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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. Thanks for giving me somthing to look at and think about. Last time I checked there are alot of protected grounds for up there for pickeral. But that was about 6 yrs ago things may have changed? If you plan on going into the bay keep your head up . She gets nasty REAL FAST.... Good luck.
  2. ???? Excuse me. Dont twist my words.. So your saying that there is lots of food for younge fish and that the compitition/muskie/bass /cisscoe are not intrested in pickeral fry? Or are you saying that the pickeral fry have lots of food and grow fast?
  3. Wallies live to be anywhere from 12 to 20 yrs old depending on presure. (fishing and water conditions) They start to spawn at 3- 4yrs old They do not need rivers to spawn. You guys may be in for a 6-7 yr lull in pickeral fishing. Go after the muskie that is their biggest problem. Be prepared to see the slot size increase. MNR posted a study saying that the fish being cought havent had the chance to spawn therfore the fish are younger than 4yrs old but fit into a slot size that is not alowing the fish to reproduce?? The same study also pionted out the fact that they grow into the slot size at a younger age2-3yrs not being mature enough to spawn. This would sudjest that the fry have a good food chain in front of them and very little competion? Thus they grow at an excelled rate? My take on it. Not only that but given climate change over the past few years its easy to see how warmer temps could cause fish to grow at a faster rate along with other problems such as alge blooms. Granted I am not a scientist but an avid outdoors man and I see changes on a regular bassis. It becomes our responsibility to adjust and preserve..
  4. If your looking on line then here is a few sudjestions. Employment Canada. it has lots of job postings full time and part time wich could be a suitible interm solution? Indeed job serch. Jobboom. Thats just a start but if you sign up to these they send you dayly job postings that suit your profile. Employment Canada also has programs desighned for job seekers of all ages and well worth taking advantage of after all you help fund the program. Dont forget that the E I system has changed and the focus is on finding work and retraining.Its not the gravy train it use to be for way to many people. Don.
  5. A LITTLE HINT... Get rid of it as soon as you can.... Those 8's are boat anchors.. The engine and ecm are always first to go then the ellectrical problems start after the new ecm is installed.
  6. Rulue # 1 Do not buy a battery from CT.. Rule # 2-5 See above Go to bps or any marina close to you.
  7. Give me a shout when your bourd. Good luck with the job serch.
  8. I fish a lake where blue pickeral were considerd gone 20yrs ago. Guess what? They are there and thriving along with muskie. The lake was all but fished out except for bass due to greed. Its now become the silent playground. As for cormorants they should be shot on site!!! Don
  9. Compleetly out of text and uncalled for...
  10. I put it on a rib roast. Doesnt take much. You wont regret it
  11. All to often they are not native fry. That brings on a whole new sort of circumstances into the mix and blows hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of resurch out the window. Intoduce a different genetic pool is a last resort. Bottle neckiking is prety much a foregone conclusion. Protecting the native stock is the key. IMO Increasing the slot size will probably be the next step?? Reserch backs it up..
  12. So who thinks Harper must go?? Ill start. I DO!!!! He solld out our natiral resourses with no liability to forighn investment???????????????????????? Dont think so!!! Im not money stupid....
  13. Try the Crown Royal maple finished.. OMG
  14. Any one watching 5th estate??? Salmon stocking and the effects of trying to lure them in. Sometimes its best to leave Mother Nature to her own meens??? "its not about greed" Personaly I think that Nippising is far to exploited and its about time to let it bounce back. The MNR has made public all studies. Personaly I believe in the cycle system that pretty much all lakes go through it then becomes the responsability of anglers to do the right thing no matter how much it hurts. Weather it be Nippising or any ather lake big or small... It may be time for those that make their living off the fishery of Nippising to adjust in order to protect a natural resource.. My piont is that if im only alowd to keep a fish no bigger than a perch on Simcoe then why spend the monney to make the trip????? As for the MNR we can all find fault. But if they didnt exist nor would the fishery we call OURS!!! Its time to work together Anglers/Aborigonals/Pollititions/Scientist and Entreprenures science holds the ansure. My 2 cencts. Don.
  15. To much work and not enough play leaves a man. Wishing he was fishing.....Good luck guys. I will be working..

  16. You dont even have a car to go fishing this weekend.....DAAA
  17. Sweet. What a trip Inspiering to say the least.
  18. nope. no pics. Nice try though. Some things are better left a lone.. Simcoe/Llindsy or Kingston? Just want to find somone to replicate a couple.
  19. Some one has to tell the young guns how to get things done ...
  20. Thanks FishLogic. Its not plastic but wood I think its either Ash or maby even Hicory either way its hard as nails . Dont even know what its called. My Father gave them to me 25yrs ago and im down to my last one??? More would be nice to have. Don.
  21. I have a lure that is no longer made. I would like to find somone that has the skills to replicate it? Its a solid body. Any sudjustions would be welcome.
  22. Any one wana post their bet?? Im in. 483
  23. Boston Whaler? Whaler all the way.... You can cut waves in a storm like nobodys buisness.Bitt of a rough ride but compleetly in controll. Just be shure to have a responsive engine behind you. Shallow is good. at low speed..
  24. River then pike time..Any one intrested in teaching an old dawg new tricks on the river?? 7.30 sundown is driving me CRAZY!!!

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