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Shocked in a lightning storm


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I was out musky fishing yesterday on a Kawartha lake and I heard a little bit of rumbling way off in the distance. I thought I still had lots of time so I set up on a good spot and started fishing. After about 10 minutes it looked like the storm was going to pass by way off in the distance. Then my rod tip started buzzing and stopped after a few seconds. I thought I was just losing my mind, it happens sometimes when I'm musky fishing. Then it started buzzing louder. Confused, I tried to get a closer look at my rod tip and ended up touching one of my guides and getting a shock from it. If you have ever made a tazer out of a disposible camera it was kind of like that. I packed up my stuff and got off the water as quick as I could. I dont know how much danger I was in, but I shure do have more respect for lightning now. Has anyone else experienced anything like this before.

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I also have more respect for lightning ever since I got a jolt. 10 years ago while working I had to climb a Hydro pole to get to some of our equipment because of an outage affecting about 500 customers. There was a big storm going thru the region. The piece of equipment that I had to open up I had to stretch over to the side of my ladder to loosen the lid with a ratchet wrench. To maintain my balance I grabbed on the the strand wire that our cables are attached to. All of a sudden I heard the lightning crack and within 1/2 a second i felt the jolt going from my right hand thru my chest and out my left hand that was holding the wrench then a split second later the transformer which was 1 pole span away just exploded. I quickly came down my ladder, did a quick check if any body parts were missing check if underwear were intact. Then sat in my truck called in to dispatch and told them that the customers will have to wait until this storm blows by. Both of y arms were numb for a couple of days after that.



So I am the first one of the water whenever I see a storm coming.

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I've learned to respect thunderstorm long time ago, and not on the water. In my younger years I was playing soccer on any occasion, One hot summer day we were playing in the open field on suburbs of my town. Shortly after we've started we could hear thunder in the distance. Being young and stupid we've decided to continue the game. Just in case it get worse, there was abandoned barn about 200 yards from the field, so we could use it as a shelter. Rain has started comeing pretty hard, we've decided to pause the game and wait it over in the barn( it was only 200 yards away).

I've never reached the barn. About 50 yards from it there were few pretty high trees. The first was blinding flash, then most terryfing noise I've ever experienced. I do not know what happened, I was just lying on the ground, face down, I could smell the smoke. I've turned on my back to see what is going on and this is what I see. The lightning hit the tree about 10 yards from me , it was burning like a torch, pieces of smoking bark, leaves, small branches were falling around ( some of them on me ). I've managed to roll over few times from the burning tree and stayed there for another 15 min.

Finally was all over, apart from few smoking holes in my t-shirt I was O.K.. Since then ( particularly when fishing ) at first sign of the t-storm I pack my toys and go home ( regardless how great fish is baiting )

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My dad and I fished a bass tournament on the bay and there was so much static in the air that we heard the WHIZZ off our rod tips as we cast and our lures stayed in the air for 20 - 30 seconds before hitting the water. Never been so scared in my life but we had too much money on the line to give in. We ended up hiding under a bridge until the storm passed, that way at least we still had a line in the water.

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Here's a video that shows what's left from a fishing rod after it's struck by lightning.




Here's a pic I found on the web...pretty scary stuff!!



The top half of fishing pole hit by lightning. All resin has been vaporized and nothing is left but fiber that looks like cotton candy.


Source: http://www.lightningsafety.com/nlsi_info/damage_photos.html

Edited by ccmt
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....Oh yes and I don't like being in that situation at all. You were being scouted as a potential ground source for a lightning strike.



for real???





that would freak me out soo much

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I have heard similar stories before, you are likely closer to getting struck than you think. The thinking is to get far away from the graphite rod, although that is diificult in a boat.

Edited by Gianeye
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When I was a kid my brother and i were brook fishing this nice summer day and after finishing up we started walking a back road towards home, i don't recall if it even looked stormy, being it was in cape breton we didn't see alot of convective weather. Anyway, i had an odd sensation but had no idea what it was, then all of the sound in the world exploded seemingly right on top of us, all i could see was bright light, i think back now and i think our sight and hearing were just overloaded i dont think we were really shocked but stunned form the light and sound. It was the closest i've ever been and ever want to be.

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that is a scary experience for sure. I subscribe to the weather network warnings when im fishing, i get the emails sent to my black berry so i know before hand that i have ot get off the water. It normally gives me about 15 minute warning. of course this only works if you have service on the lake you are fishing.



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I have two close encounter lightning stories.


I was on the phone talking with my friend who lived next door. We were looking at eachother through windows during a storm. A streak of lightning went between the two houses. All the hair on my arms and legs stood up just before we both saw it.


The other time was during the dinner hour one summer. We heard a fizzle...then a huge SNAP! I looked down the hallway to see blue sparks coming from the door knob on the door leading to the basement. My dad got up and took a look...the wood all around the door was black...and smoking.

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Two for me as well ... once was on a golf course when we were kids ... taking cover near a tree (before we knew better) ... heard nothing saw nothing ... but found ourselves about ten feet from our shoes (and the tree) face down in the mud ... dont think we were actually hit but it was a long silence as we picked up our gear and assessed the damage to the tree behind us... not really any time to be afraid ... until afterwards ...



Second time was more scary ... I was in a boat at Waubaushene ... the rod started buzzin right as the sky turned BLACK ... the storm had come out of nowhere .... I was about a mile from shore and though it wasnt rough, the lightening seemed to be everywhere) ...and I was in a BIG STEEL TUB so I figured I was a goner for sure .. just wanted to be sure they found the body so I dropped the rod, put on the life jacket and lay down as low as I could while I tried to outrun the storm to shore ... probably the wildest 15 minutes I can remember ... of course just about the same time I got to shore the storm had passed ... and I was still alive ... so.. like any self-respecting fishaholic I had a quick bottle of courage and headed back out :)

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25 years ago I was swimming with a friend in a small lake east of Trout Creek. It was a beautiful sunny hot day. No approaching storm was heard or noticed. I was under water when lightning struck a tree on the shoreline about a 1/2 kilometer away. Wow, what a jolt. I surfaced right away and seen my buddy become an instant Olympic swimmer heading for shore. One single black cloud was all there was and it didn't appear all that close. The sun was still shining brightly.

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My mother was doing dishes in the kitchen sink...was thrown across the kitchen floor. I don't go near water in a storm, not even in the tub!!!


This happpened to my grandmother TWICE in the same kitchen. Only difference was she had both hands on the sink and watched it go down the drain. She still lives there, but her ticker is not the same.

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I too have 2 times (well more but the memory is foggy)

1st time I was in my early teens on a golf course heading up to the green with a friend and pick up the golf balls and take off as the storm just blew in. We were at the farthest point away from the club house too. Well, that's when lightning hit the flag on the green less then 20 feet from me. He said I looked like a cartoon with my legs going so fast as I sprinted back to the clubhouse with a nasty ringing in my ears. I had dropped of my clubs at the car and was in the clubhouse almost done my snack and drink before he got to his dads car. He was the fastest person in my school too... ;)


The 2nd time I was in my early 20's looking out the sliding glass doors in the basement (we had a walkout basement) at the storm going on. We backed on to a creek so the house was one of the higher spots around... Needless to say lightning hit the house in a few spots and one was 6" on the other side of the door where I stood. I was launched clear across the room on my back. I had no clue how I had done this either as I just missed hitting the pool table with my head. I was up at the front doors trying to calm my dog before the deafening sound of the thunder clapped so I guess I was moving fairly fast. Almost everything that was plugged in and on in the house was damaged as well. Later we found 3 spots that the house was hit, where I was, beside the pool and the chimney as it needed to have 10 or so bricks replaced.


So, if it's raining, lightning is in the air and you see me running faster then Flash Gordon forgive me if I don't stop and say hello.

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About 4 years ago my dad and i walked a canoe back into a lake/pond where we had never been before near 9 mile lake. Fishing was great, catching LMB hand over fist when a storm came out of nowhere. We paddled to shore to take cover under a tree (only option). I bolt hit about 30 yards away right in front of us. shook the ground and we were able to even see the width of it. Closest i ever want to be. But at least the fishing was good :whistling:

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