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Perch Bonanza With The Kids


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I took my 5 year old daughter Riley, 6 year old nephew Luke and my dad perchin' on Simcoe on Thursday.

First off thanks to Sinker for the outfitter recommendation, Tim is a great guy and has really nice huts!


Neither one of the kids had been ice fishing before so it was a pretty big deal for them. We were hoping for lots of perch and we weren't dissapointed!

It was non stop action for the entire day, no lulls, although not too many true jumbos but the kids didn't care.


My dad and I didn't get much fishin' in ourselves, it was pretty much a full time job helping the wee ones. :)


A few shots of Riley and Luke:



















Luke with his Opa:





I did fish a bit myself and managed 1/2 dozen herring in between the perch. Nice to see numbers of them again on Simcoe!

Have to admit I was mighty tempted to keep a few for my dead bait rigs later next month up north. :)

They all went back unharmed though..




While it was cold on Thursday there wasn't a breath of wind and the sunshine was brilliant. T'was actually very comfortable outside and in between perchin' the kids played.


First they swore they found a frozen dinasaur footprint in the ice :D :




Then it was snow angel time:





I took a few short video clips as well. Poor quality from my camera, but you get the idea :) :


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Our haul at the end of the day :P :





And now for the OFC money shots LOL!







Dusted in flour and sauteed in butter with some fresh lemon squeezed on. Mmmmm.....





A perfect end to a perfect day! :)



Cheers, Mike

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Right on!! Glad to see the kids had a good day out there!!!


I know just how much work it is with two youngins out perchin. I don't even bring my rigs anymore........its all about the kids.


I'm sure they're already asking when your going again!!


Your right about the weather on thursday, it was a beauty day out there!!!



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Gotta ask though... how are you gonna get that big ol' net in the 3rd pic down that little ice hole??? ;)


Glen the holes were open troughs. We used them as is 'till I (not one of the kids :) ) stepped into one up to my nads.

Then we noticed the covers that he had under the benches...



Thanks everyone it really was a fantastic day!

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