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The joys of recovery


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Well i got off the drugs I was on..some of them kinda had a grip on me, if you know what I mean. Oxycontin is a bugger

On a very low dose maintenance pill for the next 8 months but can't even tell if they do anything.

So I got a funny story out of it...

On Jan 1st I weighed in at 148 pounds. Not good for me. I wanted to get back to 180 or so. My doctor handed me a script and said 'take these and you'll have your weight back in no time'.

7 weeks later I wanted to weight myself. I was at work and wandered into our medical department...it is rather large with several exam rooms and stuff...alot like a walk-in clinic. They had moved the weight scales from the hall into an exam room. Apparently you need to be escorted when you weight yourself..which means some idiot must have fallen off or something.

Anyway I am in there with a nurse, take off my shoes and jacket and weight in at 183. I gave out a bit of a WOO HOO!

She (the nurse) looked happy and said 'Is that your ideal weight?" I said yes and I was happy to get there so fast.

She asked me how long it took..I said the 35 pounds took me 7 weeks. She seemed surprised....asked me what my diet was.

I said a bag of cookies every night and steak and pasta as much as possible.

She said she hd tried to lose weight many ways but had not heard of that working.

I looked her square in the eyes.."Lose weight??? No I was trying to gain it....had a hell of a time too!!"

She actually said..'I hate you..get out'

Spreading joy throughout the kingdom, I am ..lmao.

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Great story Rick thanks for sharing. I could have given you the 35 pounds free of charge and we both would have benefited!


Nice to hear that things are moving along for you, we missed you.

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On Jan 1st I weighed in at 148 pounds. Not good for me. I wanted to get back to 180 or so. My doctor handed me a script and said 'take these and you'll have your weight back in no time'.


the 35 pounds took me 7 weeks.


What was the name of the medication that helped you gain weight?


I could use some. (If the doctors think OK)

Always weighed 205 or so all my life, now i am 145 lbs due to MS. Oddly more weight will give me more ability.


Good to hear things are working out for you. :clapping:

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The medication is amitriptyline. It is used for chronic pain, depression, fibromyalgia and a boatload of other things. I think they may use it for MS too. It does make you dopey for the first few weeks. Started at 25 mg then up to 50 mg. Ate like a bloody pig...could not believe it.

The munchies were bad. Being an MS patient you should have medical clearance for marijuana too which should help as well...used that during my cancer treatments and it worked well.

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The medication is amitriptyline. It is used for chronic pain, depression, fibromyalgia and a boatload of other things. I think they may use it for MS too. It does make you dopey for the first few weeks. Started at 25 mg then up to 50 mg. Ate like a bloody pig...could not believe it.

The munchies were bad. Being an MS patient you should have medical clearance for marijuana too which should help as well...used that during my cancer treatments and it worked well.


Thanks for the quick reply. I'll talk to the doctors about that.


Ya having MS can get you a medical marijuana card that gives legal possession and there is some stuff 'Sativex'

which is THC isolated and administered through an inhaler but ..... i'll look into the amitriptyline first.


Thanks for info,


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Well Rick, like the others I'm glad to hear you're on the mend....but also like the nurse.....I hate you!!! :D:P


But Rick, be careful what you wish for....you may end up over 200+ at this rate....then try and lose it!!! :)



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Being an MS patient you should have medical clearance for marijuana too which should help as well...used that during my cancer treatments and it worked well.


Man do you know how much you could sell that card for here in the USA....lol Glad to see you back up to fighting weight again. I hope that your stamina is back up as well.



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