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Singing National Anthem every morning in NB schools


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Who ever stopped the Singing of the National anthem in schools and why. I sang it everyday in Elementary school in Quebec. At least I know the words.


The New Brunswick Minister I think says it right.


Speaking in the provincial legislature, Lamrock said the national anthem provides teachers with an opportunity to instill values of citizenship in students.


"It is absolutely important in every school that we remind our children that to be citizens means that they are a part of something larger than themselves," he said.


What gets me is the stupid reasons some of these guys have for not wanting it. Check out the CBC comments. Pretty disturbing.



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I can't believe some of the comments in there!!!! I see no reason why it souldn't be sang in every Elementary School in the country!!!!


People need something to complain about...




sidenote: when we said the lords prayer in school, some of the kids with different backgrounds/religions simply went into the hallway while it was said. After it was over, they came back in..... no drama, no whining, no nothing.

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I have strong feelings about this.


We sang the national anthem in elementary school from grade 1-6 and then we went to Junior High for 7-8 and my friend and I immediately started singing along with the morning anthem and we both got a DETENTION!! Yes, we got a DETENTION for singing the anthem. The teacher claimed we were making fun of our national anthem, when in fact we were taught to sing it for 6 years up to that point. Nice way to start a new school on Day 1. Complete Bull and from that point on ward I obviously never sang it again.

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I don't understand why our kids shouldn't sing it...but the people bickering back and forth on that CBC board sure aren't going to advance the issue in one direction or another. Makes our "hot posts" seem lame by comparison...please don't bring the hatred here... :lol:

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The more we sell out our country, the less we have to be proud of. In the hearts of far too many Canadians there is no patriotism or loyalty. I read it on this board frequently enough. Sadly, all Canadians are responsible for such a pathetic attitude. We tolerate it and allow it to thrive. A "Hyphen-Canadian" is a serious mistake. It says I love Canada for the opportunities, but that's it.


Our society, today, has far too many non voters, non conformists, separatists, wanna be Americans, and bottom feeders, and not enough who are proud to be Canadian come hell or high water. The problem is even worse within our governments.


Real Canadians, in New Brunswick, should have taken matters in hand when this problem first arose and fired every buffoon in the school board responsible, or supportive, of such an unpatriotic policy. Our nation's children should have teachers who will teach them to be proud of this land and the citizenship it bestows upon them.

No person should be allowed to take office or hold authority for Canada without taking the loyal oath.


Yes I am a rabidly loyal Canadian

Edited by bigugli
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We said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning when I went to private and public school MANY moons ago. I continue to say it PROUDLY at every Fire Hall Meeting or event. We have a Country Radio Station here that has someone different sing the National Anthem EVERY day at noon.........and I will take offense with anyone who has a problem with that....



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We said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning when I went to private and public school MANY moons ago. I continue to say it PROUDLY at every Fire Hall Meeting or event. We have a Country Radio Station here that has someone different sing the National Anthem EVERY day at noon.........and I will take offense with anyone who has a problem with that....




And that is how a loyal and patriotic member of any country should feel. :clapping:

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Throughout my 34 year teaching career in Northern Ontario my students stood at attention and sang the national anthem every morning. As a matter of fact, every once in a while, when the office would play a new version on the P.A., there would be complaints if it was a version that was hard to sing to! :)


Not only that, but in the halls (kids late for class), and in the office, everyone stopped and stood still for the anthem, even if they might not sing it.


That's the way it should be - showing some respect for a minute or two.


I used to love how my kids' karate classes started too - a moment to think of family, country, and God.


When my wife and I first moved to Timmins, the movie theaters would play the national anthem before the first showing. Everyone would stand. I wonder if that happens anywhere any more.


It always seemed to me that there was more respect for the old traditions, up north.

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If we didnt open our boarders so much,this wouldnt be happening.


THIS IS CANADA You come to our land and country,you respect our rights and traditions.




Thanks for posting HF.


Thats all I got to say about this.

Edited by misfish
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Stood at attention and sang it every morning when I went to elementary school. Which wasn't that long ago compared to some of the other posters here. And I always stand attention and remove my hat at hockey, baseball, and basketball games and get disgusted when I see someone with theirs still on. And I dont do because I was "programmed" to do it. I think Jocko got it right, to me its more of a respect thing. There's so many who've given so much for this country that the least I can do is stand for a couple minutes to show my respect for that and all that I have because of it.

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If we didnt open our boarders so much,this wouldnt be happening.


THIS IS CANADA You come to our land and country,you respect our rights and traditions.




Thanks for posting HF.


Thats all I got to say about this.


I don't think our boarders are as open as your's but I have been told we have over 10 million ILLEGALS here already and more coming everyday and I think I may have a solution.


If someone wants to be a American/Canadian good but first you have to come over legally and then you have to serve in the military for four years. Now you have just earned your citizenship...........what you think ? ? ?

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I don't think our boarders are as open as your's but I have been told we have over 10 million ILLEGALS here already and more coming everyday and I think I may have a solution.


If someone wants to be a American/Canadian good but first you have to come over legally and then you have to serve in the military for four years. Now you have just earned your citizenship...........what you think ? ? ?

Most people have a hard enough time understanding what a Drill sgt is saying. Imagine the chaos of the parade gorilla barking at his recruits in 20 different languages :lol:


I do, however, like the notion that citizenship should be earned ( wouldn't hurt those born here either seeing as only half of the voters bother to turn out federally, and only a 15% avg in municipal elections :wallbash: )

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I am a high school teacher in Port Colborne. It is sung every morning, it would be strange not to hear it in the morning.

Students are encouraged to sing it in class or volunteer to sing it over the PA system.

What kind of school board would remove the singing of the National Anthem to its student body??

Regardless of your race, opinion of our country, or background, we all live in Canada. Show some respect for the place that is giving you the opportunity to pursue your life in peace and security.

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I am a high school teacher in Port Colborne. It is sung every morning, it would be strange not to hear it in the morning.

Students are encouraged to sing it in class or volunteer to sing it over the PA system.

What kind of school board would remove the singing of the National Anthem to its student body??

Regardless of your race, opinion of our country, or background, we all live in Canada. Show some respect for the place that is giving you the opportunity to pursue your life in peace and security.


Agreed and since when was Nationalism was a bad thing. Singing the National Anthem is paying respect to your Country. Again the New Brunswick Minister couldn't put it in better words.

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If we didnt open our boarders so much,this wouldnt be happening.


THIS IS CANADA You come to our land and country,you respect our rights and traditions.




Thanks for posting HF.


Thats all I got to say about this.


I have to agree. When I go abroad I respect the rights and traditions of the places I go and would expect those that come here do the same.

I'm not saying that those that come here from other countries should have to leave their old life behind, far from it. But I think that they should learn something about the new country they now call home and participate in those traditions we hold dear. Maybe then they will stop feeling like outsiders.

It's also on us Canadians to welcome the new comers and teach them what it means to be a Canadian, hockey, good beer and all!!!!!

FYI, I'm one of those people that weren't born here, but I consider Canada MY home and I would want to live no where else.

I also grew up singing the national anthem and saying the lords prayer in school.

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When I started school, the ritual was "the lord's prayer", "Oh Canada" and "God Save The King". Things have changed a might since then. The prayer was abolished (ok by me), the monarch has changed and so have the words to the anthem. Of course, the words to the anthem that I learned 60 years ago were nothing like the original version as written in french over a hundred years ago. C'est la vie, I guess. I'm a proud Canadian but often not too proud of our politicians.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

while i'm very happy they took the lord's prayer out of our schools, i can't see a single reason to take out our national anthem. i can see how the lords prayer would be silly to have in a public school considering the wonderful diversity of our country, but paying respect to the country we all love can do nothing but bolster positive things in our youth, hopefully causing them to respect and love the land in which we live.

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