person with an intent to cause the person harm



Management action may be considered as workplace harassment where it is used:


primarily to offend, intimidate, humiliate or threaten workers

to create an environment where workplace harassment is more likely to occur

What is not workplace harassment? A single incident of harassing type behaviour

Reasonable management action taken in a reasonable way

Acts of unlawful discrimination, vilification or sexual harassment

More information about the definitions of what is , and what is not workplace harassment is available within Section 1 of the Prevention of Workplace Harassment Advisory Standard 2004 (now known as a Code of Practice

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mmmmmmmmm Vegans.... slow roasted on the spit... ya baby lip smackin good....


How about taking a vension burger to work, sit in front of her, chow down and enjoy...


Ask her about her thoughts of the guy who got killed last week when his car hit a deer. Or the fight out of New York that ran into a flock of geese... But then again a Goose's life is worth more than a couple hundred people. Oh wait, what about all the oil exploration in the artic that displaces and harms wild life... Im sure all her plastic that she uses is as organic as her hair and make up products.

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Here's something to think about. While we all (as anglers) despise having our rights and freedoms challenged and/or trampled on by these animal rights terrorists and their agenda (raising money for their leadership - check out their salaries), many of us will turn around and utilize the same form of ethical projection against fellow anglers that don't live by the same credo or fit our personal definition of an ethical angler. I'm not talking about our united protests against poaching or illegal activities, I'm talking about the marginalization/demonization of completely legal fishing practices such as keeping copious amounts of little panfish in a white bucket or any other container, bow-hunting carp, fishing tournaments, fishing during the spawn, eating a musky, etc. It's so easy to divide anglers, it's no wonder we lose access rights and see our angling opportunities at the whim of any politico looking to score easy points. We fight with each other all the time. When these AR terrorists such as ALF and P3TA are involved, we unite together and the bond (fishing) that holds us together is strong. Yet many lose sight of that and would just as happily prevent another angler from enjoying their passion if it doesn't agree with their favored technique/species/season/area/etc.


Think of how strong the fishing lobby group should be compared to what it is. 8 million anglers in Canada. That's a lot of votes and dollars spent each year.


I know my words won't change anything, but just something to think about for all of us that have fallen in to this trap.

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Oh, another thing, do NOT try to reason with them. It's a waste of breath. They had (at one time) plastered on their home page the fact that they believe if a smart dog and a mentally-challenged young child were floundering in the water and you could only save one, it would make sense to save the smart dog as opposed to the human being.


That should about say it all for these kooks.

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