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The body of evidence just builds and builds for global warming


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North Pole is an island for the first time in over 125000 years.

We have had this debate, but I think it is important to bring new and unique climate events to light. I'm happy if no one posts and people simply draw their own conclusions.


Compare the years 1979 and 2003 to the image of this year on the link provided below.




The pictures, produced by Nasa, mark the first time in at least 125,000 years that the two shortcuts linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans have been ice-free at the same time.

Edited by scuro
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Thanks for the link.


Unfortunately many will keep their heads buried in their cubicle until such a time this bites them in the backside.


I try to make a difference where and when I can.


Quote from Pacino---"Gentlemen either we heal as a team or we will die as individuals"


I painted this a few years back after watching "An Inconvenient Truth"--little hard to tell on the internet--mother bear is drowned and cub using her for a life raft.





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A "Blue Period" Bushart?... damn that's depressing!


Climate change is here and we will have to adapt, improvise, and overcome.



I hear ya---This is what happens when you mix beer--a paintbrush---and way too miles on this carcass.



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There is an article about this event in G&M




Interesting to note that:

from this article


The team discovered that the ancient ice cap, which spanned 1.7 million square kilometres, went through two periods of rapid melting. The first occurred about 9,000 years ago and again about 7,600 years ago, when there was increased solar radiation.



The Laurentide sheet, which was almost twice the size of its Greenland cousin, was at its largest about 22,000 years ago when it began its slow decline due to warming temperatures.


It virtually disappeared about 6,000 years ago.


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This does happen naturally, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be alarming. Besides, its simple (grade 9 or 10?) chemistry that CO2 holds heat....and its even simpler chemistry (grade 9) that burning fossil fuels (or wood, paper, virtually anything carbon based) generates CO2 + H20.


whether you believe in the politics or not (and for some reason this seems to be a political issue) when you know that burning fuel generates C02 (and we burn a LOT of it) and that C02 holds heat....what's the big disagreement about?

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Just me, but you don`t take stuff that took millions of years to develop, coal, oil, and blow through it in a couple hundred years and not expect problems. Then you factor in the millions of acres of trees we have cut down and replaced with concrete and asphault?


LOL a green planet? Not with humans around.

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This does happen naturally, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be alarming. Besides, its simple (grade 9 or 10?) chemistry that CO2 holds heat....and its even simpler chemistry (grade 9) that burning fossil fuels (or wood, paper, virtually anything carbon based) generates CO2 + H20.


whether you believe in the politics or not (and for some reason this seems to be a political issue) when you know that burning fuel generates C02 (and we burn a LOT of it) and that C02 holds heat....what's the big disagreement about?



Becoz being politically correct is more important than many & any issues these days to alot of ppl.

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This does happen naturally, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be alarming. Besides, its simple (grade 9 or 10?) chemistry that CO2 holds heat....and its even simpler chemistry (grade 9) that burning fossil fuels (or wood, paper, virtually anything carbon based) generates CO2 + H20.


whether you believe in the politics or not (and for some reason this seems to be a political issue) when you know that burning fuel generates C02 (and we burn a LOT of it) and that C02 holds heat....what's the big disagreement about?

The planet could take the rising CO2 levels in stride a lot more readily if the green forests weren't disappearing as fast as the ice fields, and there is no quick fix for that dilemma.

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More or less what I was thinking.

How can scientists do anything beyond speculate what the ice cap was like back then?




How can scientists do anything beyond speculate what the ice cap will be like in (lets say) twenty years from now ?

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I watched a series put on by the Discovery Channel, called The Universe. It goes into some very detailed explanations about our current state of knowledge, with respect to our planet and it's neighbours. The 45 minute section on The Sun, can't be recommended enough!

On a side note, I think the whole global warming thing should be renamed:

"Fear and loathing on Earth"


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do you have any scientific data to support this, or this is just "scientific " speculation? ;)


No data at all. Just a comment.


There is lots of scientific data to show the earth is getting warmer though. I guess your argument is that this is a natural cycle?

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That's interesting. I didn't hear that (or was too young to care). What was the theory?


I just remember hearing about it while in school....a quick google search turned up these articles...






I seem to recall the media picked up on it, it didn't go far though...no Al Gore at that time to push the cause.

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I just remember hearing about it while in school....a quick google search turned up these articles...






I seem to recall the media picked up on it, it didn't go far though...no Al Gore at that time to push the cause.


Interesting. Looks like their theory was the exact opposite -- that the pollution would block the sunlight (versus keep the heat in). The ice age stuff is pretty speculative but our (warmer) northern temperatures do depend heavily on that gulf stream, and lots of scientists think it'll get altered when the ice caps melt. I don't really get why.

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Supposedly when the ice melts and releasses fresh water is has a different density then salt water. It is supposed to alter the northern transfer of heat by the gulf stream and divert it to the european coast. Thus making north america colder and starting the cycle all over again.

I wouldnt be surprised mother nature has a way of rectifying things.

The planet has healed from much worse environmental disasters.....did take many millions of years tho!

The earth will be lush and green long after we are all extinct.

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