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How to stay positive during this holiday season?


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Statistics shows that Men do not openly share our concern to one another, Can some of us break this myth?


More bad news are surrounding us every day, our jobs and future seemed so uncertain these days. Very few of us can escape the result of the downturn in economy, and there seemed to be no end to its bottoming out. Can government bail out strategy really save the economy?


OFC board has been very beneficial in bringing all of us together for the purpose of enjoying the fishing sport. Can this board also help us support those who are in need of encouragement at this time of the year?


Christmas season is always a time to share with our love ones, but not all have families and friends to share their time with, or issues of concern.


May Christmas season help us reflect and focus on what is of priorities in life.


How to stay positive during this holiday season regardless of the economic uncertainties?


How many of us are worried about the future? Our career?


How many of us have lost our jobs, RRSP investment, our property value, or lost on the stock investment?


How can we board members support each other in a time like this?


What are the positive thing we can be thankful for or focus on to help us overcome our worries in a time of uncertainties?


What can we do to alleviate our stress, aside from aiming to do better in fishing?


How many of us could be alone out there this holiday season?


What does Christmas season meant for most of you?


Are there people we need to work out our differences before the year ends?


Any success and failures to share in 2008?

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I consider myself very blessed to have a wonderful wife, great children and terrific grandchildren. In general, we are all in pretty good health.


Like many others, we have lost large sums of money in both the North American stock markets and the Canadian and UK real estate markets. However, there is not much that worrying about it can do for me. I am picking myself up and brushing off the dust and will recover as best as I can.


Sometimes we need to reflect on what we have rather than what we do not......

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Hey All,


First of all I want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Solemn Ramadan, Joyous New Years and any other holiday greeting that I've missed.


I'm not too sure how many of us are in this boat, but I myself am really not feeling the crunch of the economy. I'm fortunate enough to have a career where I cannot be laid off because of a budget crisis. That being said, I see countless number of people in the worst possible position around this time of year. In face, it's sad to say that Christmas brings out the worst in people and in families during this time. Last year I had to work Xmas and had never seen how truly low people can sink around this time of year. It is sad. Especially for those who don't have much, and don't have any family. Please be generous and if you can, donate a toy to any toy drive, or a canned good to the food bank or a dollar or two to the salvation army.


I'm blessed to have a loving wife - although we haven't seen eye to eye lately, but what couple doesn't - and a beautiful little girl that fills my heart with more than just happiness. Looking at her, helps me stay positive. This year, my wife surprised me. She took it upon herself to raise money, food and clothes for the students at the school where she works that are less fortunate. Quite frankly, 80% of the schools population live below the poverty line and have nothing. Not even a warm winter jacket or boots to get to school. So she went from thrift shops, stores, grocery stores, churches and other places for donation......believe it or not she had 40 students at her xmas dinner...alot of them have never had a xmas dinner before...and many others received toys, clothes and the necessities that every 12 year old needs.



In regards to finances, I grew up poor, my wife grew up poor, so money is a blessing and I figure that i can always make it up. I want to spoil my daughter and give her everything that i've never had.


No matter what, when times are tough, you can't be stuck worrying. Lean on those around you and believe as I do, good things always happen to good people, live your life to it's fullest and don't ignore charity whether you're too proud to accept it because if you pay it forward, or do a good deed you will be looked after.

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I will start:


To stay positive: I thank God for my wife and two teenage kids, who are hardly complainers, live a simple unmaterialistic life, and have done well in school, free from any mischief . I have not been involved in the stock market investment since I lost major investment in 1999. Less money these days means less investment worries! I am also thankful that I am healthy to be able to enjoy the sport of fishing. My wife and I have been married for 17 years and we hardly argues much these days, and got used to each other's lifestyle, I guess. I know quite a few single people out there who wish they have a spouse or girlfirend to spend time with this holiday.


Negative aspect of my life: My art/picture frame business has been very slow this year, just barely paying my expenses most of the time, it is further hurt by the economic turmoil in the last 2 months, and might turn for the worse in 2009. I also know that my minimal RRSP investment has gone southbound, like most RRSP’s. What can I do? Pull it out before it get worse?


Fishing has somewhat helped me alleviate some of my life concern this year, I am thankful that I created a job for myself that always kept me preoccupied, though it has not been profitable this year, I still feel a sense of accomplishment from being productive, and indirectly help the economy.


My fishing is just not too bad and not too good this year, I blame it on rainy and windy condition. I am only able to fish ones a week on average. Able to catch fish but not generate good income to treat my self, life is never perfect, how can one complain? I heard of many who are on stress for they had extra money to invest in the stockmarket and still losing as we speak.


Christmas for me is a time for sharing and remembering our love ones. Through our forefather's Judeo Christian influence, Christmas for me means that God, through Jesus Christ, was born to be a human, to live a life that we all can try to immolate, he has to eventually die and rose from the dead, for the purpose of taking over the penalty of our wrong doings(sins), so those who acknowledge this selfless sacrificial act, have the opportunity to get back to a relationship with our loving God. One majoe reason, we all celebrate this Christmas season, either we believe in this cause or not.


For those who might lose their job: We have to be thankful to our canadian social system due to Unemployment insurance or welfare system agencies still have the money to support those who are in need. In other developing countries, once they get laid off, their futures are bleak.


I saw a fellow standing on a stop sign on the major street, begging for money, on a cold evening, How did that person got into such a predicament? What happened to him that cause him to be on the street? Where are his relatives? His mother? Who failed? Him or our system? Was it his destiny to be there and we are where we should be?


I know of another friend who lost his job, lost his wife from divorce, and having 3 out of 5 of his disfunctional teenage kids on depression pills, all happened in 2008. After 4 years of trying to save his marriage, he lost the case, and even have to pay for lawyer's fee on both side. OUCH! He is not even rich!


We trully should count our blessings or the positive things of our lives this Christmas season, in spite of too many negative news bombarding us from all corners.

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Okay I have to tell you this I really dont like to see this here

I dont believe and never have

If you believe keep it to yourself or go to your church of choice and hang out with people in kind

Things will work out for me in the end because I believe in MYSELF

and why should I trust in somnething that does not exist


Please cease and desist

I promise you this will get ugly



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and having 3 out of 5 of his disfunctional teenage kids on depression pills


So does suffering from a mental illness make a person dysfunctional? I hate to break it to you, a person doesn't choose to be mentally ill. Working 10 years in the mental health field I can tell you that many of the choices a child makes is from the mistakes by the parents.


Many people take anti depressants and many types of psychotropic or mood altering medication because they need it, not because they are bad people....

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All you can do is keep your chin covered and try to roll with the punches, stuff happens, deal with it the best you can and learn from the experience.


GWB throwing around the D word today, don`t know if his financial moves are working, Wall Street and the banking industry seems more intent on guaranteeing their own pay day.

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Okay I have to tell you this I really dont like to see this here

I dont believe and never have

If you believe keep it to yourself or go to your church of choice and hang out with people in kind

Things will work out for me in the end because I believe in MYSELF

and why should I trust in somnething that does not exist


Please cease and desist

I promise you this will get ugly




I'm not quite sure why the attack on his beliefs. I am not an english major but he is only stating his beliefs and not telling you what you should or should not believe in.


You choose to not believe fine, but it appears you have taken a stand as aggressor here to tell the world your point of view.

"going to get ugly"---I see no ill will in his message.

In this season I'll take his message over yours---touch less confrontational.



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Let's see, I don't own a house, don't own a vehicle, have no outstanding loans and a full time job in an industry that I don't see dying in the next 60 years. Add to that I have a healthy family and I'd say I'm a very lucky guy and trust me I count my blessings every day!


The biggest of the blessings is that my wife loves to fish!!

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Yesterday is history and until they invent time machines you can't go back and change it so accept it for what it is. What is done is done!


Today is a blessing, make the most of it for tomorrow, today will be history too.


Tomorrow has yet to come and for many it never will so I guess that today is the only day that counts. How would you like to be remembered by your children, friends, family?????? Get on with it, make the most of it, Live and give a part of you, it will be the seed of tomorrow!


Believe in what ever you want to believe in, to deny that there is a superior "life force" is un reasonable, it is like trying to deny infinity. You can't hold it or see it but that doesn't mean that it doesn't exhist.


As I wish you a Merry Christmas, I only ask that you respect my right to believe in what I do believe in and that because I feel it is something special and you are special, I would like to share it with you. If you are of another faith and wish to extend your greatings or well wishes to me, I will not be offended but rather honored that you would care to wish me well.


So for those of you that care; Merry Christmas! For those of you that are of a different faith; may the blessings of your maker be upon you! And for those of you that choose only to believe in yourself; you have a tough role to fill, I pray that you will have the strength to carry your load when the time comes! If you don't, all you have to do is ask and I would willingly share it with you!


Peace to all!

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What is life without love and laughter. In these times we need them more than ever.


Despite all that happens around us, we have lives to live out. What point is there if we do not have hope in a better tommorrow. Make do and enjoy the blessings you have. Despite all the bad things that are going on in our family's life we are still here together, loving each other, and having a laugh or two when we can, and we know that there is always the promise of tommorrow.


Having said all that, I need some feel good music.

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I dont regret my belief

not a stand as an agressor just taking a stand

freewill and all

Im getting tired of hearing it day in and day out

being a non believer pretty much dooms you to being a leper

I will bend over backwards to help pretty much anyone

I do care and i will carry on always it is just the way im wired

if im in a foxhole i will keep shooting

if i were to have my tagline as godless and proud of it would'nt that just go over like a lead balloon

everyone needs something to believe in and it just happens to be me and my fellow humans

And I do wish everyone a very safe and merry christmas

Peace out

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I dont regret my belief

not a stand as an agressor just taking a stand

freewill and all

Im getting tired of hearing it day in and day out

being a non believer pretty much dooms you to being a leper

I will bend over backwards to help pretty much anyone

I do care and i will carry on always it is just the way im wired

if im in a foxhole i will keep shooting

if i were to have my tagline as godless and proud of it would'nt that just go over like a lead balloon

everyone needs something to believe in and it just happens to be me and my fellow humans

And I do wish everyone a very safe and merry christmas

Peace out

:clapping: i like the tagline idea,iam with you.

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no reason tobe insulted at all


lets see

everything turns out good in the end for those who put thier trust in god

are you saying stuff wont turn out good for me if i dont put my trust in god???? not insulting at all


danbo .....you deny your creator he will deny you? no comment


those of you that choose only to believe in yourself, you have a tough role to fill.. oh really lol



can you say brain washed or what?

as biteme said if you can say those comments i can say mine



would it bug you if i said

everthing turns out good for those that worship the devil?? and put their trust in the beast? is it ok if i go saying this?

or those of you that choose to believe in some imaginary friend, will have a tough role to fill? hell no i cant go around talking like that now can i ? nobody else should either... keep the god stuff to yourself or ill start saying may the devil bless your little heart.......

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this is exactly what is wrong with humanity.

We are divided on everything, every issue.

The TRUTH is we all are a part of the whole. The universe, the source of life.

Every single life counts..good or bad.

When you finally discover that you are an Eternal being of spirit/consciousness..you will realize that the physical body is but one stage of your existence.

Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. Study quantum physics & it all comes full circle..that the Universe was INTELLIGENTLY designed.


Merry Christmas y'all :santa:



(This Universal law even applies to people who buy Shimano products.. :canadian: )

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