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My 2008 Banner Year Report


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Here it is, my banner year and my 2008 summary of fishing and my first year long summary on OFC, hope you enjoy.

Lake Scugog:
I started off my year doing some perch fishing at Lake Scugog using worms and gulp alive leeches. I only went out twice to do perch fishing and I caught about a dozen each time. I took only one picture and the fish in the picture was the first fish for me this year. A ten inch perch!

On the second perch fishing outing I took a long walk to the boat launch and threw out the worm and sinker and tried to catch a catfish or as before, some more perch. After no more then 3 minutes of having the bait out in the water I felt a nice strong hit and set the hook. I though it was going to be a huge catfish, after fighting the fish I finally got to get a look at it and I was surprised…it was a carp, my first and a PB. I didn’t get to weigh it as I got a picture and wanted to get it in the water quickly.

Lake Seymour, May 24 weekend:
This was the first weekend we went up to the campground on lake Seymour and I did some fishing using those gulp leeches and small crappie jigs. My brother and I caught lot’s of small rock bass.

June 29th
I went to Lake Scugog and did what I do best and that was fish for bass. My technique I used was simple, top water snakes. These Original Fishing Snakes were a completely new bait that I convinced my mom to purchase for me online from the US. After showing her the footage and the common sense involved in the bait and it’s action I had it in my hands before Christmas of 2007. Excited to use these baits I did and within my first half hour fishing I had a huge hit and a successful catch. After catching nothing for a while I moved down to my boat launch and worked the shore line and managed to catch another fish.

Bass Lake 12 day camping trip(Orillia)
I went with my friend and his family to bass lake for 12 days. Being good at only shore fishing(at that point) I caught nothing, I was warned that fishing from the shore at this lake would be hell. Lucky my friends dad “Black Blade” had a very nice canoe. The first trip out on the lake he showed me out as I had a big SKUNK and he caught 3 nice bass. The next time out he caught another nice bass and a big crappie, however when I lost hope and was going to accept the fact that I wasn’t going to get a fish I had a nice hit on the end of my line and at this point it was my first ever fish from a boat. It weighed 1.15lbs and was the biggest of the trip so far. After a few more times out in the boat I managed to continue my success and got not only the biggest bass but the biggest smallmouth as well. The small mouth was 2.4lbs and the largie was 2.8lbs.

My Secret Spot…
Over the weekends throughout the summer and fall of this year I was going camping up in Campbellford on Lake Seymour, on the way home I would always stop at this river and have a little fish for a half hour or so. At this spot I caught my first ever Gar Pike. In fact the next time I was able to fish the river I caught another but my dad got my head cut off in the photo. Here are some photos from the assorted times I went fishing here:

Another trip I made was to my great grandmothers place. We visited my aunt for a week and then went to my grandmas house to do a little backyard camping lakeside. It was a exciting trip as I caught my first ever pike on one of my snakes and days later caught my 2nd pike and it was a new PB. I also caught a PB Bowfin and a PB largemouth. And the best part of the hole trip was to see my grandma celebrate her 100th birthday!!!
4 ½lbs

Weekend photos from Lake Seymour
As said before I did a lot of camping at lake Seymour this summer and caught yet another PB as this was my new biggest largemouth for the lake. Let’s not forget my brother caught his new PB bass for the lake.


Oshawa Creek
Seeing many people in the past fish my local creek I decided to give it a try. My setup was simple live worm under a float. As before I caught some more PB’s. A salmon and a trout. I still can’t believe the fight the salmon gave me as I was almost dead lol. The little trout was a nice surprise to the end of my day.

Fall Largemouth Fishing At Scugog
Jig fishing was the key for shore fishing at Scugog this fall. I caught another PB. This time it was a very nice largemouth and my biggest for Scugog so far. I was very glad to get to be able to use my bass jig as I never used it before.
1st bass on the jig
2nd bass on the jig (PB)

This was my most successful year fishing and sadly I will not be doing any ice fishing this time around. Let’s make that my goal for next year!

Edited by MikeTheBassFisher
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Well Mike... im glad that you had a successful year, and hopefully, next year you and I will be able to do lots of fishing together :Gonefishing: . Perhaps catch that big trophy of a life time... and... you have to start ice fishing next year!!!!!! Gotta take advantage of the year round fishing!!!!! :lol:

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Great report, Mike -- what a fantastic year! I have eaten bowfin, and was AMAZED at how good it tastes! The meat is almost as firm as pork...really bizarre...but super tasty in little chunks done up in nice tempura batter :) Get another one next year and try it out!

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Nice job! Keep up the good work in 09!


Oh and :


Great report, Mike -- what a fantastic year! I have eaten bowfin, and was AMAZED at how good it tastes! The meat is almost as firm as pork...really bizarre...but super tasty in little chunks done up in nice tempura batter :) Get another one next year and try it out!



Don't listen to him - he'll eat ANYTHING :D

Edited by Bicephalic
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