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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. Yes absolutely hard or soft water. I keep it out of sight in soft water season but hard water I travel with my portable hut and all gear ready to go at the drop of a hat.
  2. Or tune up the sled? And get ready for winter? Ya I just wish I lived up there.. Nice fish. Well done.
  3. You may want to buy a map of Simcoe. Work points and drop offs that lead into a small flat section. Failing that bring some worms and 2 inch shiners for perch. Good luck.
  4. When the guy in the front of the boat cast everywhere and leaves you with nothing except behind the boat.... Grrrrrrrr. Then complains that he cant get close enough to where he wants to cast. Oh ya that started more than a few battles.
  5. No hockey guys out there???? Chicago 3 games to 2 against boston and they are looking strong..Go Chicago....

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      I had Boston in 6. Your right Chicago is looking strong.I think it's Chicago's time.!!

    2. misfish


      I,ll watch game 7.

    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      I'd hate to think if Boston loses,you missed there last game.lol.

  6. Its now a trolling rod . Fix the tip and put a bigger real on it.
  7. Good question. My first response is it will last until You break it. Simply because the only rods I have broken was due to my carelessness. Having said that I have rods that are retired and only used when I need a wake up call.. I have all my Dads rods and some would still catch fish(pushing 50 years old) I think it rely does depend on how you look after them and how you use them. The rods on the market for the past 15yrs the average angler couldn't where out from fishing they may get softer but that is up to you to adjust to.
  8. Cant wait for July long weekend. Time to get back to fishing for the big ones.. Pike /bass and maby lunge maby...?

    1. Christopheraaron


      Hey, those flies are big enough, you never know ;)

    2. dhickey


      Cool ..

      Call you tomorrow.

    3. Christopheraaron
  9. Lets go Chigcago Go......

    1. misfish


      sssssssssssshhhhhhhhh up you

    2. misfish


      Not a good start LA.:0(

  10. To add to this the people were great. They told us about places that weren't on maps. It was so cool to be some where on our own.
  11. Im gona go out on a limb and say Chicago. Im a huge Boston fan but I like chicago as well...Go Hawks GO

  12. Alma (Bay of Fundy) We had plans to go to the island but ended up in Alma for 7 days. AWSUM..... We got to see the coast and small towns along with all the typical sight seeing stuff. The whales were in and simply a moment I will never forget.... If you go off the beaten track it is simply AWSUM!!! Don.
  13. Can I just watch you guys in action? Then Im in Sat.. I wont even fish.
  14. Trying to decide between Boston or Chicago or Chicago or Boston?????????????????

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      LA for sure,Pitts,you aint seen nothing yet. lol.

    3. misfish


      Buddy at work bet me pit wins 8-0. Ya I took the bet.

    4. Christopheraaron


      mind if I take part Brian?

  15. NICE... Well done.
  16. I wash my hands and feet at the shoreline with mud or sand no soap as soon as I get to it. Then set up the boat before my 2nd beer.
  17. I saw a guy keep 3 small pike but the problem I had was when he cleaned them all he took was the last 6 inches of the tail. I was pretty upset when I saw the fish in the fire. When I confronted him about this he said he couldn't be bothered with the bones. What do you think? Should this be considered the same as poaching? Can I report something like this.? Or am I just over reacting?
  18. Rod. Shimano 6ft 1 piece medium/heavy. Reel. Pflueger 1335 purist . Line. P line voltage 10 pound. Simply the best in years. excellent casting(no line twist) Drag worked overtime on a nice 34 inch pike. The combo worked well but it only has 2 fish on the real and line. The rod is a gem.... Any input on the reel and line as to what I should expect in the future? Don.
  19. XL And don't kiss a smelly fish. Couldn't resist...
  20. Chicogo 1. Boston1. I still feel its in the cards....Hawks Bruins final....

  21. I found a gold Olympic coin with a certificate of authenticity along with a registration number and inspection number. 6 And A Falkland 10 coin 1980. And several books from 1870-1950. Any thoughts?? Don.
  22. Yaaaaaa Hawks.... Lets go Boston ... One game at a time.

  23. So after reading this my question would be. Is this forum devoted to new products on the market? Or new products that we personally have purchased regardless of how long the product has been on the market? Don.
  24. Well I guess that makes up for the winter (and the broken auger ?) That was you rite? Don.
  25. Sounds like you should check the diaphragm if its cracked the pump motor will run full tilt and drain your batteries in no time because it isn't pumping air. Mine runs about 30 hrs in winter on 2 d cells . Check the diaphragm..
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