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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. Verry nice Put the bug in now and one day it will be him taking you out
  2. The perch are everywhere. If you dont want to go to far then I would say just south of Fox island... Don.
  3. Time to push the button and go fishing....Here fishy fishy....Going back to the shmourguhsborg.../??

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Good to meet you Don!how was the rest of your day?.

    2. dhickey



      just git home

  4. I wake up every morning thinking of where and how to catch fish through the ice....I LOVE ice fishing!!!

  5. Only to a select few. Otherwise never!!!
  6. Yep get a good map and if you dont see anyone out there dont go!!!
  7. They come out to play and go away. Got it...
  8. And who is calling who crazy???? Here?
  9. Sounds like the good old local boys kicking off the season with a party but it probably wont happen every weekend? This happens on Simcoe all the time. Your best bet would be to call the MNR and OPP. They work together on Simcoe all the time so I would think that it would be the same where you are as long they have time to co-ordinate. Or talk to your local MNR and just make them awere of whats going on. Nothing worse than a bunch of people acting like morrons.. Good luck.
  10. Beaverton was the same yesterday. Sleds were the only machines moving with ease. We need a couple cold nites.
  11. Ok Skunked again..Buddy cought a 7 lbs laker..Im giving up on ice fishing.. Until Saturday.

  12. Welcome to the big Smoke... Im going fishing tomoro...Nothing I or you can do about it.. Hows Jen doing? Want to come fishing???

  13. Tuesday is just around the corner and Im goin fishin........Here fishy fishy fishy....

  14. This is truely a perrents worst fear. And my best thoughts and regardes . There is some hope. I have a friend that spent almost 2 months in a comma . After 2 months he was back to the person we all new.
  15. Thanks guys I will keep this in mind. But 2 buckets what a pain in the buttttt.
  16. Just wondering because I went through 2 scoops of minnows in 4 hours last saturday.
  17. If I take a child under 16 fishing does that mean that Im alowed to have twice the amount of bait? Saltydawg.
  18. Yep.. I checked out your site rather quickly yesterday and it just occured to me that I didnt see any flies or streamers? You might want to check that out seing as the river season is fast aproaching? Just a thought. Good luck and all the best Don.
  19. Is it Friday yet...I just want to go fishing. No politics no rubber vrs bio. My head hurts.On the bright side its cold=good ice this wknd. Here whitey witey

  20. Yep keep your head up. But this weekend should be ok for hard ice. Look out for presure craks. they dont seem to be in the usual places?? Don.
  21. Geothermall is a great idea or concept but the cost of running the system is extreem to say the least. Current building codes require a system that runs on a fosill fule in order to obtain an occupancy permit. If you have the $$$ to spend on new technology than good for you but the average person should choose a system that is reliable. Having said that I am a HUGE fan of new technology when it comes to new houses. If its wind/solar geo or fosill they all work together?? Looking forward Don.
  22. Not to say your wrong but I bought these 20 yrs ago and would like to get it made if not just for me then maby some others would enjoy?
  23. Ya cant find them anywhere... I have another one its called a Water DAWG Cant find it? Got a couple other that I would like to find as well.. Don.
  24. Ya I picked them up out in Alberta. They dont look the same here??? Don.
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