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Hurricane Gustov


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Well, it looks like Hurricane Gustov, is heading for New Orleans with a passion! Now, I think we all feel bad for the folks down there and what that certainly don't need is another weather disaster.

What I found most interesting is that according to Out Door Life, the number one selling "disaster supply item" right now in the area is rifles!

I can't imagine what these folks have gone through and I certainly do wish them the best through this on-going ordeal and the one pending... but rifles and ammunition!?

You'd think plywood, water etc...



GCD - keep yer head down and yer boats dry bud!

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I heard the mayor of New Orleans on the radio this morning regarding this. He said they are ready right now for evacuation and at 72hours before projected landfall, they will start evacuating right away if the projected landfall is anywhere near them.

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You would expect water and food to be top priorities but i guess that's the difference between Canada and the usa.


wrong! may be the difference between canada and SOME of the residents of new orleans , but not between canada and an entire country. Count the abundant amount of natural disasters that have come thru many parts of the US, with evacuation warnings and put some people in severe distress, and see how many articles you find about each situation saying that guns were the #1 item purchased to prepare. Amazing how a one time article, in an outdoor publication no less, results in a blanket statement covering the entire population of the US. Ive lived in the states my whole life, been thru the blizzard of 77, and some pretty disabling snow storms that paralized the area, nothing in comparison to a Katrina, but none the less.....i have been in situations down south similar to this one, and never once have i seen a gun pulled on myself or anyone. What i did see is American communities bind together and give thier left arm to help someone out. Done

Edited by Blaque
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They actually need to be spending their gun money on gasoline, bus, and AMTrack tickets... to get the hell out of there!


Hurricane Katrina was just a glancing blow last time, a direct hit and it's going to hard to use those guns underwater!


Living in a bowl shaped city with most elevations below sea level and surrounded by water and the Gulf of Mexico is not a good thing during hurricane season. :wallbash:


... bend over, spread'em, and try to relax your :asshat: New Orleans... here comes another colon cleansing!!! :whistling:

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I have friends in Florida right now... expected return date is Sunday... They just went through The last tropical storm, and now this one..... some family vacation for them.. nothing but rain pretty much for 2 weeks... I just hope their flights will be able to take off on Sunday...



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wrong! may be the difference between canada and SOME of the residents of new orleans , but not between canada and an entire country. Count the abundant amount of natural disasters that have come thru many parts of the US, with evacuation warnings and put some people in severe distress, and see how many articles you find about each situation saying that guns were the #1 item purchased to prepare. Amazing how a one time article, in an outdoor publication no less, results in a blanket statement covering the entire population of the US. Ive lived in the states my whole life, been thru the blizzard of 77, and some pretty disabling snow storms that paralized the area, nothing in comparison to a Katrina, but none the less.....i have been in situations down south similar to this one, and never once have i seen a gun pulled on myself or anyone. What i did see is American communities bind together and give thier left arm to help someone out. Done



Well said :thumbsup_anim:

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wrong! may be the difference between canada and SOME of the residents of new orleans , but not between canada and an entire country. Count the abundant amount of natural disasters that have come thru many parts of the US, with evacuation warnings and put some people in severe distress, and see how many articles you find about each situation saying that guns were the #1 item purchased to prepare. Amazing how a one time article, in an outdoor publication no less, results in a blanket statement covering the entire population of the US. Ive lived in the states my whole life, been thru the blizzard of 77, and some pretty disabling snow storms that paralized the area, nothing in comparison to a Katrina, but none the less.....i have been in situations down south similar to this one, and never once have i seen a gun pulled on myself or anyone. What i did see is American communities bind together and give thier left arm to help someone out. Done


I very much believe that as well.

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Dont get me started on how stupid the fine citizens of New Orleans were during the Katrina storm.My family went thru Camille and Betsy down there and it was nothing like Katrina.When they say evacuate that means leave!Do not stay behind to loot your neighbors stuff.Do not stay behind to keep your neighbor from looting your stuff.....just leave!Do not expect the govt to bail you out because you chose to live in an area that is below sea level and you dont have insurance cause it was too expensive.Most of my family live much farther inland now and are better off for it.I hope this one misses the New Orleans/Mississippi area but I do hope that people leave for safety instead of riding it out.This painting of Americans with the broad brush here is wearing a bit thin here lately,we are mostly just regular folks down here.


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its hard for me as an american to feel much pity for the idiots that stayed in new orleans during katrina, for gods sake there were free buses running empty out of the city. if they told me everything i owned was going to be leveled by saturday i would have gotten my family the hell out of there. if you dont own a car or have the money- ol well i can walk a hell of a distance in 2 days. it was much easier for them to blame the govt. than there own stupidity and laziness. i dont blame them a bit for buying guns, and would have no problem protecting my property if i was in the same situation. the only difference is i wouldnt have cared cause i would have been smart enough to got out of there in the first place.

just my 2 cents



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Well said Joe!


Not only do we try to take care of our own...it also seems we come to the aid of everybody else on this planet (that will accept it) and most seem to expect it.



Art well spoken!

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You would expect water and food to be top priorities but i guess that's the difference between Canada and the usa.



Once you have been faced with a natural disaster of this magnitude you then can comment until then you post is considered as arrogant and offensive. To judge a whole nation because of the actions of a few that the news media has reported is not correct. If I dissected all of what I read and draw inferences from select stories I am sure I can make Canada seem like a nation of bad people or a nation of Saints depending on what stories I highlight. Since I took the time to meet the people of Canada and see the culture and tour the beauty of your country I can say nothing but good things about what you have.


As far as the existence of New Orleans it is at the mouth of the Mississippi Delta and is one of the most important shipping routes here in the USA. It provides cheap access for the northern parts to get raw material used in the building of cars, steel etc..


I would ask for Timmeh post to be pulled but I would rather people read it and see it for what it is and weigh his future comments with it in mind. I would also like for people to note the apology that he has offered later in this thread and use that instead, to weigh that he is a good guy who types to fast sometimes like we all do..... Thanks Timmeh




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As for criticizing building a city at or below sea level. lets tell the Dutch to relocate half of their country. Besides, Canada has it's own flood cities out on the prairies. I guess we will just have to move them back from the flood plain.

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I did not intend this post to turn into another opportunity for some to take uncalled for jabs at our U.S. friends. I am suprised that some have taken it to the extreme, well not really because it does take all kinds to make a community, but this communty is without borders in my mind and I simply wanted to wish those folks potentially in harms way good luck and best wishes.

I mentioned the Out Door Life article because I found it a somewhat shocking, but again, not having ever lived in their shoes, I can't really say what I would do... except get my family the heck out of harms way.

To our southern friends... please don't let some folk's attitude tarnish yours. And let your friends and family's know we are thinking about them.


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I did not intend this post to turn into another opportunity for some to take uncalled for jabs at our U.S. friends. I am suprised that some have taken it to the extreme, well not really because it does take all kinds to make a community, but this communty is without borders in my mind and I simply wanted to wish those folks potentially in harms way good luck and best wishes.

I mentioned the Out Door Life article because I found it a somewhat shocking, but again, not having ever lived in their shoes, I can't really say what I would do... except get my family the heck out of harms way.

To our southern friends... please don't let some folk's attitude tarnish yours. And let your friends and family's know we are thinking about them.



Thanks Joe and I knew what you were trying to say in the first place.

You are correct, this community is without boundries, so this shouldn't be any different than guessing weights and lengths of fish lol

I'm sure if one of your southern neighbors painted your countrymen with a broad brush we would see some of the same comments.

Most of us from down south that visit your fine country know how most of you feel about us, we all put our pants on the same way...well except GCD ;)

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My daughter has been in Tennessee working on a documentary film, but left at 5 p.m. yesterday for her home in New Orleans to pick up valuable papers and her cats. She slept fast after a long drive and is now heading out of NO. Her man will probably be staying sinces he's doing his residency internship at a New Orleans hospital. I'm sure he'll be put to work or at least standing by for what might be coming.


I chatted on-line with her for a few minutes this morning. Told her what to have in her car, told her I wished she would have a carry permit for protection, and instructed her to get her back to the wind and keep going. Also told her I'm here to do whatever I can for her.


Unlike Kathleen Blanco with Katrina approaching, Bobby Jindal has been ahead of the curve.

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The part about Mr. timmeh post I didn't like was his failure to capitalize the U,S, and A in U.S.A... I'm sure he wouldn't like it if I spelled Canada like this canada It ticked me off to have to write it that way, let alone look at it... and I'm only Canadian by marriage!!! ;) He also decided to paint the whole U.S. with a Cajun paint brush, something I find highly offensive!!! We only let the Cajuns stay down here in the Deep South so the folks from Mississippi will have someone to look up to and because they make us Alabama Rednecks look smarter than we actually are. :w00t: ... don't get me wrong, I like the Cajuns... they're some of the nicest folks you'll ever meet, they'll give you the shirt off their backs, and they sho'nuff know how to Party! (Mardis Grais) (.)(.)... they just aren't the brightest candles on the Birfday Cake.


The rest of Mr. timmeh's statement clearly showed that he really didn't know what he was talking about. A hurricane in New Orleans wouldn't be something you would try to survive... it is something you flee from!!! That's why they call it a mandatory evacuation... for people that are too stupid to know when to leave!


Here's a little cross section I found of the city of New Orleans:




Yes New Orleans is a valuable shipping port, is it a good place for one?... no... not really.


Here's an article I found a little disturbing for the folks that might think they'd like to stay and tough out a hurricane in N.O.




I really do hope that all the Gulf coast residents learned their lesson with Katrina and they'll all evacuate so there won't be any lose of life... material things can be replaced, a human life cannot!

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My daughter has been in Tennessee working on a documentary film, but left at 5 p.m. yesterday for her home in New Orleans to pick up valuable papers and her cats. She slept fast after a long drive and is now heading out of NO. Her man will probably be staying sinces he's doing his residency internship at a New Orleans hospital. I'm sure he'll be put to work or at least standing by for what might be coming.


I chatted on-line with her for a few minutes this morning. Told her what to have in her car, told her I wished she would have a carry permit for protection, and instructed her to get her back to the wind and keep going. Also told her I'm here to do whatever I can for her.


Unlike Kathleen Blanco with Katrina approaching, Bobby Jindal has been ahead of the curve.


I wish your daughter and her man all the best! Hoping they stay safe thru Gustav.

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GCD, thanks, we're okay here. My daughter, Allison, left Cookeville, TN Thursday at 6 p.m. and arrived home in NO at 3 a.m She slept fast and left at 7 p.m. Friday with her two kitties, important papers and computer, arriving in Nashville at 5 a.m. this morning.


Shawn stayed behind to work ER at University Hospital and will sleep at the hospital. He might get a year of experience fixing up injured guardsmen, police officers and firemen in the next few days. He showed me his stuff by volunteering to stick around. Next I need to get him on the shooting range with me.


I insisted that Allison be in the first wave to bug out.

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