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My Lakair Report


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I wanted to kind of be different with my report..well..cause I am kind of different myself.

My report is all about the experience of Lakair and our get together.

We don't go for just the fishing. Sure the fishing rarely disappoints us, but by and large I go for something completely different.

For the most part I see these guys and gals once a year. We all come from different walks of life, different backgrounds, different vocations and different beliefs. Yet we all share a few incredible things in common. Our love for outdoors and our respect and love for each other.

We couldn't be more different, most of us. Yet somehow, none of that matters up there. Our friends from the U.S. travel so far for just a few short days of fun, that I always feel that somehow I should try harder to make it better for them. But really..we have fishing, fun, music and occasionally some silliness and I doubt there could be any improvement on that at all. The nightly parties sometimes are all in one place or travel from fire to fire or from cottage to cottage.

We catch up on the years events, share good news and bad news. Glen usually treats us all to his most recent batch of 'spirits' and somehow, nobody dies from it. :)

The fish fry is always an amazing time..you often have to fight for the next piece to come out of the fryer its so dam good!

Each year in June we get together, and I remember why all this is worth it. There certainly is no money in running this site and there are long nights sometimes answering emails and phone calls. Luckily we have not had a server crash in more than a year (knock on wood) and we've run along with only a few minor hiccups.

But seeing everyone together, seeing how the event has evolved from just a few guys getting together into a complete family event that people plan their vacations around makes every software upgrade, every editted post...all of it...completely worthwhile.

There is a sense of COMMUNITY...which when the original four admins got together was the vision for the site. We wanted more than a fishing site..we wanted an extended community and a sense of family. And we got it...complete with our crazy in-laws!

So for myself, I want to thank you all so very much for yet another wonderful weekend. It is now to the point where I consider these a marker of the year...like Christmas or New Years.

Thanks especially to TJ and Monique who put in the lions share of the work...okay so maybe its mostly Monique.

For those who have never been, plan to come next year! You won't be disappointed.

To those who sponsor the event, thank you so much. Each year you guys come through!


My hilights this year include-


-Awesome Dawson

-TJ molesting the plummas half naked

-Wayne discovering the height of his boat at full plane

-Junior Johnson Moonshine

-Doing an emergency full throttle hard turn to recover a lost hat and forgetting I had passengers (sorry douG and Avery)

-The sing-a-long (maybe next year I won't have to get someone else to play my guitar)

-Chris letting us homeless buggers bunk with him..hope you're feeling better muskiestudd!

-Perfect Sunsets

-Watching a first timer win the trophy

-Seeing everyone healthy and well

-Roy's boat out on the water!


Till next year...cheers!

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Hey Rick,


I think you did a great job in summing it right up! Lakair 2007 was the first year for Carole and I. We had only been part of the site for about 8 months at the time and although we "knew" people from the site, we hadn't met most. Everyone made us feel welcome up there....like you said, all walks of life sharing one passion. There are some, who have turned out to be great friends who I wouldn't have ever guessed would be part of our lives.


Anyhow, it was another awesome weekend....maybe next year we'll preplan a few tunes that we can play/sing ahead of time....I'm always a little rusty with those at this time of year.

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Very well said Rick, not much that I can add to those words. Although I have been around for 4 or 5 "Lakairs", this year was the first for my wife Barbara. I was a little reluctant at first when she said that she wanted to come, however she had a blast and can't wait for more.....

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Ditto Rick.. although....


TJ molesting the plummas half naked


If I recall (its a bit fuzzy) I got half naked, after molesting him.....

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Ditto Rick.. although....

If I recall (its a bit fuzzy) I got half naked, after molesting him.....



Hmmm let me see if I can't help clear this up a bit.......



Looks like it was before :w00t:

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Just to clarify that is Daplumma not Aplumma in the loving arms of our fearless leader.....I however want to thank daplumma and Dawg for stopping Tj from molesting me in bed after I went to sleep though...




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Thanks Rick !! .. and yes folks... don't run under the 64 bridge with your "Spiel Special" Musky rod in a straight up rod holder! Why couldn't it have been my Pete Maina rod? But DANG... it fit at idle the day before........ :wallbash:

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Thanks Rick !! .. and yes folks... don't run under the 64 bridge with your "Spiel Special" Musky rod in a straight up rod holder! Why couldn't it have been my Pete Maina rod? But DANG... it fit at idle the day before........ :wallbash:


Oh no, I can remember when you got that rod and how happy you were, a fine work of art

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