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Fantastic Night of Fishing with Fishnsled

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What a great night last night. The waters were calm, the winds cooperated, it could have been a little warmer, but the fish were biting!


Bly and I have been frequenting our spot and have seen a guy down there fishing over the past month, so we began chatting. Turns out he just moved to our area and didn't know very many fishing spots. He's a bass guy, but is just as happy to catch anything that swims. He saw us carp fishing once and was pretty intrigued with the setup, so we told him that anytime he wanted to target them to come on over. Well, last night we set him up with a feeder, hair rig and boilie and showed him where to cast.


The three of us had our lines in the water, but Bly was the first to land a fish. It was smaller than her average, but still a thrill to fight and bring in. Here is it...28 incher.



Fishnsled has been trying to join us, but work kept getting in the way. He called around 9pm last night to find out if we were still there and he decided to finally come out and fish for these big, ugly fish!! Fishnsled arrived around 930ish and I set him up with gear and we chatted ..... catching up since the last time we saw eachother.


Our new friend was next up....I suddenly hear "I GOT ONE!!" and the fight began! He handled it like a pro, and here he is with his fish....



He's hooked on carp fishing, so we told him to keep the feeder and he now wants the recipe for the ground bait.


Then the fun began!! I really wanted Fishnsled to get into a BIG carp. They are ugly fish....not the most glamourous species, but I think they are a lot of fun to fight. Anyhow, about 20 minutes after his line is in the water, he says that he's got a fish on and the fight begins!! He expertly handles the fish, Bly nets it and here is his PB carp by length...coming in at a BIG 35" and weighing 18.5 pounds...not bad by anyones standards!! Love the smile on his face....I had troubles taking a pic with his eyes open....LOL.



After releasing that fish, he looks at us and says "Now that was FUN!!!!!!!". He was pretty surprised at the fight I think. Anyhow, I check his rig and leader and all is fine....it was even nice enough to leave his boilie, so his line goes back in the water.


It's now coming up on 11pm, and we begin to pack up, but we tell him to leave his line in the water. I reel my line in and he is about to do the same. While I'm packing up my chair, I look over at him and there's a bend in the rod. He hasn't said anything at this point. I finally say "Do you have a fish on there?" and he says "YEP!!!". I couldn't believe it. Here's a pic of him fighting what would become his PB by weight now.



The fish finally comes in....weighing 21 pounds!!! He caught 40 pounds of carp in about an hour and a half.....



After landing that one, Fishnled says "Ok...I gotta get me some carp gear...where do you get your stuff?" LOL. :lol:


All in all, it was great to catch up with him....and the best part is that we got two friends on some nice carp. Normally when we invite people to fish with us we all get skunked. This time it was only me who was skunked, but it was well worth it seeing the smiles on everyones face. I was having a blast out there.


Oh yeah Will, next time, you'll bait and cast your own setup and you can bring your own rod and reel too....oh....and I'm taking my hotspot back... :lol:

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Great report and pics. Congrats all around - Even you Cliff. You married a fishing machine without an off-switch!


Definitely swinging by soon. Victor and I are planning a road trip. He still needs to french kiss one.LOL

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GREAT report Cliff! First of all I need thank the EXCELLENT guides I had for the evening. :thumbsup_anim: Thanks for the use of the gear and getting me all set up, I just had to bring a chair. This being my first carp adventure I needed all the help I could get. I had only caught one other carp in my life while trolling for walleye about 25 years ago. Always good to meet some new faces and share in an evening of fishing. Great to catch up with you Cliff and Bly, it's been way too long! And finally I'd like to thank the carp, because it was their cooperation in biting our baits that made the evening a great success. :w00t: They like me! They really like me!! :rolleyes: Now where to I buy all this carp gear....... ;)



OH! BTW - Motomaster Heavy-duty Hand Cleaner gets rid of the carp smell. Leaves your hands with a nice citrus smell instead. ;)

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Great report guys! I'm glad you mentioned that hand cleaner Will, cause, without it, you would have a hard time gettin in my front door with that stank all over you! LOL

Good job, nice healthy lookin fish... now get rid of the carp gear, get yerself a 5ft light rod, 6 pound test and then, show us how to handle those piggies! :Gonefishing:


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Beauties!! You guys have got some long clean fish over there! I sure don't mind french-kissing one like that :D


Congrats on the PB Fishnsled ... they only get bigger once they start feeding now!

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Beauties!! You guys have got some long clean fish over there! I sure don't mind french-kissing one like that :D


Congrats on the PB Fishnsled ... they only get bigger once they start feeding now!


I'll have to bring a lipstick next time I fish that spot to make your french kiss worthwhile LOL


Nice report as always.... guess you'll see me there soon too ;-)

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Nice job on the carp guiding Cliff...not that you had to show Carole much...


Congrats guys on your catches...The non-carpers just don't realize the fun they are missing...


Unfortunately, the powers that be at the Trent Severn Waterways, in their wisdom, deposited hugh boulders all over the point CPH and I have fished for the past three years...maybe room for one person now instead of four...


Any carpers around Bobcaygeon care to share their swims with a couple of orphaned fellow carpers ???

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Thanks everyone, even though I was skunked, I had a great time out there. I did have one take my boilie right from my rig. My rod bent over and it started to bolt. It managed to take the boilie and spit the hook.....hate it when that happens....LOL.

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Hey Will...we got your carp gear.


Please send your credit card number.


The gear came to a few bucks. The guiding trip was $575. :P


Come to think of it, we'll throw in the gear for free. :lol:





I'd use another symbol but it's a family board. I should be by tonight. THANKS!

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Superb report and pics Cliff!!! :thumbsup_anim: Very nice of you to make sure everybody caught fish! :clapping: I don't think you got skunked at all!!!



.... now about those gloves Bly's wearin' in the first pic. Have you ever noticed how someones fingers look a lot bigger than they actually are when the wear those gloves?... huge actually!!! ;) ... and that poor fishes eyes look 3 times bigger and a lot more bugged out than the other fishes, what is Bly doin' to those poor fish??? :w00t:

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