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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. I think Frodo should go back to the shire. And figure out where the ring is.
  2. Well on the may long weekend my cuzz pulled up a rod with a cell phone attached to it. The other cuzz pulled up an old ice fishing rig complete with lure line and shingle. No joke. We always get together on the long weekends and fish. Don.
  3. Sweet . Time away with the one you love. Awesome
  4. Well that just BITES!!!!! I guess that guy wont be fishing with you for a while.
  5. You have 2 new lures coming your way. As for the sunning pike or musky its generally a good sine.(the feed is on) But sometimes it doesn't matter what you put in front of them in July and early August. They just get so lazy and finicky that it drives me nuts. 1ft of water is to shallow to throw a minnow at and anything with weight is pointless so your left with a long shot cast on lite line or trying top water casted past and worked slowly into the strike range.
  6. What kind of tree was it? Was it effecting him and his use of his property? Did he cut more than 30% of the tree?
  7. Ya ever here the story about a bass that was so big it had moss on its back? Or the one about catching a bass through the ice but the mouth was so big it couldn't fit up the hole?
  8. Cool. Tubing the Notty. Now that sounds like a blast.
  9. Have the carb rebuilt by a certified marine mechanic.
  10. Here comes another storm. High humidity cool wind. Thunder and lightning. Tottenham

  11. For a second there I thought you were serious. I should have known better. Nice one.
  12. If you don't have A/C YOU PROBABLY have a fan or fans. The key is to point the fan out of a window and open a window on the bottom floor at night this creates a negative air flow in your house. Thus drawing colder air into your house while pushing hot air out. In the morning (6.30 ish) shut the fan down and close your windows. It works give it a try. Don.
  13. IT SUCKS................................. Im melting.
  14. Now all you have to do is figure out when to fish for what. Don't forget the top water lures
  15. Simply outstanding.. The raw emotion was refreshing.. The first time I swore in front of my Dad was when I was 10 and I meant every word.. It was over a fish that broke my line.
  16. I dont to about you guys but I can shure do without this humidity....A little wind would be nice, Oh ya Bring on winter.Geeeez

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      I like it all!!!!!!!!!lol.


    3. i2cool2fool


      Cold BEvERage time!

    4. aplumma


      Heats good makes things grow green and water so much more comfortable to swim in


  17. That sounds more like a work out. Glad to see you got some time to fish.
  18. The smiles on the youngsters are electric to say the least. Good for you
  19. What... All that and no fish.... any good tracks?????? Those old mines are like stepping back in time. As for the bugs bananas help repel them but only if you eat them on a regular basis.(something about the acid in them?) helps when you sweat. Oh ya Nice report.
  20. NICE!!! Your living the dream
  21. Well then. How many cast would you be willing to make or how much time would you be willing to troll? The average musky fisherman spend on average 75 hrs looking for something to talk about.
  22. I put them out only after every thing has failed. Its great for tempting suspended fish.
  23. Or 4 I didn't bother setting the date on my camera. But thanks for pointing that out.
  24. You might want to let your friend know that if a storm rolls by the waves can and do hit about 4-6 ft with swells that leave you speaking to God.... He better buy one hell of a good boat or a reliable truck. I would go with the truck....
  25. You may want to put some penetrating oil on it before you try driving it through. If you don't have a long punch you can the but end of a drill bit after you let the oil work its magic.
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