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Need Your Thoughts and Prayers

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Hey Everyone,


The worst, if not the scariest thing happened to me this morning. My 18 month old daughter has had the stomach flu for the last 24 hours and hasn't been doing well. At 11:30 yesterday morning she had a seizure, which I know is quite normal in children, however, what wasn't normal, is the fact that she did not have a fever what so ever. So I calmly, while my wife was absolutely hysterical, called 911 and surprisingly the EMS workers were at my place in about 2 minutes. Well, we were in the emergency room and the docter had seen here even before i got to the hospital --horrifying that I had to have car trouble the second i needed to get somewhere fast. The doctor thought that she just had what was called a fever seizure and actually didn't think she had a seizure at all....until she had a second one right in front of him....it was worse than the first. So, after 4 quick hours we were admitted and brought to the children's wing....by then, Isabella was very doped out because they gave her antiseizure medicine that knocked her out for 6 hours, so she was quite groggy.....then at about 7:30 she had a third seizure.....


So now, the Chief Pediatrician has my daughter under close watch because he is really concerned that she has had 3 seizures in the span of about 12 hours, without a temperature or even a change in temperature. She doesn't have epilepsy and the doctors can't quite figure out what is going on. We're waiting until morning until she can get an EEG to see what's going on in her brain.


I'm trying to stay strong because my wife is losing it...as most mothers would. I've seen hundreds of child seizures at work, but you believe that this couldn't happen to your child. The look in my daughters eyes before she went into the second and third seizure is haunting me....i've had maybe 30 minutes of shut eye wife my wife and daughter slept and it's basically replaying in my head. Of all the things that I've seen and been a part of a work...nothing is this scarey.......


The scariest part is that my daughter is the strongest child you've ever seen...even drugged she gave the nurses a good fight. 4 of them had to hold Izzy down while they tried to get an IV going.


Anyway, I could really use your thoughts and prayers right now.


I'll keep everyone posted

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The thoughts and prayers for your little girl are going out from me right now. By the sounds of it you got yourself a little fighter.


I've got a 22 month old little boy and I know how we were when he had his two surgeries. I can only attempt to imagine how you and your wife feel. Stay strong and God Bless.

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I am no doctor, but you mentioned that your daughter had the "stomach flu". Typically, but not always, particularly this time of year, that is due to norovirus (or sometimes rotaviruis). Both can cause severe dehydration in kids (and adults) and that can trigger seizures.


I am not saying that is what this is, but I would not rule it out. If she had a lot of vomiting and loose, watery diarrhea, that might be a clue that dehydration might have played a role.


Otherwise, hope that things work out.

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Yeah, the hospital already thought of that. The blood tests ruled that out. For seizures to occur from dehydration your body has to be completely drained of all sodium and electrolites.......


Another big concern with us is that Izzy hasn't peed in 12 hours now...and she's been on an IV since about 2PM.....something's wrong and unfortunately there isn't a pediatrician on duty at night here.....so we have to wait a few hours when he comes in

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My thoughts are with you guys Dave, but honestly, based on what you've said, I'd be booking it to Sick Kids...they have a pediatrician on duty...and even if they didn't, they'd likey get one out of bed for this!


Good luck and keep us posted.



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Hopefully everything works out. I hope that you asked your supervisor for time off. Your Daughter is the most important thing. Reason I say it, is looking back now, I wished I could of been there more for my wife and Kids instead of my job. Things will turn out OK

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