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So I’m fishing for Walleye last evening A N D ...


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So I’m fishing for Walleye last evening A N D ...


I get one on. This thing was BIG -to the point that I had to start moving the boat to prevent a major loss of line. I was fighting it for awhile, but wasn’t even getting a sight of it. It wasn’t fighting like a typical walleye - not shaking much, fighting more like a log than anything. I then clued into the idea that it could be a Muskie.


I’m hoping that it is the biggest walleye of my life, but then I get it to the boat and see that it is a VERY LARGE MUSKIE !!!! And I keep the pressure on the rod.


All of a sudden a Walleye comes flinging out of the water in front of me, and I realize that it is attached to my lure.


The Muskie was eating the Walleye that I had caught!


I was real impressed, I fought this Muskie / Walleye duo for 5 to 6 min. Before the Muskie let go of the ‘eye.


That was exciting!





Has something like this happened to you?

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My experience like that was I was reeling in a smal eye and when my buddy netted him all of a sudden the water exploded and the pike flew out of the water and dove right into the net. 10lbs + pike was released but the eye was eaten. I am sure that the eye would've jumped back into the boat if I would have released him.

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Guest Johnny Bass

That would really get my adrenalin going for sure! Especially if you see the initial hit. I have had it happen to perch and rockbass by Pike, but I have yet to see a Musky hit anything I was reeling in. But apparently it is pretty common in the Kawarthas. They've been know to hit anything from bass, to pickeral to panfish. Thanks for sharing.

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There used to be something big at Main Duck that would bite a lake trout in half, as far as I know it was never caught.


My brother got a big pike with another pike down its throat and its tail sticking out of its mouth, he might have caught the small one first.

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had the pike attack one last year - you can hear how excited we were so I can just imagine a bug musky:


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always a thrill when that happens for sure, I have had a musky come and hammer a smallie I was fighting before in the Niagara River, the bass was crushed big time!!!, have also had a big pike come after fish hanging off the side of the boat on a stringer...that scared the crap out of me and my buddy floating on the lake all quietly :lol: . I was fighting a hammer handle pike before and had a huge one maybe like 30lbs come out after it..it never hit it but stopped to check out the commotion for a while. I kept one musky a few years back to get a mount done, it had a big lumpin it'sbeely so for curiosity sake at the taxidermist we checked it out...it had a 15 1/2 inch catfish inside..


Would love to get some of that action on film like a couple of the pics...I hope you guys got a good thrill out of that and the big onescome out to play some more after opener

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Wow, that would be pretty cool. Never happend to me but Paul had a smallmouth bass on once and a pike went after it and took the bass and broke the line, so goodbye bass and lure :o


Great video too Tbayboy :thumbsup_anim:



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While fishing up in New Liskeard a few years ago, I was bringing in a 1.5lb smallie on an ultralight rod when a huge pike (probably 15lbs) grabbed it at boatside. I fought both for almost a minute, before the pike let go. The sides of the smallie were a mess, his entrails were actually protruding from a few of the tears. It was the highlight of the trip! (not so much for Mr. Bass)

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Same thing happened to my mom up at the French River. Fall fishing for smallmouth, she gets one on and starts bringing it up, for some reason it feels like she is now snagged. It is moving, but it's dead weight. She pulls it up to the surface and all my dad and her see is the mouth of a giant muskie. My mom couldn't get over how big it was... Only the head was sticking out of the water.. It opened its mouth and out pops a 3-4lb smallmouth bass still hooked :) Definitely a 'super fish'.. My dad's caught quite a few big ski's but he said this fish was in another league.


The smallmouth bass was released none worse for the wear.

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my friend and I were fishing walleye last year. I out fished him all day. Finally just before we were about to head in he got a small walleye on. Fought it for about 20 seconds then his drag started to peel like crazy. Eventually ended up landing a 16lb pike, but unfortunately the walleye got away during the netting process. Amazing to see something like that! I could only imagine if it was a huge musky.

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Cool story, I've had the same thing happen whiel pike fishing. Had a small 20 inch pike on, and a monster pike came from under the boat and t-boned him. the big one was pushing 50 inches for sure, but didint hang on long.

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ive seen that hapen afew times. both times was up on the ottawa river while fishing eye's! always amazes me to be fighting a 2lbs walleye then have the rod get bent in two! lol When those toothy critters want a meal.. They get a meal!

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Cool thing to see for sure. Many years ago, I had a perch stolen by a pike, didn't think it was cool at the time though, I was about 10 and was quite upset lol

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Awesome! I've never had it in fresh water, but happens ALL THE TIME to me in saltwater. Usually a barracuda nailing a kingfish. A barracuda will cut a 35 inch kingfish inhalf like its a knife through butter. My favorite though was in the intracoastal...had a stingray about 6 feet across nail a sandperch. Fought him briefly, but 8 lb test is no match for a big ray

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