Wallies live to be anywhere from 12 to 20 yrs old depending on presure. (fishing and water conditions)
They start to spawn at 3- 4yrs old
They do not need rivers to spawn.
You guys may be in for a 6-7 yr lull in pickeral fishing.
Go after the muskie that is their biggest problem.
Be prepared to see the slot size increase.
MNR posted a study saying that the fish being cought havent had the chance to spawn therfore the fish are younger than 4yrs old but fit into a slot size that is not alowing the fish to reproduce??
The same study also pionted out the fact that they grow into the slot size at a younger age2-3yrs not being mature enough to spawn.
This would sudjest that the fry have a good food chain in front of them and very little competion?
Thus they grow at an excelled rate?
My take on it.
Not only that but given climate change over the past few years its easy to see how warmer temps could cause fish to grow at a faster rate along with other problems such as alge blooms.
Granted I am not a scientist but an avid outdoors man and I see changes on a regular bassis.
It becomes our responsibility to adjust and preserve..