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Yesterday our gas went up 5 cents to $132.9. Oddly enough, the forecasters are predicting a Super Spike at the world market and the pumps. If 5 cents ain't it, we're in real trouble. Lets see, another week before the long weeknd and opening day. Would I ever want to put my hands around the Necks of the Fat Cats making money and taking advantage of us. Time for a truckers strike. We should be, meaning Canadians making Billions off our own resources instead of Husky, Suncor, PetroCan and the works. I still dont buy the crap that the reason prices are so high is because of India and China. They are 95% self sufficient and don't buy from the market as we do and their Economy has not changed as drastically as much as the price per Barrel in one year says one expert. Dont compare our prices with Europe as the Companies want us to inorder to ease the pain, because as far as Im concerned, our Resource, were IDIOTS if we dont get a discount.

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They cant compare gas prices in Europe to North American because europian cars are much more gas effiecent and plus they use 1/4 of the gas we do in a week.

Nobody in Europe drives 50km one way to go to work and 50km back home, here in North AMerican is a normal occurence.

The more i think about how gauged we get at the pumps, the more i get mad and something really has to be done since there is no end in sight.

With all the oil in Alberta, it DOES NOT make any sense to sell it to different countries and then MAKE YOUR OWN PEOPLE pay through the nose for it at the pumps.

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With Petro Can logging 1 billion in profits for it's first quarter we should all take a moment and think of how difficult it would be to handle that much money---thats the reason for the hike in prices---Do you know what bean-counters are going for these days?


I think as well as paying these prices for our fuel there should be a donation bucket beside the pumps so we can contribute $$ so the CEO's of these corporations can afford the gas to get to the bank.


OK I'll quit now

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I still dont buy the crap that the reason prices are so high is because of India and China.


I NEVER did buy that excuse because how can someone in China who makes $3 a day afford $4 per gallon gasoline.


I also agree that you Canadians should have much lower gas prices. Just think how your economy would boom just for the summer months alone with Americans going on fishing/vacation trips if the cost of gasoline was much cheaper than in the states. The cottage industry must be fuming with whats going on in gas prices in Canada.


The bubble will burst sooner or later I just hope I am still standing when it does. :wallbash:

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Heard one of the financial guys on the tube the other day saying that the high price of gas and oil at the pump, or by the barrel and the value of gold are the reasons the Canadian economy is doing as well as it is.


That's his opinion anyway, just repeating what I heard. :whistling:

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It is not the people (ordinary citizens) in India and China that are using up all the oil...it is the industry (government in China). Why anyone thought opening up free trade with countries that pay their workers sub-standard wages and have little or no environmental regulations would be a good idea I'll never know. What companies saw was 2 billion possible customers...what they didn't see was 2 billion people who work for $3 a day and put out substandard products that would ruin their ability to compete.

The price of gas now has more to do with a lack of refinery capability and questionable commodity trading practices.

There is a movement to pull oil out of commodities markets in the states because of price manipulation. The demand versus supply ratio is quite balanced so the prices today do not reflect the real value. A few analysts on CNN yesterday put the real value at closer to $60 to $70 a barrel. However with the middle east being so politically destablized, it opens the door for profiteering.

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I cant complain, keeps the economy booming out here.


holdfast, the land you bought will be going up as soon as they start drilling out there.


Now if only natural gas could go through the roof, Ill be more than happy

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Unfortanetly natural gas usually follows oil prices by 3 months, the stupid gas prices are from spec buyers who are using gas as a place t put there money that is immune from the aMERICAN DOWNTURN IN OTHER AREAS OF THE MARKETS.

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It is not the people (ordinary citizens) in India and China that are using up all the oil...it is the industry (government in China). Why anyone thought opening up free trade with countries that pay their workers sub-standard wages and have little or no environmental regulations would be a good idea I'll never know.

Dont' just blame the government or industries from China. You know how the CEOs in all these giant American corporations are making that much money? CEO of Walmart is making $30mil a year I think? The walmart family has some tens of billion dollars, etc. How? Coz they abuse other countries', like China, India, working population to no end. It's not the Chinese government paying their workers sub-standard (that's a very mild word to be honest) wages, it's all the giant corporations from all over the world (including from within China) that are doing it. How else do Disney, Martel or whatever import toys for $0.10 a piece and sell them for $25 here and still tell us it's very low price while the companies bank up million upon millions of profit huh. It's like there'r countries full of almost-free slaves, of course they'd want to open up free trade.

I was checking ontariogasprices.com this morning and Kingston is showing $138.9 a litre the highest price in Ontario. It's going to be a long summer if this keeps up.


crap... no .... i think i still have 2/3 tank left arh... :blink:

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Deano, war has squat to do with it.

The big boys of the gas companies are laughing while making up excuses as to why to raise prices.


People are trying to figure out why the gas prices are so high, its not that difficult to understand.


Its nothing more then greed.

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Deano, war has squat to do with it.

The big boys of the gas companies are laughing while making up excuses as to why to raise prices.


People are trying to figure out why the gas prices are so high, its not that difficult to understand.


Its nothing more then greed.



BINGO ! ! !

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Anyone reminded of the early 70s? You know, a very unpopular and losing war, oil prices going through the roof, US dollar plummeting, stagant growth, big layoffs in the manufacturing sector, all indicating that we are about to repeat history.

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canada is loaded with oil,alberta tar sands.apparently there is enough to sustain canadas needs for a very long time.so why do we buy oil from other countries.i believe its all a huge conspiracy keep the rich gaining and the poor right were we are.10% of the global population owns 80% of the money.

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canada is loaded with oil,alberta tar sands.apparently there is enough to sustain canadas needs for a very long time.so why do we buy oil from other countries.i believe its all a huge conspiracy keep the rich gaining and the poor right were we are.10% of the global population owns 80% of the money.


Trudeau tried that with the National Energy Program, and look at what happened to the Liberals in Alberta and other Western provinces in general. They are virtually extinct. I doubt Harper is going to bite the hands that feed him by enacting export controls on oil or otherwise keeping oil prices in Canada below world market prices. Sure it would be popular with us in Ontario, but Albertans would be p-ed off, and from their perspective, they would have a pretty good reason to boot.

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Wayne, you're nice to think of me. One fund, Vanguard Energy, made me enough today to buy 173 gallons of gasoline. Enough to make my round trip from Cookeville, TN to Red Lake with another 1200 miles left.


Crude is easy and inexpensive to harvest from those huge sandpiles controlled by bad guys. It's much more expensive to get to in Canada and the United States. No way we can get back to low prices by drilling in North America, but I'd love to see our money staying on the continent.

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Guest lundboy
Wayne, you're nice to think of me. One fund, Vanguard Energy, made me enough today to buy 173 gallons of gasoline. Enough to make my round trip from Cookeville, TN to Red Lake with another 1200 miles left.


Crude is easy and inexpensive to harvest from those huge sandpiles controlled by bad guys. It's much more expensive to get to in Canada and the United States. No way we can get back to low prices by drilling in North America, but I'd love to see our money staying on the continent.



Has anyone ever thought about where the money comes from that you make from these stocks? Hmmm... maybe out of someone else's pocket?


What you reap someone else has sowed. The commodities and stock markets are a ponzi scheme plain and simple. A transfer of wealth from the middle class. Those of you that are participating are unknowingly (or worse yet, knowingly) participating in the downfall of your fellow man. The money does not come from the oil companies.


You are right in that drilling for oil in North America will not lower prices... Because the plan is to keep prices going up. Watch this, because there is more oil to be had than anyone will admit:



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Guest lundboy
It's a move to bring down western civilizations economies and will not end till after our next major war. Till then hold on tight, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.


Deano has got it right. Petroleum will mean squat to everyone complaining in this thread right now, when food becomes the chosen method. Gas prices are a slight of hand (and a huge cash cow) to keep your eyes off of the food crises coming down the pipe.


Do your research people, this is not just big oil profit taking.


Start here:




And here:



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