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Political Correctness Gone Mad (NF)


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I read the article ( http://www.atv.ca/ottawa/news_66191.aspx ) and still find this hard to believe. Something must be missing in the report. If it is a complete and accurate article someone in CanadaPost management has lost their sensibilities.


So they say: "Merci Seigneur pour la belle jounee" as they leave to begin their routes, (translatoin "Thank you Lord for the beautiful day).


"God keep our land gloroius and free" that is in our anthem!


I say let them keep saying it. If it makes them feel good and their jobs more tolerable then it is a good thing. If it does not do those things then who cares.....their next tradition could be "Thank you union agreement for having the courage when right to be able to tell management that they can stick it where the sun does not shine"



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Blessing Banned


Some Canada Post letter carriers in Cornwall say it's political correctness gone too far. They're being disciplined for a 25-year-old tradition.

For more than a quarter century some mail carriers in the community have said "Merci Seigneur pour la belle jounee" as they leave to begin their routes. The phrase translates to "Thank you Lord for the beautiful day."


After a human rights complaint, Canada Post management has now banned the use of the phrase because it brings religion into the workplace.


Some carriers say banning the phrase is crossing the line. Two employees have already been disciplined for using the blessing after being told not to. If they "Thank the Lord" again they'll face suspension.



Obviously, not everyone in the workplace was happy with this blessing/prayer!


Maybe they should change it to a Buddist chant, and instead of saying it in French... maybe they could say it in Hindi?


Would everyone be happy then...?

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I've been listening to the radio and it's come out that it was 1 employee who complained. Apparently he is a known troublemaker but management does nothing due to the union. Management apparently walks around on eggshells with this guy because he doesn't get along with anyone and does nothing but cause problems. I can see this turning into an anti union rant now but that wasn't my intention bushart.

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As someone who had to share an office with a crazy born again and had to put up with Constantly being preached at I can understand that ones believes do not belong in the work place , but I would never had gone to the higher ups to get her to stop I just put up with it . EACH TO THEIR OWN works for me , if ya dont like it dont listen

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You know what's funny about this post, is that it's caused nothing but fighting and arguing... pretty much what religion of all kinds has causes over and over throughout history, albeit on a smaller scale... :wallbash:


Can't we all just respect each others beliefs and get along?


You're absolutely right.

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use of the phrase because it brings religion into the workplace.


If this actually had any grounding, or logic Mounties would no longer be able to wear Turbins?

Also the Jewish yarmulke's are no longer allowed to be worn at work and I guess the Muslims are really screwed over as they have to pray 5 times a day....That happens at their place of work atleast once if not twice a day.


The only way this ban on prayer holds any water is if it was a religious ritual that you HAD to do as part of your Specified duties of employment.

Which of couse...this is not.


You can pray at work any time....

Its not bringing religion"into" work, its mearly a religious observation "at" your place of employment.


Whats next?

If your co-worker sneezes and you say bless you are you to be disiplined?

Gesundheit maybe?....It still means Bless you?


Its just mind boggling that practicing a religion, or saying something with a religious history or implication can be seen as offensive just

for simply practicing such a tradtion?

Geeze what a sensitive world we've created...

Edited by Cookslav
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I've been listening to the radio and it's come out that it was 1 employee who complained. Apparently he is a known troublemaker but management does nothing due to the union. Management apparently walks around on eggshells with this guy because he doesn't get along with anyone and does nothing but cause problems. I can see this turning into an anti union rant now but that wasn't my intention bushart.


This is the same thing I read and heard as well. Certain employees have done this for years just before they take off for the day. Who ever wants to say it, says it then they are off. Takes 10 seconds. Can someone explain the big deal please? One miserable SOT is causing trouble and trying to make everyone around him miserable. Some people just have nothing better to do but make something out of nothing.

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The idea of people taking offence to prayer is actually pretty sad IMO...


Its a different story altogether if the workers were soliciting someone to join in the prayer.

But the Article says "some mail carriers have been saying the prayer for 25 years"

So I'd be inclined to say there is more then likely just a trouble maker taking offence....


What ever happened to just minding ones own business?, what happened to Tolerance?

Or on the flip side and you were being solicited why not just say hey...I'm not interested?, or tell them to F&*! Off...its your call.

I can see were a persistant person trying to "recruit" you could be worthy of a complaint

But the article doesn't make it sound that way?

I guess its kinda Subjective to a train of thought, until they release more information.


Its Just Kinda Sad that this would even be considered a news worthy issue when really its only news worthy now because the human rights/religious freedom card was played.

But if you take a step back and think about it Its no different then talking Politics right?

Issuing opinions, trying to sway opinions....but they wouldn't ban that at work would they?


Either way this issue is situational...And the Banning of a prayer could very well be a Knee Jerk reaction, and more then likely will be overturned. If these workers were indeed attempting to force someone to say a prayer that made them uncomfortable then discipline the workers for that...fair enough

But you cannot make a blanket rule banning prayer at work based on the idea that hearing someone proclaim their own faith is offensive.

Be it any religion...that makes no sense.


If I want to say "thanks for the great day lord" while at work and people want to join me....its totally legal and likewise very much illegal for my employer to tell me other wise.

There are of course technicalities such as times & Places specific to each job were it could be deemed inappropriate such as when dealing with clients, or around individuals whom have complained...

But there are always ways around these situations be it a designated area or time.


Its about Tolerance people...not tyranny

Peace out.


I concur!

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This kind of situation is the result of the supervisory and management in that post office/depot being put in an untenable situation. They have probably been given contradictory commands from the higher ups. Or it could be the result of one of those zero tolerance dictates. They probably would like nothing better than to ignore the idiot that caused the trouble or fire him. They are probably not allowed to do either. So this is how they cope with it. They blindly follow through with an insane course of action until it blows up and then they will finally get sensible directives from those who made the stupid decisions in the first place.

I would also like to say that I am very disappointed in the people that contributed to this thread that used it to voice thier anti-religious, anti-union, anti-gov't, anti-whatever personal agendas.

Would anyone here want their tax refund, bank statements, mortgage statements and the like delivered by your paper-boy?

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Yep, keep yer bible thumpin' in church where it belongs!!!!!


Now if you will excuse me I must go summon my Master Satan and tell thim about this!!!!!!!





Your god would have to stand on it's Momma's shoulders to just barely be able to reach up high enough to kiss my god's :asshat:

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I myself, dont like the way this Country is becoming.


If I seem some what ignorant,I dont mean it to be personal.


This is Canada,the home and the free. Anyone catch the word FREE????????


Myself Im getting tired of being TOLD,what we can and cannot do.

Yes there are laws to keep us safe ansound,but this is crap.


THE NEWEST THING IS NO SMOKING IN YOUR CAR WITH HUMANS UNDER 16. Yes I said HUMANS. Why not dogs and cats and hamsters? Im not totally against this,but why the hell are we being told what we have to do????????????? Enough rage.Im going back to my happy place.



Back to what I was meaning to say.


If your are offended,then go back.


I leave you with this


let it be


And this


think about it,we turned out ok.

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THE NEWEST THING IS NO SMOKING IN YOUR CAR WITH HUMANS UNDER 16. Yes I said HUMANS. Why not dogs and cats and hamsters? Im not totally against this,but why the hell are we being told what we have to do????????????? Enough rage.Im going back to my happy place.


Its OT but:


The reason humans under 16: They are being subjected to a hazardous substance (cigarette smoke) and they cannot speak for themselves.

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disciplinary action ,, huh? a group of workers leave the mail terminal with a sense of encouragement , or positive "umph" heading out to complete the task at hand , and someone sees a fault in this . happy , content employees do about twice the work and do it with more vigor than dead , discouraged spirits do. let those interested have ther 3o seconds of prayer , and hit their routes with some sense of direction , or even unconscience drive. no fouls here.


we all get inspiration from many different directions .

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Guest lundboy

Now that was just dirty, not to mention censorship.


You left the Baphomet head in but killed my contribution. This just tells everyone that Luciferian worship is ok, but try to tell the real story about what's happening to Christianity is not.

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This isn't my Canada anymore! I have watched as the Lords prayer is taken out of our schools because it might offend some one. Merry Christmas has been replaced by "happy holidays", Christmas trees can't be displayed in our court houses, the traditional garb of our mounted police has been altered to accept turbans. The list is just too long!


Taxes get piled on top of taxes to the point where we work 7 months of the year just to pay our taxes and support programs that we don't even believe in. We are told this is democracy! I can assure you that I didn't vote to be taxed to death while our politicians get huge pensions for doing next to nothing.


I am told I must do this, I can't do that, I have to pay, I can't pray. If I want to get married, drive a car, buy almost anything, or even die, there is a tax that must be paid.


I subscribe to Bell Express Vu and there is a chanel "NHL Punjabi" CRTC has decided that this must be part of the "basic package" so if I want Bell Express Vu I must support this chanel, hell I don't even want to support the NHL never mind a chanel dedicated to Punjabi which I don't understand or want to!


If I work harder than my neighbour and because of that I earn more money, I pay a higher ratio of taxes. If I work hard all my life and save and then buy my dream place, I must pay more tax than my neighbour who gets exactly the same services I do. Why? because I worked harder, and saved more! Instead of sitting on my butt drinking beer every weekend, I worked.


I am so glad that I am old because if the Canadian way of live keeps being degraded at tha rate it is I don't even want to be part of it in another decade.

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