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Weekend at Bernie's!!!


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Friday Jan 23rd


I knew Gerritt's 3rd, 4th, 9th (whatever) annual trip to Bernie's cottage on Lake Nipissing was coming up soon, and I was looking forward to the report, but this year took a different turn for me! I got a frantic PM Thursday morning from Gerritt. There was a last minute cancellation, and I was asked if I'd like to join them!! After a few quick phone calls to him and home, it was all set...I got to head up north Friday morning for a weekend of some ice fishing!


The plan was for me to meet up with Gerritt and his buddy, Terry, at Bass Pro Shops on the 400 at 1130am. They were right on time, and after buying some fishing licences we were on our way. Terry has never been ice fishing before, so we were all hoping he'd get into a few this weekend! We arrived in Powassan around 330 in the afternoon. I had never driven right onto the ice before...and neither had Terry, so I shot this quick video as we approached the boat launch. After being asked if he was nervous out on the ice in a truck Terry replies "How well does your truck float?" LOL.


<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i120.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid120.photobucket.com/albums/o185/ccmtcanada/Bernie%20Jan%202009/DSCN8821.flv">


We arrived at Bernie's and unpacked and quickly got out onto the ice to hopefully catch the walleye late afternoon/early evening bite. Bernie got right to work on drilling some holes for us.



Then Terry was handed an auger as well...not quite as fast as Bernie's method!! LOL.



A little while later, we're all chatting when a rod goes off!! Gerritt tells Terry to pick up the reel and here he is...fighting his first ever fish on the ice....he handles it like a pro.



I shot a quick little video of this momentus occasion!

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i120.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid120.photobucket.com/albums/o185/ccmtcanada/Bernie%20Jan%202009/DSCN8826.flv">


And the money shot....



As the sun was going down, Gerritt's rod goes off and he fights this nice walleye. Just as it peaked it's head through the hole, it gets off and makes off for freedom!! Gerritt yells out "Oh no you don't!!!" and sticks his arm down elbow deep into the frigid waters and brought it up...only to find out it was in the slot...so back down it went!!! I'd write what he said, but this is a family board....



We headed in to warm up a little after the winds kicked up and the snow started to fly! Had a great meal...hot chilli to warm us up and some drinks all around. Gerritt, being the OFC ultimate partier showed us his stuff by going to bed at 830pm.... :whistling::sleeping_02:


Saturday Jan 24th

We knew that a massive cold front was coming through, so after we woke up Gerritt headed to the weather station in Bernie's cottage. Holy mother of cold!!! It was -30.8C...-39.1C with the wind chill!!!



After some cursing and about 6 layers of clothing later, we headed out into the arctic tundra!!


Bernie decided to cut another hole...but no...augers are not good enough for him. He got right into with with a home made ice chisel and got to work!!



Eventually we got all the lines setup and it was a watching and waiting game...



I was still waiting for my first fish of the trip. I kept walking back and forth to my two lines I had down...and wouldn't you know it...just as I left one, that rod goes off and no one notices at first. Gerritt looks behind and only sees a little bit of my rod holder above the hole, so he takes off and my fishing rod is completely submerssed in the hole, so he once again puts his hands in the frigid Nipissing waters and gets it back for me. The fish was lost after a quick fight...not really his fault since the whole reel froze on him...lol. As it turned out, that reel would be destroyed...but that's another story....


Terry, who is now showing off and pissing us all off gets another pike!!!



As the day wore on, exhaustion was taking it's toll on Bernie and Gerritt...



A ice fishing cottage operator stopped by to ask how we were doing...we could see his bungalows off in the distance. He was impressed we caught what we did...as on Saturday not a single client had caught anything at all!!!


We went back to the cottage mid afternoon to warm up and rest a bit before trying again just before it got dark. Terry, Gerritt and I headed back out around 330ish to try for more walleye, and Bernie stayed behind to cook up his famous venison stew!! More on that later...


Bernie took this shot of us after we headed out...



Alas...only one fish was caught...Gerritt's rod went off and another eater walleye came out of the hole!!



We got back to the cottage...starving...and smelling Bernie's stew!! If it tasted half as good as it smelled then we were in for a huge treat tonight! Here's Bernie, wondering what he forgot...



It's really great to get away like this...away from the hassles of work and home. You know the feeling...just getting out in the great country air...no worries at all. Here I am cruising the internet...and the other guys checking their Blackberries....LOL.



Finally it was dinner...and I have to tell you, if you EVER get a chance to have Bernie's venison stew...it's worth the drive to Lake Nipissing to have just a taste! It was an incredible dinner...Gerritt gives the thumbs up!



Tonight, Gerritt promises a party...so after a few games of euchre....he goes to bed. At least he made it til 10:15 tonight!!! :sleeping_02:


Sunday Jan 25th

I really wanted to catch a fish on this trip...any fish...didn't really care! I woke up early Sunday morning and decided to head out on my own, while everyone else snoozed in the cottage. I figured it would be easy...heck, it's only about 300 yards away!! I stumbled out on the ice into knee deep snow. About 50 yards in my leg muscles were on FIRE...jeez...I'm so out of shape. At that point I wished I ate something...anything...because I needed it! I had to stop 3 times on the way out there...and despite the -20C temps, I was sweating by the time I arrived. I got there just in time to see the sun poke over the horizon. With a view like this, a fish would be nice, but to be out there alone...with no sounds except the ice shifting and cracking around me was priceless.



I quickly set up one rod...and before I had the tip up done, I could see some action! Maybe I'd get a fish!! As quickly as that happened, it stopped, so I continued setting up.



It was another cold day...I was taking a drink of water when some spilled on me. When I looked down, I saw that before it even had a chance to roll off the fabric, it froze in place! Since I was catching no fish I wondered what the hell I was doing out there....then I remembered the sunrise shot.



Terry and Gerritt showed up a little while later, and wouldn't you know it...that first setup starts going crazy, so I pick up the rod...set the hook and the fight is on....for about 10 seconds before I lost it!!! :wallbash:


Bernie showed up with his ATV and plow...and decided to plow a path from the hut to his place. When he returned I politely yelled "You pick NOW to plow that path???" :D


The bite had turned off big time, so we packed it in and left the cottage around noon. Next on our agenda was a trip to see Bernie's family boat building manufacturing line!! I've always wanted to see this since I first saw pictures of their boats...what an amazing place. I asked Bernie if things had changed at all in how they made these boats, and in his lifetime, nothing had changed...still built the same way...pretty cool if you ask me!! I snapped a few pictures....


Here's where all the cuts are made for the boats...



A boat that has just left the mold...the mold is up in the air in this pic...



A few work in progress shots...the craftsmanship is incredible!





And a finished varnished boat...



Well, sorry for the long rambling report...but it was such a great weekend, I wanted to do it justice! Thank you very much Bernie...you were a great host...had lots of laughs and many stories were told. Also, thanks to Terry...no matter what Gerritt says, I thought he was a pretty good guy! Finally...thanks to Gerritt for the last minute invite and for driving through snow squalls on the way home...hope we can get together again to fish again soon.

Edited by ccmt
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Great report, pics and videos Cliff :thumbsup_anim:


Truly a trip of a life time that you'll not soon forget :clapping:

I know the feeling you guys had driving on the ice for the first time..... had the same gut feeling today driving on 31 Miles lake for the first time..... gets a little on edge LOL!


Sorry to hear that you did not hook into a fish but them's are the breaks sometimes :(

Bernie, the pics of the craftsmanship is absolutely superb, congratulations :clapping:


Again great job you guys and thanks for sharing


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