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Jack (Nanook) needs our help...


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After being in the same situation for the last 9 months all I can say is hang in there and try your best to keep everything as positive as possible. One of my surgeons said it best...medicine is not an exact science, everyone is different and sometimes we have to fine tune our treatment. It's hard to accept and do but being positive should help you in the long run. My thoughts are with you.

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I spoke with Jack this morning and he is feeling a bit better now that he is in a room and not stuck in a hallway...has had a couple of meals of solid food but still has the intervenious tube to ward off dehydration...


Tests so far have found nothing but he has one more to go with the proctologist and hopefully they will get to the bottom of all the complications :rolleyes: (pun intended) He definately sounds like he is in good spirits (No...not your kind Dawg)


Anyhow...that's your lot for now...keep up the good thoughts and prayers for him...

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Thanks for bringing us up to date on Jack's condition Norm, and hopefully now he's on the road to a speedy recovery.


Jacks a good ole dood and deserves the best care he can get !!


Best wishes from myself & Diane

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It's about 2:00 pm, just got off the phone with Jack and Jackie..... Some Dr. came in and mentioned the big C word to Jack and was surprised he didn't know. Needless to say both of them are very worried and waiting to hear back from Jack's Dr.. Jackie has vowed to stay by Jack's side untile they get some answers... "I wouldn't have expected anything less from those two". Seems the nurses have agreed that she can stay as long as she wants to no matter what the visiting hours are. Good on them I say! Good thing they did or they would have found out what a fight really is LOL.


It will take a while to find out what is really going on but every prayer will help.... sure can't hurt!


Please keep praying folks, Jack would do no less for any of you!

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Jan. 18,08 update.


Well, I just got off the phone with Jack and they are doing more tests but they did confirm that there is some cancer but they don't know the extent of it yet. Jack thought he might be going home today after the bone scan and have to go back in a couple of days for the results but he'll be much happier at home! (Jackie might not like the nurses uniform that he got for her though LOL). he sure seemed excited about getting home though LOL.


Anyway just wanted to fire off an update because Jack doesn't have access to a computer at the hospital, hopfully he'll feel well enough to get on line soon!

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I spoke with Jack shortly after Cliff and have nothing more to add except Jack's thanks for all our concern and to let Joe and Art know that he was really impressed to hear from the boys down south...Kudos guys!


Keep his special spot open on the dock this spring Meely...

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Thanks for the updates Beans and Cliff. Remember this Jack, there's still lots of fishing to be done. :Gonefishing: My Grandfather was given the big "C" word with the same condition your have and he's still doing well after several years of being told. Stay on the bright side. We're all pulling for you here. ;)

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