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Is this ridicoulus...


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We keep making all these so called "protective laws to keep us safe from ourselves. They don't work. Here's why.


The new set of limitations has escalating penalties, but.....


1) How many police officers will be assigned to help monitor the situation

2) How many new constables will be hired for traffic enforcement.

3) Our courts are already backlogged. Are we adding new courtrooms, or are more cases going to be thrown out because due process was not served within a reasonable time frame. There are lots of DUI's still driving because it takes 2-3 years to make it to court.

4) Most youth believe they are indestructible or too smart to be caught. I'm certain a lot of us older fools thought the same way.

5) This legislation, like the motor manslaughter rules, like the cell phone ban, just adds more after the fact punishment, that is all. Like most of the new regulations, "If you get caught" becomes the big catch phrase. In other words, after you have your accident we will crucify you if you survive. Not much of a deterrent, but it makes the lobbyists happy.


We already know that 10% of license holders routinely drink and drive. The numbers that actually get caught,and punished, is a pathetic drop in the bucket.

Just like the thousands out there without insurance or driving under suspension. The deterrent is not there. A few years back an employee of mine had to be caught 3 times before the court imposed suitable sentence. First time was pulled over for speeding and got a 24 hr suspension for being "borderline". Pulled over again a month later and finally got hit for no insurance ( they didn't check the first time). A few more weeks go by and pulled over again for speeding. No insurance. No court date for a year so he continues to drive. Still drinking and no insurance. The court hit him, but they also hit his employer by making us help administer his punishment. $5000 in fines, to be garnished from his wages over a year. 30 days sentence on weekends and the employer, get this, was to ensure he got to the jail on time on Friday without consequence to his job. So I have to take another person off the job to deliver this :asshat: to detention.

I do believe that the same mess will come about from all these new HTA regulations. The only gain will be a bigger mountain of bureaucratic red tape.

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Knew it would come to this eventually, it all began with the seatbelt law years ago. Not that I'm against safety and prevention as I do wear my belt but the invasion continues and will do so until we are so over burdened by rules that we will become a police state.


Now a question: How many of us have noticed that whenever someone is being dumb behind the wheel they are usually screwing around with a cell phone?


Solopaddler; I'm glad to hear all are fine after the accident.

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Ya Solo... glad to hear everyone's ok...


But what about this scenario... and Ive seen it LOTS up north here... My buddies kid always used to be the designated driver.. he was good and when he had to abstain he would, and then drive everyone home after the party. What happens now?? Multiple trips late at night when one trip would suffice. More nighttime driving, more danger.


When I was a kid we would pile into a buddies car, and cruise around town... no booze cause we already knew better. Booze came out after we were done, now thats gonna be illegal... come on...


How about we just keep the kids from Driving till they are 21... that's the next step ya know.. all the lawmakers know how to do is make laws...


One law after another... till not even the cops and lawyers can remember them all.


Whats gonna happen, your 20 year old son gets pulled over with two buddies and one of them doesnt have his wallet... what.. does he get hauled to the copshop cause they dont know how old he is.... stupid stupid law...


I'm so friggin mad this morning, when is it enough..... now I know why I disappear into the bush every chance I get...

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Yesterday late afternoon as I was driving home from fishing in Michigan my wife and 2 young kids were involved in an accident.

They were stopped at a red light with one other vehicle stopped about 6' in front of them.


A young girl driving her parents vehicle with a 2 week old G2 license rammed them from behind at 60km an hour.

Didn't even brake.

She apparantly was talking on her cel phone.


Our vehicle was rammed forward into the car in front.

Most importantly everyone is okay although my kids were shaken.


I'm furious beyond belief at this lame brained twit and have no sympathy whatsoever for her or anyone like her.


I tend to agree with the above statement. Maybe after I cool down I'll soften my stance but I doubt it.


I understand where you're coming from, but don't believe for a second that the same thing hasn't happened dozens of times with adults yakkin' on their funny phones. I don't think an age limit solves any problems for anyone. What's next? No driving until you're 30?

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The funny thing is, is that if you're charged with impaired you licence is DISQUALIFIED not SUSPENDED....and it's DISQUALIFIED for 90 DAYS....if you're convicted of impaired you face a minimum of 1 year licence DISQUALIFICATION and if you're caught driving during this time your car is IMPOUNDED FOR 45 DAYS not 7.....hmmmm


For the young drivers, there may be many who are great drivers, but I routinely catch G2 drivers who just got their licence driving 25-40 KM/ph over the speed limit...with no excuse...it drives me nuts they should know better.


As for the BAC....young drivers who are still in graduated licencing cannot have and alcohol in their blood...it's a 60 day licence suspension.....and ANYONE who blows between .05 and .08 gets a 12 hour licence suspension which is going to be changed to a 3 day suspension soon


I can understand why they using the no passengers thing...but honestly cut it down for the first year you have your G2....young drivers are very distractable but it's a little rediculous IMHO

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I'm going on 27 so it doesn't affect me, but it wasn't long ago that I was in the proposed age bracket so I feel for guys like Kemper. Also, I have 2 cousins who are in high school and starting college. They're good kids (don't hide anything from me) who've recently lost their father. The elder of the two is 19 and now the man of the house.... and you're telling me he can't drive his 14 year old brother and friends to see a movie, or to their hockey practices?!?! c'mon get your head out of your :asshat:


Let me know where to complain TJ!



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How about we just keep the kids from Driving till they are 21... that's the next step ya know.. all the lawmakers know how to do is make laws...




Whats gonna happen, your 20 year old son gets pulled over with two buddies and one of them doesnt have his wallet... what.. does he get hauled to the copshop cause they dont know how old he is.... stupid stupid law...


Hey TJ, don't worry, I wouldn't arrest him for that...i'd just give him a Fail to surrender drivers licence...under the HTA a driver can verbally identify himself......


And as for the age limit...remember in Germany it takes something like 7 years to get your licence...

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I understand where you're coming from, but don't believe for a second that the same thing hasn't happened dozens of times with adults yakkin' on their funny phones. I don't think an age limit solves any problems for anyone. What's next? No driving until you're 30?


I have no problem per say with cel phone use, it was a young inexperienced driver with a 2 week old G2 who hit my wifes car.

That's the issue.

There's a reason why insurance premiums are so high for young drivers.

My entire family could've been killed.

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That may have something to do with having freeways with no speed limit.

Would you want a 17 year old doing 150 MPH on the Autobahn?


Hell.. I did that + on the Perth and North Gower Highways...


Driving like most things in life.... some can do it, some can't. I don't think it has anything to do with age. Many can't build a bird house... some can built a whole house. Some can ride a bike... some can't. Some can catch a sheepie... some just don't wanna! lol

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For the young drivers, there may be many who are great drivers, but I routinely catch G2 drivers who just got their licence driving 25-40 KM/ph over the speed limit...with no excuse...it drives me nuts they should know better.


As for the BAC....young drivers who are still in graduated licencing cannot have and alcohol in their blood...it's a 60 day licence suspension.....and ANYONE who blows between .05 and .08 gets a 12 hour licence suspension which is going to be changed to a 3 day suspension soon


I can understand why they using the no passengers thing...but honestly cut it down for the first year you have your G2....young drivers are very distractable but it's a little rediculous IMHO


First point- Definately agree, I have alot of friends (some I wont get in the car with) because they speed like the devil, but I bet you catch a whole lot of 45 year olds going 25-40 Kmph over too?


BAC- I dont have a problem with the 0 BAC for young drivers, mostly because I dont get behind the wheel if I have had even one beer. Its not worth it, why risk your licence or worse your life or someone elses. BUT I still think someone who is older should be punished to the same extent as someone who is younger.


Passengers- That rule is just a complete load of crap. Not logical even in the slightest. As Rick stated earlier I guess if myself and 4 buddies want to head up to Scugog for some nightfishing (which we often do) we have to take 2 cars. That puts two 'inexperienced' drivers on the road. From the Gov's point of view that puts two TERRIBLE drivers on the road, because we never get a chance to prove ourselves. We are just bad drivers until we MAGICALLY turn 21 and all the sudden poof okay you are a good driver now?




FishNautographs, I assume you are a police officer? I have an honest question for you, since you are the one that has to go to the scene of the accidents and chase down the dangerous driver do you think that most young drivers are more dangerous than older drivers? The answer I am guessing is yes, (at least I hope it is yes or I am REALLY getting screwed on my insurance) BUT does it seem to you that we (young drivers) are as much of a danger as the insurance companies and government think we are?


I wont be offended by any answer, I am just trying to figure out why I am not allowed to own a car. Because essentially that is what a $4000 insurance premium does to me. My parents aren't millionaires and didn't buy me a car and pay the insurance for my birthday, nor would I expect them to so what these laws and insurance numbers do to me is ban me from owning a car and keep my off the road.

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Ya thats a bit much I think?


Young drivers are...well they are young but they have to start somewere.

You can't buy expereince.

And the graduated licensing already makes it a long drawn out proccess, with some strict rules.


I'd love to see Cellphone banned in "moving" cars...that would be a good start IMO.

But limiting your passengers is a bit much for me....

I guess my Daughter will never be able to drive my 2 other children to school with her?

Or Drive to a sporting event with some team mates?

I suppose passengers could be a distaction, but really....

Once your fully licensed are they any less distracting?


So then we end up with fully licensed drivers with zero experience when transporting more then one person?

Logic falls off right there...

Although I suppose we could ban music in cars as well, and radio shows....

There is no limit.


Driving like most things in life.... some can do it, some can't


Thats the truth right there.

My wife was rear ended on a clear road, with little traffice by driving instructor....nuff said

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FishNautographs, I assume you are a police officer? I have an honest question for you, since you are the one that has to go to the scene of the accidents and chase down the dangerous driver do you think that most young drivers are more dangerous than older drivers? The answer I am guessing is yes, (at least I hope it is yes or I am REALLY getting screwed on my insurance) BUT does it seem to you that we (young drivers) are as much of a danger as the insurance companies and government think we are?


I wont be offended by any answer, I am just trying to figure out why I am not allowed to own a car. Because essentially that is what a $4000 insurance premium does to me. My parents aren't millionaires and didn't buy me a car and pay the insurance for my birthday, nor would I expect them to so what these laws and insurance numbers do to me is ban me from owning a car and keep my off the road.


I honestly can't answer that because bad drivers come in all ages, races, and both sexes.....


I wish I could answer that, but in terms of speeders, I think our stats was 85% of 50 overs were under 25....the ones my friends and I have caught are between 17-20 driving moms car and they think its okay doing 110 in a 60....

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Its a miracle, bad drivers come in all ages, races and sexes. Who'da thunk it?


Thanks, makes sense and I believe the 50 over thing. Some kids definately have the need for speed but before all the older folks judge us younger ones...I bet you guys went alot faster! B)



I just wish someone would give me a chance to prove myself thats all. Ive been on the road for three years this December with the cleanest record on the books and I am still dangerous. Just doesnt make sense to me.

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Its a miracle, bad drivers come in all ages, races and sexes. Who'da thunk it?


Thanks, makes sense and I believe the 50 over thing. Some kids definately have the need for speed but before all the older folks judge us younger ones...I bet you guys went alot faster! B)

I just wish someone would give me a chance to prove myself thats all. Ive been on the road for three years this December with the cleanest record on the books and I am still dangerous. Just doesnt make sense to me.


Kemper don't worry, I think the majority of us under 30 have gone throught what you're going through.


Remember, when I bought my new car (i was 24)....i paid $312 a month for my car and $308 for the insurance. Keep it up and the problems go away

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By the time I hit 21 high school was completed, been employed full time for 4 years, had bought several vehicles(2 of them new) owned a new house and was married.

Too many rules and regulations already and often not enforceable or get thrown out of court. Lawyers keep laughing all the way to the bank.

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Exactly Bernie and what I was getting at. When our son was born... I was a few weeks short of 21 and Leah was just 19..and we were on our third vehicle. I wouldn't have been able to drive them home under this crap proposal. When our daughter was born... Leah wasn't yet 21 and wouldn't have been able to drive her two children to the mall or the Doctors! Absolute crap. Bad enough kids don't seem to mature quick enough these days... do we need the governments help to delay this process even more?

Edited by irishfield
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