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Why is this so difficult?


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I am just playing a bit of devil's advocate here, so don't take this the wrong way.


By calling out a company on a "single" item, you are in fact putting them under an umbrella that makes them look far worse than possibly you intended to. Yes, you made mention of ONE item that was more expensive than RadioWorld. I don't think that warrants a thread on a board that has thousands of members. As I said, Lebaron's was even more expensive than Fishing World - should we start a seperate thread pointing out the pitfalls of shopping there?


I don't believe Fishing World is guilty of trying to "rip you off." They had a price and you weren't agreeable to it - that's pretty much all there is to it. As much as you say it isn't about dollars and cents, by posting this thread, that is exactly what you are making it out to be.


Every single item you purchase on a daily basis can be found cheaper somewhere, as well as more expensive. That's a fact of life. We are told early in life to look for the best deal, well, at least I was. All you are stating is common sense, Gerritt, yet also costing a retailer customers and money, simply because you didn't agree with a price they had on a product. You could make threads like this until the sheep come home, but what is the point?


An interesting experiment would be to call a dozen fishing retailers and get a price on the unit you want to buy. Also, ask each one if they will match RadioWorlds price. The post the results.

I have a feeling you'd have a lengthy list of retailer's that are "out in left field", not just the one you have stated here. And is that really fair to single out one place, that for many folk, have had nothing but good experiences there.


I believe you could of got your point across better in this thread by simply stating..."Always look for the best deal when making a purchase." Only because, I know for a fact that the retailer you mentioned isn't the only one with prices you wouldn't agree with.

A blanket statement is always better than singling one out, especially in terms of only "one" item...


Time to move on....next topic! ;):D;)


Good Fishing,


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Heres to add to Joe's good point of view. When you shop local you support yourself to some degree. Your local guy pays taxes (lots of them). These taxes support your community. Eliminate local businesses and who picks up the taxes required to run it? You do. Chances are your local guy understands this and would support the local businesses as well. He/she probably gets hit daily with can you help support our ball/hockey/boy-or girl scout etc. club or donations to fishing events. The margins are not as large in a smaller store as they would not have the buying power of the large box stores. But repair service means a lot. Big box stores seem to miss the boat (no pun intended)on that often.

Edited by Bernie
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Different strokes for different folks.


I by no means have any affilation with fishing world. or Radioworld . I have bought from Radioworld a few times in the past and found the prices to be good but the service sucked. They would not even do anything for me just before xmas when I bought a 334c igps icefishing unit there instead I had to go directly to Lowrance in Missisauga. Last year I waited three months for a product they had no problem charging me for the day of and told me it would be in stock under a week.


The day after boxing day this year i went to Fishing world for a clam suit and some general tackle. I checked alot of prices there and found alot of them to be cheaper than most. Blake was very good to me and even gave me a free hat. I saw that they had alot of hard to find items that Bass Pro, Le barons, never seem to have in stock and are never sure when they will be getting them. I'm sure if you would have went in there you probally gotten a better price. I for one dont mind spending a little more sometimes to get service like I had there. I will shop there more often.


Lots of stores get calls every day to get the cheaper price never to shop there again. You were maybe one of many calls like that for that day. I bet if you called there and explained that you shop there alot you would get that deal you are looking for. I build a relationship with a few stores as it seems that you do as well ,and get charged sometimes more than I should. Other times I get a better deal than anyone. Bring Blake a coffee, its seems to loosen him up a little. LOL.

Edited by smalliefisher
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I am just playing a bit of devil's advocate here, so don't take this the wrong way.


By calling out a company on a "single" item, you are in fact putting them under an umbrella that makes them look far worse than possibly you intended to. Yes, you made mention of ONE item that was more expensive than RadioWorld. I don't think that warrants a thread on a board that has thousands of members. As I said, Lebaron's was even more expensive than Fishing World - should we start a seperate thread pointing out the pitfalls of shopping there?


I don't believe Fishing World is guilty of trying to "rip you off." They had a price and you weren't agreeable to it - that's pretty much all there is to it. As much as you say it isn't about dollars and cents, by posting this thread, that is exactly what you are making it out to be.


Every single item you purchase on a daily basis can be found cheaper somewhere, as well as more expensive. That's a fact of life. We are told early in life to look for the best deal, well, at least I was. All you are stating is common sense, Gerritt, yet also costing a retailer customers and money, simply because you didn't agree with a price they had on a product. You could make threads like this until the sheep come home, but what is the point?


An interesting experiment would be to call a dozen fishing retailers and get a price on the unit you want to buy. Also, ask each one if they will match RadioWorlds price. The post the results.

I have a feeling you'd have a lengthy list of retailer's that are "out in left field", not just the one you have stated here. And is that really fair to single out one place, that for many folk, have had nothing but good experiences there.


I believe you could of got your point across better in this thread by simply stating..."Always look for the best deal when making a purchase." Only because, I know for a fact that the retailer you mentioned isn't the only one with prices you wouldn't agree with.

A blanket statement is always better than singling one out, especially in terms of only "one" item...


Time to move on....next topic! ;):D;)


Good Fishing,




I do agree with some of your comments Justin... However,,, it hs been alot more then just "one" item.... FW is the largest (in terms of square footage) tackle shop here in Hamilton...


So given their "size" they are considered the best.... I will make this known to you now..... but this is private... (Even moderators dont get a break when they are OBVIOUSLY OVER PRICED) and no I am not a mod here.... meaning it was someone other then me :)


I am calling them out on one simple fact... weather you agree or not... they call themselves competitive... in terms of pricing... do you think they are competitive? perhaps if I was is Holland! sadly my local tackle shop is waiting for a "sucker" as Brian put it.... and I dont want to see any fellow fisherman Suckered into buying over priced electronics.... if they can they have the same item for 200 buck less down the road...


sorry for standing up for the locals here in Hamilton... but I refuse to pay 130.00 more for something someone in the 416 or 519 can have for alot less.



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I don't believe Fishing World is guilty of trying to "rip you off." They had a price and you weren't agreeable to it - that's pretty much all there is to it.


This should be reiterated.....


There is no crime in making money (as long as there is no price fixing etc. involved). If people will buy it for that price, and some will, then thats good for the retailer.


Good for you to research your purchase and find the best deal.


I generally avoid "price matching" if possible, and reward the retailer that goes out of its way to offer the lowest price.


For a bit of contrast, check out this thread: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...388&hl=clam. Fishing World praised for having something "fully stocked and a lot cheaper than most".


Goes both ways..... :whistling:


Burt :)

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Not that I care about any of this but saying that local small shops have overhead yada yada yada is a moot point. How much tax do you think BPS pays for their store? How much does it cost for services, wages, this that and the other thing. I have found that FW has a great slection of lures and stuff and sometimes their prices are good.


I think the point that Gerr is making is that if these smaller 'local' stores are crying about not being able to compete with the bigger stores, they have to start getting the prices close to the bigger stores. If FW had come back with a price that was $40 more than Radio World (which is a small local eletronics shop as well) I would be Gerr would have bought it there. But their price was 20% more than Radio World. Big store, little store, 20% is a huge gap in price.



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Gerritt glad to hear Jos could help you out, he is amazing with the electronics and as a small town shop he can usually beat all the big guys or stay very competitive. I spend 99% of my fishing money with him and price is only a very small part of the reason. I actually called him from the lake when I had trouble with my Eagle (new to it) and he talked me through it on a Saturday morning when I know his shop was swamped, Service is fantastic. If you ever need something from him and can't make the trip let me know and I can pick it up for you and ship it if needed, it gives me an excuse to make the trip :clapping: :clapping:

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I have dealt with Fishing World only on occasion as I live in Oshawa....however all my experiences have been positive.


Experience #1


When I got into Carp Fishing it was the only "one stop" store for Carpers in Southern Ontario. Maybe it still is...I have so darn much gear now I may never have to buy anything else. I went there on advise from a fellow member of this board. I was like a kid in a candy store. They had everything I needed...and a staffer who was a Carp finatic himself to help me out. Any by help me out I mean listen to me and help me out...not try and rape an unsuspecting newbie to carping.Bass Pro had nothing to compare and neither did any of the stores out east of the GTA. It was abit of a run for me from Oshawa...but well worth it.




I needed blades for my 5 inch Strikemaster Lazer Auger. Just try to find those in stock somewhere here in Southern Ontario. Bass Pro...no. Tromblay in Orillia...no. Everywhere else I asked...no. I call up Fishing World...yes...and they are delivered to me in 3 days and the delivery charge was less then what I would have spent on gas to drive there and back to get them.


Experience #3


I use live maggots/spikes for winter ice fishing. Nobody local to Oshawa carries them. Places on Lake Simcoe I frequent have them sporadically and lots of times they are past there prime. I pick up the phone and Fishing World delivers them right to me... again for a minimal charge.


Just thought I should mention a different point of view. I do not know anyone there and have no stake in the store. I'm just a satisfied customer.


Too me its like grocery shopping...some stores consistantly have the best meat...some the best produce...some stores you only go into because they have a super "special" on for a week, so you buy a ton and stock up....and the one you drive right by on the way home from work...well....it's just plain convenient.On any given week or on any particuliar item your store of preference can change. It is up to us all individually to make the best choices for ourselves.


Good luck with your purchase Gerritt. I respect your opinion...but will continue to patronize Fishing World as long as they continue to treat me the way they have in the past.

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Justin said it well.


Can't fault you for sourcing a better price but did you ever think that maybe a visit to FW in person may have resulted in a better price? There is a possibility that you may have been recognized as a frequent customer and a favour could have been in order.


Another slant on this is the time, emotional cost (obviously you are worked up) the cost of driving to the small town dealer and the cost if a return visit to the small town dealer if need be could almost add up to your savings :dunno: if you put a dollar value on these factors.


Just another way to look at it.


Whatever, all the best with your purchase

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What I pay for my purchases is my responsibility. I don't think this thread prevented anyone from buying overpriced electronics. Anyone in there right mind would take a good long look at all the pricing everywhere and make a well thought out balanced decision. Some places get stuck with high priced stock, some get a good batch at a good price and torch the other place, but they might get you on something else while they are at it.

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So, you asked a store to match someone else's price and they wouldn't. Now you are calling them unfair and accusing them of ripping you off? This is whining of the highest degree.


It would be fine to post positively and let folks know that store X has a good deal on something, but to slag a store for not price matching, then rant over and over about it is over the top.


I am the first to let it be known if a shop offers blatantly poor service, or fails to fulfill their obligation as a retailer, but offering a lower price is not included in that obligation. You asked, they answered. You had every opportunity to shop elsewhere.


If they think they can sell that unit for their quoted price, they owe it to themselves, their employees and their loyal customers to do that. Just because you want it for a lower price, they should take a $130 hit?


Several folks have mentioned on this thread how hard they work for their $$. Put the shoe on the other foot. Retail is a brutal way to make a living, especially in this age of instant internet price quotes. You walk in and ask the guy to reduce his profit by $130. What are you offering him in return? If you act like you act on this thread: nothing. You are loyal to nothing but price.

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well folks this topic has been around for ever!!!!everybody knows you have to shop around,smaller baitshops don't have the buying power big ones do, there for they don't get a very big discount on there orders,we all know every place has a certain mark up and when small places add there mark up it seems high compared to a place like Bass Pro(which i find has no big deal on prices anyway)

Bass Pro how many stores????ya alot,local bait shop....1 store hence not much buying power.


just my 2 1/2 cents


Hawg Hunter

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In no way was this thread posted to as one person put it to Whine about FW... I posted it because of the companies claims to be competitive.. when I let them know they were not competitive they really could have cared less...


I doubt they would have moved on the price even if I drove to their store.


a few bucks I can understand as Corey mentioned... but 130.00 is just too much on a 600.00 item


I posted this in the hopes that other anglers, including those new to the sport looking or their first sonar would take notice and shop wisely... just because a store has ample square footage does not always mean they have the best pricing...


How is it a small place in Woodstock can be competitive to the market when the Goliath here in Hamilton cannot?


this is not to BASH FW... as it is their business they are free to do what they want...


I just wanted to inform other fishermen of my experience with the competitive pricing guarantee.


As I stated.. this is certainly not the first time they have been over priced to the rest of the market.. but this was a shock to me.. 40.00 I could understand... but 25% is a just wrong in my opinion.


Caveat Emptor



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Obviously I am biased so I won't get into the entire debate, but if your complaint is that the store wasn't competitive because of one item, then maybe you need to look at the bigger picture. It is likely that radioworld sells more electronics than fishing world and gets a better rate from their supplier.

Competitive does not mean guaranteed lowest prices on everything. I only looked at a few of their lowrance products before I bought my GPS and their price was +/- 10% of everyone else.

I never go off on a 7-11 store because their prices are higher than everyone else's. If I don't like the price I can go somewhere else.

In a store like Fishing World or Radio World or a computer store, it is the after-purchase service that is far more important than the price.


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The price is the price is the price. . I shop around, and I pay what I think is a fair price, and occasionally I find out that I've bought something that I could've had a little cheaper if I'd only have looked a little harder. I have to agree with that coach and Justin fella. Time to let this go.

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I thank everyone for their point of view, I definably appreciate it! I bought what I wanted today and extra... my bill was 1050.07 in total... but I got what I was looking for plus plus plus :) Jos is a great guy! mind you a little bit different! ;) Thanks again to everyone that let me know that you can get both get prices and great service from a small shop... Jos was proof positive of that! A small shop that blows everyone else out of the water when it comes to pricing and personal service.. he literally spent over 2 hours showing me how things work and how they they can work in conjunction with one another! He programmed the units before I left.... guess what.... I will be returning.. and with friends... I will go back there for that type of personal service for sure.. and there were other people in the store, and the phone ringing etc... but his attention was directed toward us..


This is what it was about...


I would also like to thank SilveradoSheriff both for the ride from the 401, the advice and the chat...


It was nice to meet you and lets hook up for some fishing!


Rod is a great guy... anyone lucky enough to meet the man is certainly going to have a great day!



This will be my last post on this thread.. I think everyone knows I am not happy with the price given to me by the largest in my area..


Jos, has made a new friend.... Shhhhh dont tell the wife...


Up next is a new VHF unit with DSC and summers worth of tackle..


see you soon Jos!



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All I know is that Cabela's in the US is usually cheaper than anywhere in Canada even after shipping , tax, customs, brokerage and whatever else. Not always on everything but 80% of the time they are, that's what I've found from my research, specially with the strong Canadian dollar.

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To be perfectly honest I really don`t care about retailers overhead,profit etc. as the head of my family I have overhead,taxes etc. and I have a responsibility for my bottom line and at the end of the year when I get my T4 and I see that I have a 50% of my earnings have been taken away and add to that I lose another 13% everytime I purchase something. You can be assured that I watch how I spend my available cash and chances are that if it is not on sale I don`t buy it.


Sorry but that is the way it is in my world of limited finance.

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A free market is available to all of us and I embrace the opportunities it offers. All my purchases are decided by me and it's up to me to come up with what best fits my needs. I love being in control of my finances. Never have made much money, but have been living below my means for a few decades and that makes me rich by not having money pressures.


I'm bothered by parting with money when I have very little control of the amount or how it's spent. I have problems giving up money I send to tax collectors and the worst possible investment I've ever made is sending 15.2% of my earned income to the U.S. Government for their "legal" Ponzi Scheme", Social Security. Every president beginning with Lyndon Johnson has made an annual raid of the Social Security surplus and with the help of congress, increased the size of government.


I prefer to see our board continue on a positive note and not be involved in the personal destruction of a person or business, based on one experience.


Moderators, I understand your position and can only hope you receive voluntary cooperation from members to maintain an acceptable level of discussion by showing respect for the other guy.

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