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Trigger finger surgery (NF)


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Well the surgery was 2 hours late but it all looks like it went well. Joe is home with his hand in a soft bandage and full of painkillers. He is slurring his speech a little and smiling allot so I think he is still high as a kite. The doc gave him some oxycodone I will wait till he goes to sleep before I start the auction for them bad boys. All in all he should be coherent Friday and post his own report.



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hope there is a speedy recovery , about 10 years ago I had to have carpal tunnel surgery, spent months not being able to fish, it really sucked man, and way too much time in physio.


best of luck with everything and hope ya get back at it very soon :Gonefishing:

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Thanx for all of the concerns.I'm doing just fine.They shot my whole hand up with novacaine and I still cant feel my finger.No pain killers yet but might take one tonight cause when that Novacaine wears off it mat sting a bit.There have been some discussions about health care on the forum lately so I will tell the story about this problem.

I got back from The GTG on Sunday the 22nd of June.I walked into the docs office(was in the neighborhood) on the 24th.Had an appointment on the 25Th.They looked at my records,took an x'ray and set me up for Surgery on the 26th.I told them I needed more time as I had work set up for that date.I chose the following Thursday (today) and other than a surgery gone long before me it was all good.My surgery was set for 1:15,they told me it would be a 2 hour delay.They put me under at 2:30 and I was out the door at 3:15.My total out of pocket will be $348.00.Its not always a nightmare down here.Not trying to restart a big discussion here,just a little insight into how this case was handled.Thanx again for the kind concern..y'all rock!


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Thanks for the update Joe, that is indeed fast service. Up here, it would probably be 6 months from initial Dr.'s visit to surgery, although usually completely free of cost.

Remember I spoke with you about my bud's knee surgery(similar to yours). It didn't work out, he has to go back for more, doc told him that last December, and the surgery appointment is for this coming September!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Glad to hear it went well! I just hope when you wake up that you still have some painkillers running through your system!


When I had my wisdom teeth removed, I fell asleep when I got home and didn't pop my painkillers. When the freezing wore off I ran to get my tylenol 3s....and then paced back and forth for 10 minutes until they kicked in...LOL.


Here's hoping for a speedy recovery!!

Edited by ccmt
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Glad to hear it went well! I just hope when you wake up that you still have some painkillers running through your system!


When I had my wisdom teeth removed, I fell asleep when I got home and didn't pop my painkillers. When the freezing wore off I ran to get my tylenol 3s....and then paced back and forth for 10 minutes until they kicked in...LOL.


Here's hoping for a speedy recovery!!


I slipped, and broke my right wrist back in 97, out scouting for moose.


Drove back into town with my wrist throbbing, to emergency.

The pain wasn't much to deal with until the nurses "modified" the position of my wrist to get proper x-rays(damn, that hurt)!!!!!!!!!!


The emerg doc prescribed T3's also. I interpreted that to mean drink 3 Toby's(beer), and I did.

Never filled out the prescription.

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I agree Tom, a few scotches always seemed to work for me better than T3's or almost anything else. Except perhaps something that they gave me when I shattered my ankle, that stuff was the cats :asshat:

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