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What I did last summer/nf


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Ferns father was having his 80th birthday this summer, so we decided to fly out to Newfoundland with her kids and spend some time exploring the island before heading to Point of Bay for the celebrations. We flew in to Deer Lake where we rented a vehical and went to Triton to visit with Ferns cousins and nieces.


Some fishing boats at the wharf in Triton




Some of the landscape there




We decided to have a feed of lobster so we went to the local guy and he showed us this lobster version of popeye!




I bought 16 lobsters for something like $65!!! Paradise!




The girls getting them ready....




Mmmmmmmm, all cooked up!




After a lovely stay in Triton, we moved on to Gros Morne National Park, what a beautiful place. We visited the Table Land Mountains, a unique geological area that features dense rocks that are tens of kilometers above their usual position in the Earth's mantle. Thoiugh not condusive to plant growth, there are a few to be found like this pitcher plant, the provincial flower.




There is a trail that leads around the base of the mountains terminating in a canyon, but what fun is that? I suggested a hard right turn off the trail and we headed up the mountain. It was tough slugging.




Every one gave up but me, but Ferns oldest wasnt about to be outdone by an old man, so he sucked it up and kept coming. (he he, I still beat him to the top)






I knew Fern would be dissapointed that she didnt make it up to where we were, so I brought her a snowball and gave her my best Magellan.




Here is a shot of where we climbed from the road.




The climb down was awesome, we followed a small canyon that was still channeling melt water down to the base. Here is Fern and her daughter.




Then it was off to the Western Brook Pond, a freshwater Fiord that used to host fisherman such as Lee Wulff back in the day. Its a 3 Km hike in to the boat tour which we did, but it wasnt open yet so we took a side tour to kill some time and these critters came out about 30' from Daniel, Ferns youngest boy, man they were close. The moose are quite abundant there, we stopped counting after seeing 9 in one hour. We got back to the tour boat area too late as they were full!! LOL




Then we started up the coast, the "Viking Trail" as they call it, though I doubt the vikings used RV's or rental SUV's. It sure is breathtaking there, beauty surrounds you.







In Port Aux Choix, we walked to the wharf and talked to some of the commercial fishermaen there. This boat had just come back from a shrimp run and had netted 40,000 lbs. of shrimp in three days.




Holly spotted this creature and we arent sure what it is, some locals said caribou, some said moose.???? Can someone here shed some light on the subjest?




We went to Raleigh on the northern peninsula, and visited Lanse Aux Meadows which is the site of the viking settlement. I highly recommend it, the people who staff it are exceptional in their friendliness and knowlege. Its like a museum where you can play with the displays! Here I am about to behead Ferns youngest for somew infraction or other.




After I cleaned up that mess and made up with Fern, it was off to St. Anthonys to do the whale/iceberg boat tour, it was well worth it, no whales but there were icebergs. We had already seen both on the viking trail, but wanted to get closer.




Fern and I laughing as the theme song for The Titanic plays in the background...




Back at our cabin in Raleigh, I asked at the local store if they had fresh mussels, just go get your own they said, so we went to the rocks and tidal pools, picked our own, and had a great feed that evening.




Across the bay from our cabin was Burnt Cape Ecological Reserve Burnt Cape Ecological Reserve., a stunningly stark yet beautiful and haunting area that I fell in love with. Everyone said the polar bears should have been gone by then, so we went exploring. I have never seen anything like it.


These flowers are virtually growing out of the side of a cliff, I was lying on my stomach with my head and shoulders over the edge with Sidney holding my legs to get this shot.




These are whats left of some rock that the wave action has carved channels into.




This shot is looking down into a channel as a wave recedes. They were anywhere from 3 to 5 feet deep.




Back down the peninsula to be on timew for the birthday party, it rained for two days which wasntr so bad as we were driving anyway. We arrived at the Bay of Exploits and went out on a boat tour with Ferns uncle. This is the boat that is used to bring the pilot out to the big freighters, which he then pilots into the port at Botwood.




I could spend a lifetime taking pictures out there, everything is so interesting, the rocks are awesome.




Someday, I hope to live there, perhaps in something like this....




Hope you enjoyed my report, I've bored all the people around here with the pics and stories, so I needed a new audience...


There should be a couple of fishing reports coming up in a few weeks, so stay tuned.

Edited by Dano
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Looks like you had an awesome trip!


Nice to see you took the trip up the northern peninsula too!! You went right thru my hometown on the way to Lanse aux meadows. Beautiful country huh? :thumbsup_anim:


Thanks for posting!




Hey sinker, what town would that be? To be honest, I thought the northern peninsula was breathtaking, every bend revealed a new treasure, be it people and/or the landscape.


Your creature in question is a caribou.


And it's a moose of the albino family!(i think)


Lol, see what I mean! I have seen woodland caribou in the wild before, and Ive seen lots of moose too. It was all alone in a meadow at not a particularily high altitude as I thought the caribou were supposed to be this time of year.

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Thanks Dano, being from the East Coast those pics sure do make me home sick. Unreal photo's, the one's of the icebergs are my fav's. Looks like one heck of a vacation and you can never eat enough lobster, put yesterday's newspaper down, get the hammer and screwdriver ready and watch the butter drip down your chin!! Thanks so much for this report.




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Looks like a great time. Thanks for sharing pictures of you trip. Would definitly like to visit the rock one day.


The white ungulate you saw, is 100% caribou.





Thanks for sharing.

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My home town is Griquet. You would have driven right thru it on the way to the viking settlement. Heres a shot of my Dads house there, I'm sure you saw it.




Nicest spot in town if you ask me! He's in the middle of renovating it now, so it might look a little different.



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