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Hey Guys

Since i have been on here (a whole month and a half) I have asked quite a few questions and got quite a few great responses! Over this time through posts and pm's i have been told that i shouldnt ask certain questions. Well now is the time where i want to know what is acceptable and what is not. My last topic was about the coldwater river and i was sent a pm saying i should watch what i ask because then fishing spots i ask about have the potential to be overrun by people who have otherwise never thought of going to a spot like that until they read about it. The pm was just a word of advice it was not a threat to me or anything like that ( i just want to clarify this). I wuold now like to hear where people stand on topics such as this and others on this forum. Thanks Again.

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Great subject!


There are rules and they are located in the Rules section...


Everything else is fair game within moral standards.. that being said everyone's morals are different and if you do receive a PM such as the one you did, you were either being given advice (from someone else's moral standpoint), or they had their own agenda in mind.


If you follow the set rules of this forum, your right as rain.



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Rules are here...




one of them is:


Please do not post VERY SPECIFIC information on fishing spots, ie pinpoint locations and maps. It is our belief that sharing this type of knowledge to the general public is not at all good for the resource itself. When communicating info on spots, please keep it to email or a PM.

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Rules are here...




one of them is:


Please do not post VERY SPECIFIC information on fishing spots, ie pinpoint locations and maps. It is our belief that sharing this type of knowledge to the general public is not at all good for the resource itself. When communicating info on spots, please keep it to email or a PM.


i was just going to post that very rule. Key words " very specific " so asking what kind of fish species are in a river is not that specific?? Also on one of my first posts abuot spots to fish from shore, I had to make it clear that i was not asking for specific locations i was asking about whta kind of land marks or spots to look out for say while driving around...that cuold be anywhere in the world i was looking to fish. I can get very specific but i also respect my own spots enough to respect everyone elses. I would not purposely give out information on somebody elses spots because i know i would not want mine to be overrun with people. I am not trying to offend people here by any means.

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Rules are here...




one of them is:


Please do not post VERY SPECIFIC information on fishing spots, ie pinpoint locations and maps. It is our belief that sharing this type of knowledge to the general public is not at all good for the resource itself. When communicating info on spots, please keep it to email or a PM.


Thunder stealer.



How about mandatory intros by newbies. Should be part of the registration process.





I'm sensitive about my weight <_<



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Very popular topics are


Leafs and Sens,




Leafs and Sens fans.



Vertical muskie holds and several pictures of the same bow go over really well too.


Keeping trophy fish for the wall.


Gill netting and spearing always get :thumbsup_anim: too.


We should have one thread started today to discuss them all at once. Civil-like of course. :whistling:

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we encourage discussion of tiller vs console, dill and gaffs, separate off-topic forum, oos fish pics, etc.


LOL.. nice raf... and I am INSENSITIVE of my weight...and of course.. all rules are subject to change.. lol.. and a mods interpretation... and which way the wind blows that day, and if i decide to moderate at 2 am when returning from the bar... um .. really theres alot of variables at play...

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You'll never make everybody happy all the time. I rarely make anybody happy, anytime.lol


Stick to the posted rules. Think about how you'd feel if the tables were reversed.


Other than that??? Be willing to defend a position and realize that by making a statement there is a good chance that someone is likely to have a different view.




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Oh ya,


Go Leafs.


It's a walleye.


That fish was 2.5 lbs not 3lbs.


Plastic is better than bait.


Worms are better than minnows.


Canoes not Kayaks.


Learn to spell or use a spell checker.


Rivet vs welded hull :dunno:




Sometimes I'm just a #$%@ pain in the butt.



And what the heck does this one mean? :jerry:

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Don't date anyone board memberss' daughter unless you won the applicable contest.


As long as you buy the old man some tackle you're usually good to go.

Maybe if you post in the classified section under "trade" ???



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I post specific spots and even GPS Lat/long lots of times. I even posted the coordinates for spot right out in front of my house once and watched for a couple of weeks to see how mant people fished there, None! (could be no one believed me) But if you really want to know my secret holes you have to come fishing with me and unless I know you well and trust you, you will never know all my best ones or what I was using. Actually, If I don't trust you, you won't be going fishing with me anyway.


If someone asks me for help and I think it might infinge on someone elses enjoyment or if it is a spot someone has taken me in confidance then I don't violate that confidance. If I feel that I can help someone and they have shown a willingness to help others then I often supply the information via PM or email. I have been fortunat enough to be able to help a few people here over the years and have received just as much if not more help in return.


I guess about the only rule I worry about is to "do unto others". Seems to work for me anyway.

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I caught a fish, it may or may not be trout......could be a salmon, i'm not telling. There might have been more landed, possibly even more hooked, but I'm not saying. It could have caught in a Lake Ontario tributary, possibly not, but definitely in Ontario.


Anyway thanks to the community for letting me share my fishing trip, tips up!



Edited by CLofchik
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