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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. I hate that. 200 ft rule.
  2. Yes Terry it is bouncing back. And its about time. My point is let it bounce back. I just don't feel that introducing new fish is the way to go. The smelt are coming back and the herring can be a pain in the but at times but its bait for the big girls we want to catch? My point is that most of the fish we catch are stocked bass included. In my little place in this world I would like to hit Simcoe and have the choice of fishing lakers/whiteys/pike/perch or smelt. Like when I was a kid and my Dad took me out fishing.(pipe dream) Don.
  3. x 2. I just looked to find Native fish in Simcoe and came up with nothing but perch? I find that hard to believe seeing as it was at one time an amazing place to fish many/many years past. That stocking is the only way to prevent depletion.???? That puts me on to another topic you all don't want to hear. Simcoe has become nothing but a stocked lake and there is nothing we can do about it falling short of banning any economic growth?(pollution) Not to mention people that have complete disregard for rules or conservation. Example. Last long weekend I as well as my kids witnessed persons not from Canada keeping everything including bass 6 inches as well as sunfish/perch and rock bass and they thought they hit the Mother load? Meanwhile our kids are out there catching 2-4 pound bass and thinking nothing of putting them back.??? This is a back lake 4 hours away for us and 14 away for the people Im discusted at. Rant is done for now. Don.
  4. they were probably just a little lazy today. As for next time you never know?
  5. Beer batter mixed with water.(2x the water) then thicken it up with whole wheat flour and a little bit of fresh garlic and a splash of steak spice.. Yummm yum.
  6. They are in the water.
  7. Sorry bud. If I could . I would go check it out. If you do find a partner I got a couple lures for you to try.
  8. Nice. My daughter got 2 on her own last Saturday. Not 19" but 18ish. The smiles are incredible. Its kinda funny how the kids get the front of the boat and a little coaching. So worth it...
  9. By the way. If you cant tell the difference between a speck and a bass????? I can tell the difference between Bass/pike/lunge/picks/lakers/whitey/ or perch off the bat. They all fight different and if you know your stuff they take the hook and bait in their own way. My 2cencs?
  10. Hey! Save some minnows for me. Eh!
  11. Nice.... Start them early. My 10yr old daughter out fished me last sat & Sunday.(With a little help )
  12. That place is my go to place for live bait on my way out. The minnows are a little high price wise but excellent quality. Service is great. Its not a BPS but they have the stuff BPS doesn't .
  13. Good to go.... Packed and ready. am. start. Fishing by 10am. 5 days on the water is like a gift from the Gods....

  14. Would you want to get bitten? I can honestly say that I would not nor would I want my children. Does any one know of someone bitten ? I do and it isn't nice.!!!!!
  15. See dreams do come true. Now if I could only win the lottery That's a fish worth bragging about.
  16. Thanks for the good advice guys. You have given me some good things to work on.(think about) I know they are there(pike) its just getting the big ones out to play? Thanks. Don.
  17. OMG... 3 More nights and Im on the water for 5 days.Yaaaaaaa. So stoked it stupud....

  18. Honestly if you have to ask that then don't do it. They would have to be cleaned /rebuilt and synchronized. $$$ A good marine mechanic can do it in a day 8-10 hrs.
  19. Another option is to take the carb(s) off and soak it in fresh gas for about 24hrs then use carb cleaner to do a final cleaning and let it soak in for about 4hrs then hit it again with the cab cleaner. Wash it out with clean gas and install it . If that doesn't help than bite the bullet and get it (them)rebuilt.
  20. YES. Or fuel pump.? Was that checked?
  21. In a nut shell. Ive never been one to float fish on a lake. But I have 5 days coming up and thought I might give it a try. Im pretty certain where they are (pike) But they always eluded us except for the odd 4-6 pounder dragging minnows through weeds. I like the idea of using a slip float to suspend a 5-7 inch minnow about 10-15 ft down on drop offs with weeds. So. Are there floats out there that can do this? And where can I pick them up on short notice? GTA Heading out next Wednesday . Has any one tried this? In mid summer? Any input appreciated. Thanks. Don.
  22. Good luck to them all I hope Dean is next. Then I might start listening on the drive in.
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